
Anonymous 55865
Which are you? I'm gothic lolita
Anonymous 55866
>>55865im probs attention whore cosplayer and gamer ha
Anonymous 55869
I guess moralfag fits best now, but I've been so many of the others in the past.
Anonymous 55870
>>55865probably the /a/sshole and the japanophile lol
Anonymous 55874
>needing to be a lolicon to like guro
why do men always project so hard
Anonymous 55876
>>55874tbf when it comes to sex weirdos, even women, extreme shit often overlaps.
I assume meme just generally refers to Nemu-tier gals.
Anonymous 55877
>>55874this is from a time where 4chan was absolutely diseased with lolicons, and pedobear, and being a pedophile predator online - all TOTALLY ironically. if lolicon wasn't in a thread it could be shoehorned in somehow.
Anonymous 55896
>”I’m not in here”
>sees hiki internet stalker
Well I’m being a model citizen in 2020 :D
Anonymous 55899
>>55897Saying inside, not talking to or breathing on anyone. Hikki lifestyle makes social distancing super easy.
Anonymous 55903
>>55899You can still stalk people from the Internet.
Anonymous 55912
>>55865>batshit insane bisexual loliconi just like guro lol
Anonymous 55915
why is there so many moralfags? especially those weird anti-shippers who make entire tumblr blogs and twitter accounts obsessed with “problematic” ships?
Anonymous 55920
I wish we could go back to a simpler time
Anonymous 55928
Fat yaoi fangirl, except I have no boobs.
Anonymous 55931
How old is this image? I think the newest anime here is TTGL.
Also do people still watch Gravitation and Loveless in 2020?
Anonymous 55935
>my dad
Also, fanartist
Anonymous 55944
>>55931i remember seeing this floating around in 2008, so it might literally be from 2007
Anonymous 55950
Resident narutard, sakura was my favorite bitch
Anonymous 56029
I’m hikikomori internet stalker
Anonymous 263944

fuck it bumping 3 year old threads
I'm a hikikomori internet stalker and a moralfag except I don't see the point in arguing with degenerates so i simply avoid them
Anonymous 263948
i remember being so viscerally disgusted by this meme when i was 14 kek i was a baby moralfag. now im a gaiafag gamer i guess
Anonymous 263951
>>263948The moralfag to batshit insane pipeline is real! Repent before its too late nona.
Anonymous 263952
I love the black weeaboo lulz
Anonymous 263953
>>263951Yes I'm here because I've fucking lost it
Anonymous 263956

Probably gamer+hikki, don't really watch anime anymore
Anonymous 264024
"Moralfag" is the only one that said something that reflects me in any way so I'm going with that.
Also lolicreeps deserve the rope.
Anonymous 264934
>>55865I barely watch anime I just read yaoi
Anonymous 264939
>batshit insane bisexual lolicon
But she seems way cooler than me I could only hope
Anonymous 264948
My god, this image is probably as old as some nonas here.
Anonymous 264950
Moralfag mixed with hot topic but remove the Lolita part
Anonymous 265194
>>55865moralfag gamer, a little bit of batshit insane (misandrist guro is based, loli is not. kill all pedos.)
Anonymous 265628
>>55896I was thinking the same thing until I saw that one. It used to feel really isolating because I only met a few female stalkers like me and the moid ones I talked to were too repulsive even for me to get along with. I finally got an e-bf though so I only stalk him now, which doesn't count imo so basically I'm cured.
Anonymous 265655
a mixture of gothic lolita + hikki internet stalker + /a/sshole i guess
Anonymous 265963

Gamer and fashion-weeb, i used to do cosplay but normies really killed it for me.
Anonymous 276330
Nah, I'll call you a tranny instead
Anonymous 276333
sounds like what a tranny would say
Anonymous 276336
>says he's a pedo
>admits to being a tranny
this is too funny
Anonymous 276338
1.14% of population yet they commit 41% of suicides
Anonymous 276339
where's the fat yuri lover? none of these represent me at all
Anonymous 276342
i'm the moralfag, loli and shota is wrong you idiots
Anonymous 276354
batshit insane bisexual lolicon, duh
Anonymous 276391
I guess I’m moralfag. I just can’t fucking stand how anime is like 70% underage porn and don’t really watch it.
Anonymous 276395

I'm a batshit insane bisexual shotacon and proud
Anonymous 276441
Hikikomori internet stalker and the batshit insane guro one
Anonymous 276452
Thank you for retraumatizing me, this pic reminds me of bad times
Anonymous 276468
probably gamer if i had to pick.
Anonymous 276493
This thread is proof cc is overrun with trannies.
Anonymous 276516
I have functional depression
Anonymous 276540
>>276510What's "normal" in this age and country is evil.
Anonymous 276580
I fucking hate this as almost all of them are the cheep imitation personalities that flood the everywhere
Anonymous 276603
>>276540>evilyou look delusional saying this under a post supporting pedophilia, but i guess thats what you can expect from troons
Anonymous 276620
>>276540a desire to corrupt the underage is "good"? you aren't doing them a service. fix yourself
Anonymous 276629
>>276603>>276620Who said anything about irl children? I hate 2d boys, so I'm not a pedophile.