
Any anons from India here? Anonymous 58271
Where in India do you live? Or did you move to another country? What’s it like there? Are the guys as creepy irl as they are online? What food do you eat? Are you vegetarian? Does everyone work in tech?
Anonymous 58383
In case you didn't know, there's a chan for indians 58599
Heh this is my first post on this website. I usually just come here to lurk and it's fun to see western women talk about their experiences in the first world with anonymity.
I live in Jammu and Kashmir.
I don't have any plans to move to another country permanently but I definitely want to live abroad for a few years.
It's pretty great here. I like crowds and the culture. I love the festivals. I love how big and diverse the country is. It's the best country in the world for me.
Yes, the guys kinda are creepy. I think about 40% of guys are the type that treat you like sisters just for having boobs and long hair. The other 40% sees you as objects and shamelessly leer and catcall. It's hard to find the 20% of decent guys but they are out there. I think it also depends on the class. Upper Middle class and upper class people are more sophisticated about their sexism and will be okay with you dating whoever you want in your early 20s but still expect you to marry their choice in the end. In my family, I was expected to be just as career oriented as the boys in the family. In that department, there was no discrimination.
I have indoctrinated my brother into looking at women as people pretty successfully I think. He's still the best guy I know.
In our home, we mostly eat roti and fried vegetables. Potato dishes are very popular here. Pulses and curries are also staples of North Indian cuisine. I'm not vegetarian and neither is my family even though we're upper caste Hindus. My dad makes the best mutton I've ever had. But we see it as a very enticing and ultimately harmless sin.
In the middle class, yes, most people study engineering. In our family, we had a tradition of girls being doctors and boys being engineers but I studied Computer Science because I don't like Medical.
Anonymous 58600
>>58599>and it's fun to see western women talk about their experiences in the first world with anonymity.Really? Why?
Anonymous 58609
>>58600Uhh I don't know. Maybe it's because I was under the impression that western people are very individualistic so it's nice to see that there is still a sense of sisterhood between anonymous women. Also, it's fun to analyze western society because Je suis
Marxiste>>58608Adult sheep. Goat meat is also called mutton here.
Anonymous 58612

I don't have a good relationship with my dad but I don't think he sees women as below men though he does act like it sometimes. He never made me feel like I had less potential than any man. He doesn't share many household responsibilities with my mom. Sometimes he'll make mutton for fun but he sees household work as beneath him.
I'm light-skinned. Not saying I look like her but the skin tone is pretty similar to Irina Shayk. Also, I have green eyes which are kinda rare in India.
" Is it true that most high caste/class indians are light skinned?"
It's kinda true even though I don't like to admit it because of how much colorism there is here. The further south you go, people start getting more dark-skinned so even the upper caste people are dark-skinned. I'm in the former northernmost state of India and my family migrated from Pakistan. In the north, most upper-caste Indians are light-skinned though dark-skinned upper caste people definitely exist.
Anonymous 58613
India is a hellhole for women. I don't know what the kashmir girl is talking about but whatever it is she definetly doesn't speak for the rest of the country, which is a nightmare for poor women like me
Anonymous 58621
>>58613Where do you live? I'm definite;y not speaking for the whole country and I never said it isn't hard to be a woman in India. I'm just answering the questions.
Anonymous 58623
>>58613Also, I'm a privileged upper-middle-class girl so our experiences differ just like they would in a different country.
Anonymous 58636
>>58609>I was under the impression that western people are very individualistic so it's nice to see that there is still a sense of sisterhood between anonymous women. Also, it's fun to analyze western society because Je suis MarxisteI don't understand, just because we are individualistic does not mean that we don't hang out with people that are like-minded and share worldviews. And what's the deal with marxism? It's a matter of power, not culture I think. I'm sorry if I sound a bit aggressive, I'm genuinely curious.
Anonymous 60694
I like the bobs and vagene. Am a very big fan.
Anonymous 60697
>>58599How is comp sci treating you? do you have trouble competing with a lot of men like in the west?
what really surprised me is that the indian wing of our company seems to be predominately female
Anonymous 117532

>>58271Moved to another country
living is comfy if you upper class. basically most of the young people are neets. if you are anything else you work shitty tech job or something like that.
guys arent that creepy as online but in their own friend circles they can get creepy.
its mostly vegies but every weekend there is meat or something like that from resturant
depends on which city you live in but if you dont live in a major city there is barely any tech jobs
Anonymous 303136

>>117532Think you summed it up, guys are creepy assholes in their probably because they think it’s funny since they are in a gay all male echo chamber. The gender imbalance between automatically made them incels.
Plus in the rural areas it’s not they see psychologists and get medicated like in the west.
Without meds I think the western incels would be just as creepy maybe even more
There’s a lot of autism, bipolar, depression and schizophrenia that goes undiagnosed.
Anonymous 303211
What kind of food is it that makes Indians smell so strongly? I work with tourists and keep meeting groups of indian men that emanate a very strong chemical smell, almost like a leaking battery. Indian women don't seem to have that problem, it's always men. I'm not memeing here btw, it's something I've seen(smelled) a couple times already.
Anonymous 303215
>>303211Masala most likely . The guys likely don’t put on heavy perfume or deodorant. If it’s early in the day especially labrourers they do t do morning showers. More like a night thing , instead of showering twice a day
Anonymous 303222

How is safety in India ? Because I don’t get why these Ukrainian women are fearless here