Anonymous 57498
What is an ideal woman / what do you aspire to be like?
Anonymous 57511

>>57498Misato and Ritsuko are so cool, I prefer Ritsuko.
Anonymous 57531

I've been thinking about buying a PS4 just to play FFVIIR because of Tifa.
>can kick any male ass if she wants to
>runs her own business
>can take care of herself
>holds many female, maternal qualities, probably hates what feminism has become
>is in great shape, has a gorgeous hair
Anonymous 57671

I’m a teenage girl, so Kasumi Toyama is really inspiring to me :) she’s super passionate and kind
Anonymous 57698
I want to be more cold-blooded. I think I'm becoming it as I get older. I'm trying to be more calm without erasing my feelings. It's like I always overreact or I don't feel any emotion at all. I want to be more empath with the people I'm close. I believe it's a sign of maturity.
Anonymous 59569…

I wanna be like Sanae. Or at least as strong as her after being rejected. Because I don't deal well with rejection. And I cry a lot. I'd also love having long straight hair. Black or amethyst though, not really into red hair.
Anonymous 59583

I love her, I was to be as independent as this Nana.
Anonymous 59652

>>57498Nobody knows about her but she's been important to me. No other female character has been able to occupy her exact vibes and over the years I've realized that I take her as inspirational.
Anonymous 59655

>>57498She's almost one-dimensional as a character, but Tohru Honda from Fruit's Basket strikes a cord with me. There's something about the unapologetic compassion that gets to me.