
A short history of the female imageboards on Brazil Anonymous 60745
This is NOT advertisement, mods, and these imageboards aren't even active right now. Just telling a silly curiosity to my fellow miners.
The rule "tits or GTFO" is enforced on most Brazilian IBs, and anyone who claimed to be female is banned (a few specific periods and imageboards aside). The result was that the first Brazilian imageboards solely dedicated to women was born in 2011: Magali-chan, named after a Brazilian comic character. Of course they faced the same problems as we do, from moids pretending to be women to gore and CP raids, and the servers deleted the site many many times. In the end, the admins gave up for obvious reasons, but it was ressurreced many times latter, usually in a new domain. But history repeates itself, and they were all raided to death.
There was at least another one, "Arrozal" (ptbr: "Rice field"), that was made for underages girls. Yeah, very stupid, I know. This one lasted even shorter than Magali, for the same reasons.
Want to make sure your small board survives? Don't let Brazilian imageboards find out about it.
Anonymous 60746
>men make space for men: women leave it be
>women make space for women: men go absolutely apeshit
This is why we need feminism
Anonymous 60748

Fuck, I remember Arrozal. I was around 16 back then, kek.
The admin said she would try to come back but never gave a word on it anymore.
Magalichan was being held at 8chan before Cloudflare decided to not host it anymore.
De fato, channer homem brasileiro é câncer. Eles merecem tudo de ruim que acontece com eles.
Anonymous 60753
>>60748Mano pq hein? no 4chan os caras são cancer também as vezes mas não chega aos pés dos brs. É regra todo post ter tanta coisa nojenta e fora da realidade que não me surpreende os casos de violência contra mulher crescendo.
E que gif fofo <3
Anonymous 60799
>>60746>apeshitKek, this was accurate. Video related.
>>60748>>60753Eu não sei porque eles são assim, irmãs. Provavelmente falta de educação e a própria cultura merda do continente.
Anonymous 60826
It's not even 'tits or gtfo', it's just 'gtfo'.
I was sad about Magali though, it was a comfy board. Sadly it was run by >a fucking tranny
Anonymous 60848

>>60753>>60799>why are they like thisMostly due to dysfunctional family and peer rejection, I suppose. If you notice, they complain about this a lot. Plus, men are prone to be more violent, but since they can't do anything IRL most of the time, they canalize all their stupid rage on the internet.
>>60826>magalichan was run by a trannyWhy am I not surprised.
Estou pensando em pedir à admin abrir um /int/, daí fazemos nosso próprio fio de brasileiras, o que acham? Ou melhor aqui no /b/ mesmo? Anonymous 60855
>>60826>It's not even 'tits or gtfo', it's just 'gtfo'. Right now yes, but they allowed women who proved to be women IIRC.
>Sadly it was run by >a fucking trannySource on that? That's just… sad.
>>60848Eu pensei nisso há alguns dias também. Seria legal se houvesse bandeirinhas. Já temos tópicos sobre outras nacionalidades no /b/, acho que se eles fossem movidos já haveria conteúdo suficiente.
Anonymous 61001
>>60855>>60848Seria legal ter uma thread para conversar com outras BRs, mas duvido que tenha mais de meia dúzia de anons BRs aqui..
Sobre o traveco dono do Magali, lembro de ver postagens dele algumas vezes. O nome dele era Technomage, ele também era mod do Dogola e foi do realchan, se não me engano.
Anonymous 61046
Alguma de vocês chegou a frequentar o SFC-han, Tripchan, Rorichan, Salmão ou algum outro chan brasileiros "misto"?
Anonymous 61323

>>61001>dogolaSelf-respect 0.
>>61046>sfc_hanUsava bastante até 2014~, hoje em dia somente lurko. Não tenho vontade de ficar discutindo sobre anime igual antigamente, sem contar que a board é morta hoje em dia.
>TripchanVolto a cada 6 ou 9 meses pra encher o saco do pessoal de lá.
>RorichanLembro vagamente de lurkar em 2012 pra 2013 antes de fechar, nunca cheguei a usar.
>SalmãoNunca usei.
Tinha o tropicalchan há alguns anos atrás (2013? não me lembro ao certo), cheguei a postar algumas vezes.
Anonymous 61330
>>61046Salmão é inutilizável, aquele jeito de escrever me dá ânsia.
Anonymous 62078
Bom, já que flopou, que tal começarmos a utilizar o /magali/ do 8kun (ponto) top?
Anonymous Admin
Remember to post in English only.
Anonymous 71445
>>62166There are literally zero rules about that.
Anonymous Admin
>>71445Sorry, I'll add it during the next update. For the sake of moderation and making it possible for other users to be part of the conversation, please stick to English.
Anonymous 71453
>>60748The 2 best boys from that show
It's sad how every female oriented group either Chans or Facebook groups get's raided by moids, be it by your teenage shitposter or by "females". Maybe If we ask for a Brazilian thread but speak in english the mods will let us stay
Anonymous 71456
>>71453English only posting is a great filter for our third-world moids.
Anonymous 71504
I remember magalichan had more men larping as women than anything else. It was a matter of time until it was over.
I guess the only space for us, cancer free, are those borrowed from english imgboards.
Anonymous 71516
>>71446Don't know if asking it here is the right way, but can we or anyone make /country/ threads as long as we stick to speaking english in them?
Anonymous 71526
>>71516Why make a new thread if we can talk here?
Anonymous 71527
>>71526That would do too.
Finally I finished all exams in my uni. Just one more year and I'm 'free"
Anonymous 71580
>>71527Good for you, anon. I was supposed to graduate this year but corona fucked everything up.
Anonymous 73044
I`d love to have a place to talk with my fellow huelands
>>61323He`s so good looking.
Anonymous 74149
>>61323sfc has a lot of 55 refugees suddenly but as you can guess it's way more cancerous now. I still want to talk about anime and games but it's getting impossible with how annoying they are.
Anonymous 109710
I'm pretty happy with CC and LC as female-only chans as a brazilian tbh. I think that brazilian scrote channers are way more deranged than most gringo channers and i'm not up to fighting the war against them. Like
>>71456 said, english-only posting is a great deterrent, against them.
Not that i wouldnt like a female only board in my own language, it just feels kind of unattainable for now unless some group decides to really make it work. I think it's possible, but way harder than it would be for gringo boards.
Anonymous 109727
each time a left-winged girl I know thinks foreign guys are better I'll send her stuff like this.
Anonymous 109751
>>109727I don't think any left-winged girl thinks Brazilian men are better than western ones.
Anonymous 111187
>>60745>Want to make sure your small board survives? Don't let Brazilian imageboards find out about it.Have pre-moderation and get notified about every new attempted post. This is what I would do if I made a new imageboard. Smaller boards are easier to spam, but they are slow anyhow, so nobody would be particularly upset about a ten-hour delay between posts while I am sleeping.
Anonymous 111368
>>109727I'm a lefty and I know good and well that foreign men respect women even less than western men do
Anonymous 111397
>>60753i think it's because the cool civilized brazilian channers know how to speak english and just completely skip the shitty br imageboards in the first place (speaking from personal experience, i heard of both 4chan and cc before ever knowing 55 or any other existed)
if you go to something like 4chan's /int/ you can see brasileiros acting at least close to normal, they almost sound like human beings at times even if they're still trash
and then when you compare that to the mental state of 55channers the second group just seems so deteriorated it's unreal, every single post is just a mess devoid of any thought behind it and it's frustrating
Anonymous 111402
>>60746How would real world feminism affect an online environment?
Anonymous 111839
>>60745Macacos desgraçados. Putinhas desesperadas por atenção. Vê se tem alguma mulher atrapalhando aquele antros de degeneração deles. Merecem a morte
Anonymous 111840
>>109727Lmao Brazilian men are absolute cancer. Absolutely disgusting and hyper misogynistic. NO woman should ever date a latin, latino or arab man EVER
Anonymous 114237
>>111402Because the internet exists and users on the internet live in the real world.
Anonymous 114238
>>109710>>111840wow, it's hard to believe it can get worse than 4chan.
Anonymous 115397

>>60745wow, it's so nice to meet brazilian fellows around here.
anyway, i would like to say that i'm a newbie and i ended up falling here as other forums are epicenters of misogyny.
Anonymous 115414
>>60745Wasn't wizardchan a brazilian imageboard? They loved this r9k egirl a lot, Kelly, who liked them back
Anonymous 115415
>>115414>wizardchan a brazilian imageboard???
Anonymous 115601
>>115415Lol, I didn't know CC had a filter for the imageboard that I named. I wonder why that is, it was closed years ago. I won't try to bypass it bc I don't want to get banned, but it was a brazilian imageboard, maybe OP knows about it
Anonymous 115636
I miss magalichan times
Anonymous 115679
>>115636I took down magalichan, pretty sure when I was testing a programming thing back then I nuked their servers and it didn't like that. Last I had checked they had not come back for a week so maybe it was me the cause of its shutdown.
Anonymous 284634
The fact that this is on /b/ page 2 but the last reply is from 2 yrs ago means some1 probably came here and shilled their IB, and mod-chan kicked their ass. I like that.
Anonymous 286400
>>284634I didn't even realize I was reading a thread from 2 years ago, damn. Apparently the situation is still the same, brazilian imageboards will always suck and any decent, moderately polite people will be on english-speaking communities anyway.