
Escape from West Anonymous 61003
Anyone else here sick of living in the west and the whole culture? Do you ever fantasize of moving somewhere else, like Eastern Europe or Asia?
I know this might sound weird because usually it's misogynist white men who have these fantasies. But as a Scandinavian woman, I've become increasingly sick of the degeneracy, self-hate, 24/7 brainwashing and propaganda and having to watch my country turn to shit thanks to hordes of male immigrants who have zero respect for our laws and customs.
And the worst part is, most people see nothing wrong with this. Our country will just keep getting worse and worse and nobody seems to give a damn. I feel increasingly disconnected from my countrymen and just trapped in a culture that's values I don't share anymore. I try to stop following news and thinking about it, but I can't, there's always some new incident that reminds me of how doomed we are. Having to watch your own culture commit suicide is depressing.
It's not like I'm some hardcore conservative, I'm mostly just apolitical and would like to live a peaceful life surrounded by people whose worldview isn't absolutely batshit insane. I wouldn't bring any western globohomo views with me, I would just try to learn the language, make few friends, I wouldn't mind being seen as outsider since I'm already used to that. I don't want marriage or kids. I would like to contribute to a society that I believe in, maybe do charity, help people, in my country I feel no motivation to do that because I feel like I have nothing in common with anyone here and I almost hate them.
Am I just being unrealistic?
Anonymous 61009
I forgot to mention, being a young woman here makes it much worse. Young Scandinavian women are the STUPIDEST and most NAIVE group of people on earth. It's like they have no understanding of reality, their world view is just fluffy feel-good nonsense. I have no respect for them, they are like dumb children and feel embarrassed being part of this group. The Eastern/Central European women I've spoken to online seem smarter and more down to earth.
Anonymous 61015
>>61003Get some money then come to some cool mountain city in Romania. There is no globo-homo here… just corruption, but everyone is trying to do the best for their life. I mean, there are some sjw but… they are so non-popular that they are kinda a meme. Our pro blm protest were 5 cam-girls and 2 tranies in the middle of the capital city. They staid 3 hours then they got home. The culture is a combination between the west and Balkans.
Anonymous 61019
>>61009Why do you said that? I've always had a very good image of scandinavians, female and m*le.
Anonymous 61023
>>61015That unironically sounds nice. I can deal with issues typical of poor countries like corruption. As long as I don't feel like I'm locked in a mental asylum, which is how it feels here.
>>61019Young women here all think the same way, they are uncritical sjws, buy into all the sexlib talking points (pro-porn, pro-prostitution, kinky etc), support trannies, and are extremely self-hating and anti-white, bashing white men especially and defending muslim rapists who are much worse. You can't have serious conversations about these issues with them at all, they simply reject any unpleasant facts and prefer to live in a pleasant fantasy world.
Imagine the worst American SJW campus. That is what all Scandinavian young women are like.
Anonymous 61026
>>61003Yeah. You're tired of conservative men who have no respect for women so you want to move where they are the majority and make the laws?
Please don't be stupid. It may seem bad but the immigrant situation will eventually be solved once people start fighting back and enforcing rules or outright denying immigrants that don't integrate. One bad experience is all it takes for some naive people to understand just how different their values are.
Countries that are hard on "degeneracy" will make life hard for you as woman, it's much better to be living where gay parades with naked people happen than live where you have no rights over your own body in the eyes of the law or the men around you. And you won't even escape it either, look at japans laws regarding porn and their societys homophobia and see how it backfires, humans are just degenerates in general.
Anonymous 61027
>>61009The irony is woke feminism has completely infantilized women to the point they think doing solo trips to the middle east is a good idea because love and peace triumph all.
Even thinking about it makes my head hurt
>western men are bad>men from cultures of extreme violence against women are good we need more of thatThe fact muslims are even allowed in western countries is disgusting, there's now an entire underground of muslim doctors practicing FGM in the US totaling 1k cases yearly. Equality and diversity is a complete lie and it makes me seriously sick how so called feminists let this all happen and call you a fascist and try to ruin your education/career, all for what? So more of that sick culture takes root in their countries?
On top of that indians in tech recreate their caste system when given reigns of HR, if you're caught as a lower caste in tech you don't get the job or you get fired.
Not only are these cultures never going to be reformed but the time and effort that are put into them could have been put on our own to actually improve women in our own societies.
Anonymous 61028
i live in a place where prostitution is completely legal (new south wales). my male workmates used to joke openly about going to a brothel or massage parlour at the end of the day. the brothels are mostly staffed by desperate se asians and koreans on working visas, but also desperate working class women. it's illegal for police to investigate them for trafficking and rape without having a mountain of evidence to justify a warrant, which they can't get because it's illegal for them to investigate.
my mother was a prostitute through her 20s (she was a teen mother who ran away from her family, and she was encouraged into it by her super-feminist inner city art school friends). she was so, so deeply haunted by it, so affected by the trauma and this self-loathing and remorse that stayed with her until her final days.
the rise of pro-prostitution propaganda everywhere on the internet makes me want to crawl out of my skin. failing that - yeah, i wish i could crawl out of my country instead.
i am super super left, but in an old fashioned way where i don't think sexual exploitation, abuse and promiscuity are good actually. (i also think that a stable husband-wife family unit where the father works and the mother stays at home while the children are young is demonstrably the best way to raise a child. i think raising children is also good and a psychological need.)
Anonymous 61030
>>61027It's not only feminism, it's any progressive movement. The reason you don't see feminists saying things against this is because they are banished from platforms for islamophobia quite often. It's an accepted talking point among rad fems even.
Take LGBT for example. Christian who say they love the sinner but not the sin = bad, muslim who comes directly from a country that throws us off buildings = good.
Try to talk against this and they shut you up in any moderated space. The problem is this, not feminism or gay rights movement in itself, and it's happening outside of the usa too. Going off the deep end and saying those movements are cancer will just turn the west into another backwards culture like the ones those refugees come from.
Anonymous 61035
>>61026>Yeah. You're tired of conservative men who have no respect for women so you want to move where they are the majority and make the laws?The problem with muslim males isn't that they are "conservative", it's that they burn and kill and rape everything when they come to west.
>Please don't be stupid. It may seem bad but the immigrant situation will eventually be solved once people start fighting back and enforcing rules or outright denying immigrants that don't integrate. One bad experience is all it takes for some naive people to understand just how different their values are.There have been plenty of bad experiences and most people are still brainwashed. There is no indication that things will get better, young people are even more sjw. And even if people woke up, you can't just kick out hundreds of thousands of people. The problem is permanent.
>Countries that are hard on "degeneracy" will make life hard for you as woman, it's much better to be living where gay parades with naked people happen than live where you have no rights over your own body in the eyes of the law or the men around you. And you won't even escape it either, look at japans laws regarding porn and their societys homophobia and see how it backfires, humans are just degenerates in general.It's not like Eastern-Europe or Japan don't have rights for women, most of them allow abortion for example. You are exaggerating how bad things are for women there. And yes, people are degenerate everywhere, but the difference is that these conservative countries have healthy sense of shame about it and people keep their perversions private. In west it's something to flaunt and be proud of.
>>61027Yes, western women are completely infantilized. It also makes true equality impossible. The naivety is embarrassing.
>>61028I've always been and still am economically left and used to be progressive until progressive became so warped. The big tabloids here run "Becky abandoned her boring job and now makes more money and feels empowered as a whore" articles every week. Little girls are constantly exposed to this brainwashing and nobody seems alarmed, if you protest, you get labeled sexist, prude, jealous etc.
>>61030Feminism isn't needed in west anymore. All the inequality that remains is cultural and is also enforced by women's own choices at this point, a movement cant change it and that's why feminism was doomed to become derailed. Now it's anti-women propaganda.
Anonymous 61039
>>61026>Countries that are hard on "degeneracy" will make life hard for you as womanCountries that encourage degeneracy make life harder for everyone because of how skin deep the acceptance is. For every degenerate act that's accepted there are very many lives ruined. Like the staggering STD rate of gay men that ends up affecting everyone, how they prey on underage boys who's trauma permanently alters their view of sexuality. How trans groom kids in their teenage years and infect women spaces. How women are pushed into sexwork and raised to think having sex in their early teens is good and healthy by the media constantly pushing singers twerking and spreading their legs on stage, then end up used by the boys who develop a crippling sex addition at the same age.
I don't like abortion laws or domestic abuse problems in conservative countries either but the path you're given is significantly less bleak in my eyes then the progressive hellscape of today. Not to mention you can still make a career for yourself, yes even if you'll go through more hurdles.
Anonymous 61047
illegal immigrants…

>look at that 11yo girl in argentina who had to give birth to her rapists baby
Like I said, I think this is completely abhorrent, I can also just as easily give a completely fucked scenario like the muslim rape gangs in the UK where girls from their early teens are raped in the thousands with COMPLETE impunity for decades and not to mention constantly forced through abortions, people are sent to jail for even talking about this in the UK.
>the difference is that people hide and end up hurting themselves and those close to them instead of just being themselves
Point out how much rape is caused by illegal immigrants and see how quickly everyone shuts up and treats you like shit in their defense. Not to mention these fucking rapists are let go from prison so they aren't deported like these two.
The world has never EVER been a perfect place to live in and liberal societies are just a rebranded version of the same shit except girls are led into a false sense of safety and end up getting their lives ruined through peer pressure to become sex objects and acceptance of disgusting cultures.
Anonymous 61161
I've heard that there are human trafficking rings all over Europe, child slavery seems like the opposite of freedom to me but maybe I'm just too conservative in my views
Anonymous 61164
I fully agree with everything being posted here. But I'm not sure moving anywhere will get you the help you think you'll get. Asian countries constantly have some sort of weird repulsive sex scandals coming out, they tend to have darker side of things we seldom hear. I had a phone once that had a shutter sound I couldn't turn off, read online it's to prevent pervs from taking creepshots of girls. To have such a measure is sad reflection of culture.
Eastern Europe might be better overall if you're balancing women's issue with sjw shit. Baltic countries seem to be best overall right now.
But it's sad what's happening to Sweden. We used to have it all. But we just had to start importing foreign sexism and defend it. I live in Gothenburg and dread it every day. I get shit from Somali and Arabic men a lot more often. I hate it.
Anonymous 61168
OP, I understand the urge to just up and leave when faced with this kind of environment. However, it feels like in the big scheme of things it just pushes the suffering down the road. If we just keep atomizing and ceding territory by moving away it just guarantees that eventually the ((enemy)) will be completely unopposed.
There are lots of good men who think the same way you do in scandinavia and more every day. My boyfriend is from norway and I hear his friends talking about it all the time and how they just want to find a girl like you and buy a farm in the country. maybe you could look at a different nordic country though since sweden is in bad shape, but none of us want to live in a world where we're just a powerless diaspora without even our own homelands
Anonymous 61172
>>61161This is true for every single country in existence
Anonymous 61178
>>61167>>61164I wonder how much of that is also true for western countries because east asian men and women score the best on every single metric, and have the strongest sense of family I know of
Anonymous 61444

Can't even be women now in these countries, it's men, women(mtf) and finally us lowly womxn, and don't even think about stepping out of line or you're ostracized and fired from your workplace, I don't doubt even arrested in UK. 61445
>>61026>Countries that are hard on "degeneracy" will make life hard for you as womanonly if you are the kind of woman who enjoys degeneracy, aka club slut stacy or leftist activist of some sorts
Anonymous 61446
>>61168>There are lots of good men who think the same way you do in scandinavia and more every day.yeah but let's be honest, OP will find them just as icky because OMG RACISTS NAZIS
like, when the time comes to pick a side, will OP stand with literal nazis and support them in their fight against third world subhumans? i don't think so. i think even though she hates the hell that was created, she is still too brainwashed with internalized anti white sentiment to actually take that step.
Anonymous 61449
>>61446It would be better to allow Islam to rise than to let the nazis come back. The nazis were even more anti-woman than Islam.
Anonymous 61451
>>61449I already looked this up in another thread and it's not true at all, you've been fed propaganda all your life about them and you believe it whole heartedly. There's a reason they say winners write history.
Anonymous 61452
>>61449You didn't see shit like pic from Nazi Germany. Gender roles were strictly enforced, but sexual misconduct was heavily punished. German soldiers who raped - got shot, if they were lucky they were sent to the frontline, which was basically a death sentence as well.
Anonymous 61453

>>61451>>61452Forgot the picture
How is Nazi Germany worse than Islam?
Anonymous 61457
>>61452>Gender roles were strictly enforcedI mean they were certainly more enforced in Nazi Germany than in countries today, but it's not like women were required to be housewives. There were women in the luftwaffe. Anonymous 61458
>>61449>The nazis were even more anti-woman than are so delusional it's laughable
the nazi approach to women was the exact same boring old conservative stuff as in pretty much all other european and american countries at the time. if you unironically think that being expected to become a mother and homemaker is anywhere close to the level of shit that goes on in islamic countries to this day then you are absolutely insane.
like, the only way women in nazi germany had it worse than women in 1940s england or america is that they couldn't vote because there were no elections lol
but yeah, your post shows exactly the problem. you see that the invading subhumans are a disaster for women, but you still support and side with them over your own people because of how how thoroughly you have internalized anti white propaganda. get yourself raped to own the nazis, you go girl!
Anonymous 61459
>>61458>internalized anti white propaganda. get yourself raped to own the nazis, you go girl!In her mind the resulting child will be less nazi(white) so it's okay.
Anonymous 61460
>>61457they even had women in the SS, some of them were later tried and executed for war crimes, there's no denying that nazi germany was a very conservative and authoritarian place, but being a woman in a conservative and authoritarian place is infinitely better than being a woman in afghanistan or arabia where you are a literal slave.
Anonymous 61461
>>61453>How is Nazi Germany worse than Islam?They wanted to kill anyone who wasn't like them. They were genocidal maniacs. Women weren't even allowed to have a voice.
>>61458>get yourself raped to own the nazis, you go girl!Most modern nazis are incels and support rape anyways.
>sexual misconduct was heavily punished. German soldiers who raped - got shot, if they were lucky they were sent to the frontline, which was basically a death sentence as well.I highly doubt that. Seems like some shit /pol/ made up.
Anonymous 61462
>>61460>but being a woman in a conservative and authoritarian place is infinitely better than being a woman in afghanistan or arabia where you are a literal slave.The nazis literally fought against progress and rights. Women there were pretty much doomed to be slaves anyways.
Anonymous 61465

>>61461>They wanted to kill anyone who wasn't like them. They were genocidal maniacs. Women weren't even allowed to have a voice.I have sincere doubts about how bad the Nazis were. Everything we know about Nazi Germany was told to us by Stalin and the USSR. Stalin was a sociopath despot and the USSR lied on the regular about everything. Every death camp the allies inspected turned out to be a concentration camp. Nevermind that Hitler was actively trying to move Jews and their wealth from Germany to Israel at the time too, why bother going through that effort if you're going to exterminate a people? So much of it just doesn't make any sense.
Anonymous 61466
>>61461>They wanted to kill anyone who wasn't like them. They were genocidal maniacsHow is this any different than what soviet russia did with the gulags?
>This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953), around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag, some 390,000 deaths during the dekulakization forced resettlement, and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported during the 1940s – with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[12] The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 millionI can guarantee you don't have an emotional response to that but as soon as nazis are brought up everyone loses their mind, the propaganda is more real than you know.
I don't even agree with what the nazi's did, they fucked themselves over by going to war with everyone and setting up camps but there's way too much disinformation.
Anonymous 61467
>>61466>How is this any different than what soviet russia did with the gulags?The people in the gulags were just people who opposed communism and progress. Those are the kinds of people that would have been incels today. Sorry if I don't shed any tears for them.
Anonymous 61471
>>61462they fought againe the same "progress and rights" that is now driving OP to flee her own home country in desperation and fear
but like posted earlier, you are too indoctrinated to even realize how fucked up your position is. a pack of somalis could probably gang rape you, and you would still defend and support them.
>>61465that is misinformation
they originally tried to get rid of jews by pushing them to emigrate to palestine, but it was a slow process and once the war with britain started it stopped completely because palestine was british territory at the time, that's when they switched their goal to exterminate them all.
like, i know there's a lot of exaggerations and lies about the whole thing, but there's also literal audio recordings of himmler himself explicitly talking about the necessity of exterminating the jewish people for the sake of the future. holocaust denial is a really untenable position.
Anonymous 61472
>>61003my advice to OP as a Scandinavian women is to accept fate and marry Muhammad and become Islamic. Maybe open a kebab shop to help assimilate the culture more.
Anonymous 61474
>>61471Himmler was a nutter for sure. I just have a hard time buying into the "exterminate them all", even as a Jew myself. It's a cold calculus, why spend go through absurdities like death camps with wooden door gas chambers, olympic swimming pools, brothels, theater and general stores all to exterminate a race of peoples when bullets. There are plenty of written letters of Jewish inmates that praise how the Nazis took care of them, one of the letters even goes so far as to express gratitude for the Zyklon laced showers, being that Zyklon is a delouser and Typhus was most certainly a thing during WWII.
At this point I just assume that a fair amount of us did die in the camps, but I presume that it was more likely from starvation due to supply blockage and scarcity as opposed to the goofy claims of holocosters, masturbation death machines and other absurdities. No one ever laments the gypsies and other ethnic peoples that were so-called exterminated.
One thing that really bugs me about my kin is the fact that so many of us in America are full retard and celebrating the notions of white people dying out. As if it weren't white people that saved us from all the bad and horrible things that supposedly happened. Where is the gratitude for such an evil event? It's almost as if it never happened and there isn't a reason to be grateful to our saviors that have aided and sheltered us. It's that or a blatant demonstration of how short any of our goodwill lasts and should be a warning to other countries that just perhaps, Hitler was right and that few of us will ever be loyal to the country that aids us.
Anonymous 61476
>>61474>even as a Jew myselfdisregarded entirely
Anonymous 61477
>>61471>that is misinformationThis too is misinformation, britian explicitly had immigration restrictions for jews to settle in palestine and the haavara agreement allowed to go around them, the agreement ended when germany declared war on poland.
>>61474>even as a Jew myselfNice try, that said it was tragic enough as it is without having to make up so much stuff around it.
Anonymous 61478
>>61474>even as a Jew myselfPost nose or it didn't happen.
Anonymous 61480
>>61474>why spend go through absurdities like death camps with wooden door gas chambers, olympic swimming pools, brothels, theater and general stores all to exterminate a race of peoples when bulletsthey initially started with death squads, called 'einsatzgruppen'
that took a lot of manpower to do though, and caused extreme distress in the soldiers assigned to do it. himmler personally attended some execution by firing squad once and witnessing it made him break down and throw up in terror and disgust, so he ordered his underlings to come up with a more efficient and streamlined method instead.
so they figured out that hey, we're already running concentration camps and POW camps with millions of inmates, we're good at it and can easily expand on it. having all the killing happen in one designated location instead of massacring people throughout their cities is a lot smoother and less disruptive, and makes corpse disposal easier too.
basically, a couple hundred SS camp guards could handle a volume of killings that would have occupied and traumatized tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles otherwise. they approached it with typical german mindset of autistically emotionless rationality and came up with what is probably the most efficient and best organized way to commit genocide that has ever existed on the planet.
thats also why they're singled out so much for it even though others throughout history had similar or higher death tolls (genghis khan, stalin, mao, tojo)
the cold and calculated industrial approach to murder that the nazis took makes them seem much more scary and inhumane than the others, who are instead seen as either cases of catastrophically inept mismanagement (mao) or simply bloodthirsty warmongerers (genghis khan, tojo)
Anonymous 61482
>>61003Just convert to islam and accept your fate. Feminists made swedish men stop being assertive, so now the assertive culture is taking over.
Anonymous 61483…

they even created these military orders with medals for german mothers
probably the only society in history that acknowledged and honored womens work and contribution to society the same way they did for men
Anonymous 61487
>>61476>>61478>>61477I'm comfortable with no one believing me, if anything it makes me a little happy. If my grandfather hadn't raised me, I might have become just another vapid JAP.
Anonymous 61490…

>>61461>I highly doubt that. Seems like some shit /pol/ made up. Anonymous 61492
>>61474>No one ever laments the gypsies and other ethnic peoples that were so-called exterminatedThey do, though. You just tune it out because it's not interesting to you.
Anonymous 61494

what makes disgusting fat moid show up shirtless at an event like this
why is he there
why does he look like that
Anonymous 61497
>>61480>traumatized tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles otherwiseThe soviet union had no problem achieving this, neither did china or japan. I don't buy the people that went through the kristallnacht suddenly had a change of heart this way.
It's also one thing to be efficient, another is to violate the laws of physics entirely, we're talking incinerators that burned through thousands of bodies per day without fuel or emissions, the iraq war burn pits in comparison burned 10kg of equipment on average and it gave hundreds of marines permanent lung damage and early deaths. It takes 3 liters of fuel to cremate one body and the process takes 2 hours and another 2 to process the remains. It just makes no sense for an oil starved war effort to go through THIS much trouble. Specially since internationally no one ever cared about open pit executions or famine starving. What did Russia or China ever get for doing theirs?
I don't doubt it was a horrible event but I just want some intellectual honesty around what happened. The shrunken heads, the skin lampshades and the soap bars made from human fat were all proven to be false and the figures just don't add up when you apply basic maths to it.
Anonymous 61499

Arguing about what happened in Germany almost century ago is irrelevant to today's situation. There isn't any Nazism today that resembles the original National Socialism. Nazis then were just ordinary German men and women, the men didn't join the movement because they were seething about Stacy not sucking their cocks in high school.
Nazis today ARE incels. Misogyny is more of a driving psychological force in modern far-right movements than racism, because incel rage is what always seems to be the original catalyst that radicalizes young men into these movements. This is why Alt-Right is extremely hostile to even the few women in the movement. They openly talk about beating and raping women, shutting women in rape camps, women are only good for breeding etc.
And maybe Nazis weren't as bad as Islam, but today far-right men use slogans like "ISLAM WAS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN". They ADMIRE the way women are treated in places like Iran. Women are considered just as much of an enemy to todays nationalist movements as jews, blacks or muslims.
If someone here seriously wants to become submissive tradwaifu and baby making machine to a seething incel with porn addiction and violent revenge fantasies about not getting government supplied harem of nubile 14 yo sex slaves, go ahead.
I'd rather go live in some dirt poor Transylvanian village, because guess what, the conservative men there are not NEARLY as insane and awful as those who we are supposed to fight with to defend the Western Civilization.
Anonymous 61500
>>61499>but today far-right men use slogans like "ISLAM WAS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN"To be fair that flier campaign was designed to piss off SJWs and highlight the hypocrisy in supporting feminism and Islam. For sure a lot of men on the right are just bitter incels though.
Anonymous 61504

>>61499>man those immigrants sure are ruining my country!>what, a man shares my views? ugh, he must be a disgusting incel! get away from me, creep!really makes you think
Anonymous 61505
>>61494well, he's going braless too
Anonymous 61507
>>61494It's almost like making feminism revolve around women taking their clothes off and writing SLUT on their foreheads will attract male pervs.
>>61504You are either moid or you should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, choose one.
Anonymous 61509
>>61003isn't hungary just like some finnish enclave or something? they're not as economically powerful, but maybe you'd have a relatively easy time fitting in with them culturally.
Anonymous 61510
>>61499>but today far-right men use slogans like "ISLAM WAS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN"the very OP of this thread says basically the same thing though, talking about how all the young scandi women are brainwashed retards and completely clueless about anything
like, if even she as a woman gets so sick and tired of the constant WHITE MAN BAD shit she hears from all the other women around her that she is considering fleeing the country over it, imagine how the actual boys and men themselves feel about being subjected to it from all the women in their lives all day every day
Anonymous 61511

>>61510>imagine how the actual boys and men themselves feel about being subjected to it from all the women in their lives all day every day Anonymous 61515
revolt against those darn Nazis by dating Indian or Black men or any man of color!
Anonymous 61516
>>61510>imagine how the actual boys and men themselves feel about being subjected to it from all the women in their lives all day every dayLol nobody here cares how you feel, moid.
Anonymous 61518

>>61510Why should I have sympathy for them? They had it hard, well boo hoo, so does any sane woman who doesn't want to be a disposable breathing sex toy and "acceptable sacrifice" in the multicultural agenda. Difference is, I'm not demanding that all men should be kept in rape camps for femcels to use because Chad rejected me.
Their Elliot Roger rage isn't my problem and there are enough sane white men in the world that I don't need to become a pathetic tradthot to get a bf. There is no common goal with incels for any woman who isn't a vapid bimbo in flower dress.
Anonymous 61520
>>61518>there are enough sane white men in the world that I don't need to become a pathetic tradthot to get a bfso you want to flee the country because immigration made it unlivable for you, and you also want a boyfriend who is pro immigration?
Anonymous 61521
>>61520How about countries start seriously regulating immigration
Anonymous 61522
>>61521Cool it with the antisemitism
Anonymous 61524
>>61520There are men who are against immigration and are not larping incels, especially in countries where anti-immigration sentiment is mainstream. Which is what this thread is supposed to be.
Anonymous 61525
>>61524>There are men who are against immigration and are not larping incelsThose men don't frequent anonymous messageboards or other incel spaces.
Anonymous 61526
>>61521women wont allow that though
women overwhelmingly support open borders and immigration while moids oppose it, its in like every survey and election polling
Anonymous 61527
>>61525>Those men don't frequent anonymous messageboards or other incel spaces.this, men online are the men that are bored and aimless with nothing to do but rage against women for existing
Anonymous 61530
>>61526 again, everything this man says is false. It is men, specifically white employers, who are profiting off illegal immigration, having this way a disposable, easily blackmailable workforce they can use to manipulate people against people.
Anonymous 61531
>>61530businesses neither make nor enforce the law. elected officials and their political parties do that.
Anonymous 61533
loving your own people and country is a nazi thing, and nazis are incels, so basically fuck off moid lmao
Anonymous 61534
Daily reminder that anyone who says that women were treated well or honored or respected in Nazi germany is a man and he's a disgusting liar. short:
No job meaning having to beg husband for money.
No education for a woman's field of interest if that field was not what men wanted.
No choosing when to have children and how many, stillbirth were treated as crimes. If a woman was suspected of a abortion, she was killed.
No justice nor freedom to disagree, as evidenced by Sophie Scholl's death.
Anonymous 61535
I can be against no borders and still be okay with immigration that's regulated in a way I can accept. Fuck off nazi.
Anonymous 61536
>Please don't confuse these people with principled men who love their people and country
This is part of the psyops, either they're nazis or incels when it's 1% nazi 10% incel, the rest 90% just want to keep to themselves
Anonymous 61537
You're fucking kidding me right? Eastern Europe? Where the vast majority of Sex trafficking victims come from to be shipped out all across the west? Lmfao, you'll find a black eye there and a dress soaked in spit. You're best bet is trying to DO BEST WITH WHAT YOU'VE GOT instead of running away to some fantastical reality you've construed in your head. Eastern Europe's as bad as it is in Northern Europe.
Stop being a fucking bitch, do something to combat it, an individual who flees is the epitome of cowardliness.
Anonymous 61538
>>61504There's plenty good people among those immigrants. I want to separate the good from the bad and keep the good, you want to burn it all down. Fuck you. You belong with the bad people.
Anonymous 61539
>>61531Businesses have huge power to pressure and sway politics their way, it's called lobbying.
Anonymous 61540
>>61538>Good people among those immigrantsThe song of the dispossessed and landless with no ties to the land. You despise those that reduced you to nothing but atomisations and statistics? Then despise the Immigrant who loftily walks into your forebear's fatherland and stakes his claim without a regard to those who proceeded him.
Anonymous 61541
>>61537this was my initial thoughts as well
i think OP talked about romania at some point? she's gonna be in for one hell of a ride if she goes through with that lol, there's a good reason why people have been trying to leave eastern europe for western europe by the millions ever since the iron curtain fell, and OP is gonna find out what that reason is the hard way if she actually moves there
Anonymous 61543
>>61540Says the nazi who stakes a claim without a regard for all who fought for freedom and loftily pretends to oppress everyone and murder all those who do not agree with his views. Your hypocrisy is disgusting. You should be kicked out, you belong with the bad.
Anonymous 61544
>>61541Know plenty of Romanians and Bulgarians who have to shift through swathes of Romani Subhumans who steal cattle and other animals for plenty sordid shit while the natives sit with their fingers up asses. They're admirable people, but the state that country is in is tumultuous, no place to live.
Anonymous 61546
>>61542>watching your fellow women and also children be raped and brutalisedOf course I don't want that. That's why I hate nazis and all right wingers who want to enslave when not outright murder women. Anonymous 61549
>>61543No lmfao, the nation was built by the ethnic bloc that staked it, fought for it's borders and expanded it, those who died for the lives of their wives and children not for the stranger. They have no right to be there because they have not shared in the continual struggle that went on for thousands of years. They're cowards who abandoned their post and won't find quarter in my homeland. You're the deracinated one who has no sense of these things because of modernity, yet you stamper in tamper because 'waaah black man looks at me funny!'
Fuck off faggot, with that mindset your blood will fertilise the soil, has no use for life's exuberance with that defeatist mindset.
Anonymous 61550
Hun my Ex was raped by an immigrant, don't project that shit onto me like I don't understand. I wouldn't be here if I didn't witness that sordid shit, you don't have good company so seek those who'll protect you, I have plenty of kin who've got my back and I have theirs. Don't fucking project lmfao, especially on those men who are brimming at the seams to die for the mere glimpse of what they remembered.
Anonymous 61552
You can change your employer for a better one anytime. You cannot change your husband for a better one anytime with nazis in control because they don't let you earn and save money for yourself, which is essential to build independence. I don't want to waste my life on children. What you say is bad because you give women like me no choice.
>And how is that different for men?
Men get to choose, women don't. That's what's unacceptable. I don't care for what benefits society when society doesn't care about what benefits me.
Concerning abortion, access to services was quickly prohibited, until in 1935, the medical profession became obliged to report stillbirths to the Regional Office for State Health, who would further investigate the natural loss of a child; in 1943 the ministers of the Interior and Justice enacted the law "Protection of Marriage, Family and Motherhood", which made provisions for the death penalty for mothers convicted of infanticide which abortion was seen as.
>Committed treason
All she did was disagree with the indoctrination and speak out the truth about the war situation instead of repeating nazi lies. That's treason to you? Shows how utterly oppressive nazis are that you consider disagreement "treason". Once again, you do not respect women if you do not respect women who disagree with you.
Anonymous 61554
>>61534By today's standards it's shit yeah, it's still better than islam. And like it or not they did respect women who were mothers/house wives. There were 1.5 million women in the workforce too.
>No justice nor freedom to disagree, as evidenced by Sophie Scholl's death.What do you think happened to people that distributed anti soviet fliers in the soviet union? They executed her brother too in the same way so this is pointless to bring up. Authoritarianism is bad period.
I'm not disagreeing it was bad because you couldn't even go to university either but let's be historically accurate.
Anonymous 61555
>>61549So if they kill you all, they have the right to take your place and claim everything as rightfully theirs, not yours? What a bullshit take.
And you're full of shit because the ethnic bloc was never a bloc and what we have today was created by those who did not see a bloc at all, but saw the individual and its rightful freedom.
>with that mindset your blood will fertilise the soilNazis always want to murder white people.
Anonymous 61556
I would love to keep my country safe. Sadly the mass genocide of nazis is illegal.
Anonymous 61559
You misread my post, I meant that 90% of conservatives are neither nazis nor incels. They might have traditional views on women but that doesn't make them incels either.
Anonymous 61560
>if you don't want to be gang-raped by immigrants you need to give up all your rights and ambitions and become a submissive housewife for some incel
moids and tradthots are cancer. this thread is about moving to countries that have some sanity left, not about larping muh 40s hausfrau fantasies.
and sjws can make a separate thread for their woke takes.
Anonymous 61562
>>61554>it's still better than islamNo, it's completely the same shit. That's why Hitler loved islam. As you said, be historically accurate.
>they did respect women who were mothers/house wivesUntil those women spoke out against the ideas of nazism, then it was time to kill them.
>There were 1.5 million women in the workforce too.An abysmal number, only due to the war.
Anonymous 61563
>white people are not white if they don't vote the way I want them to!
Anonymous 61564
Lmfao, you ever felt the personal loss and rage when someone you loved is reft from you by that? It's horrific, rots the soul and decimates any intimacy you once shared? It wasn't me? Lmfao, I cared for her so much that any affliction that she had washed over me, I see the problem you litigious cunt. Don't ever project to someone whose been in that situation which you haven't, and don't make something like that a talking point to your petty polemic.
Anonymous 61566
>>61562>No, it's completely the same shitOkay, show me the numbers of arranged marriages of 10 year olds in nazi germany, I'll wait.
>Until those women spoke out against the ideas of nazism, then it was time to kill them.The same was true for men, are you arguing against gender equality now?
Anonymous 61567
>>61555You mean Immigrants? This doesn't make any sense, they have no belonging. You completely missed the fucking point I made.
Ethnic bloc was always a bloc, individual rights and freedoms are earned and taken, not given.
>Nazi's always want to murder people"With that mindset your blood will fertilise the soil if you do not have any exuberance of life"
Anonymous 61568
>>61560>this thread is about moving to countries that have some sanity leftwhat you fantasize about does not exist.
if you want a progressive country where you can live out your feminist career woman dream and shit on moids all day then you'll have to deal with rampant abuse from third world immigrants, because being pro immigration and soft on crime are both core values of progressivism.
if you want a country with safe streets and no islamic savages then you'll have to deal with a traditionalist and conservative society. japan is probably the safest place on earth if that is your goal, but the japanese are ethnocentrists and as a gaijin in japan you wil be treated badly, you will never be able to truly integrate because the japanese do not want that and will not let you.
Anonymous 61569
>>61556Nazis are not real. You are tedious. How do you live in this nightmare world that you have constructed? Go to any place that actually openly hates anyone who isn't White and ask them if Nazis exist, they will say something along the lines of "I wish".
Anonymous 61570
>>61554women could go to university
I'm all up for being angry at shit.
But do we really need to be as retarded as everyone else about it? Can't we at least try to smarter and better educated?
worst enrollment for medical class was 17% under Hitler
I wonder what people gain anything from making up these lights and putting something into your had
>>61534just creates more horror for you.
Also things like try again, daily reminder.
Do we really need to copy moids in their dialectic?
Is that what we want for arguments or appearing smart?
there is a serious issue with moid culture, be they fad timit assholes who the internet bred or if other circumstances
if it's something we want no man to be, how is it okay to be like that?
none of the Weimar laws protecting women were revoked
there is a reason why out of so many more female voters after ww1, they voted for him and to what massive extent they voted for Hitler over moids that voted for him, since moids are stuck on everything and that includes often their loyalty to political parties.
DNC RNC anyone?
Anonymous 61571
If a woman were the love of your life you would put her happiness and fulfillment first and never even think to force her into a life she doesn't want.
>You think men who treat their wives badly are not punished by the law????
Nazis were not, because the nazi's idea of treating a woman badly is warped.
>Who said there was no choice for women to not get married and have children?
You, the moment you stated women were respected if they had many children, meaning childfree women were not as respected.
>You think YOU'RE happy?
>this idea that women were FORCED, they WERE NOT
The fact they could not receive equal treatment to other women without obeying the regime means they were forced.
>You could do anything then that you can now
Except for controlling when and if I get pregnant, getting a job I actually want, openly state my disagreement without getting imprisoned or killed for it. These are all non-negotiable freedoms for me.
>Instead of 25 years they get jailed for like today?
Abortion is not punished today, but nazis wanted to punish it like infanticide. You are trying to confuse the two too, just like nazis.
>How about use protection
There's always the possibility that fails. Abortion is for when protection fails. No woman should be forced to keep something she doesn't want inside herself.
All she did was write her disagreement in leaflets, and you are comparing that to "burn down the whole city". Nazi's dishonesty is disgusting.
Anonymous 61572
>>61569she has to pick nazis because otherwise she would be on a moid trip and it's clear she doesn't have the mental fortitude to deal with that hate, so her mind wanders off to easier and more evil things.
The creation myth clearly states that Hitler is literally Hitler.
Anonymous 61573
>>61566>The same was true for menAnd that's horrible too, that's the point.
>show me the numbers of arranged marriages of 10 year olds in nazi germanyI'll show you the numbers of 10 year olds killed in nazi germany, for not being nazi. Anonymous 61574

>>61568You are a moid. Woman having a career has nothing to do with being pro-immigration or soft on crime. And women do have careers in Eastern & Central Europe, in fact, there are more women in STEM fields in some of these countries than in Scandinavia, for example.
Your idea of "conservative country" is hundred years out of date for Europe. Either get a time machine or move to muslim country.
Anonymous 61577
>>61567>they have no belongingYou have no belonging either, you just took it by force from others. So don't complain when the same is done to you.
>Ethnic bloc was always a blocYet he wants to murder those of his ethnic bloc who don't agree with him.
Anonymous 61578
God all this Hitler worship is disgusting. Here is the bottom line, moids. If I have to choose between giving up my freedoms or taking my chances with mass Islamic immigration then I am going to take my chances with mass Islamic immigration. At least muslims aren't literal nazis.
Anonymous 61580
>>61569>Nazis are not realSays the nazi.
Anonymous 61582
>>61577Literally making zero sense. "Took it from force from others"? Genuinely not carrying on with this conversation, literal projection of what I'm saying to your own litigious beliefs. Wipe your face down and look in the mirror fat-ass, your makebelief conception of reality doesn't fit with Locke's Rights of Man. Heck, even Cicero, the freedom loving Roman Republican reiterated what I said.
Anonymous 61583
>>61578Not to mention there is a growing ex-muslim movement within muslim immigration, who are far more likely to overthrow islamic culture than all nazi worshippers who are only upset because they want to be the ones doing the oppressing.
Anonymous 61584
>>61580I am a Center-Left Utilitarian who prefers the John Stuart Mill's interpretation of the latter. You're crying in the rain.
Anonymous 61585
>>61568Your submissive Japanese wife will not want you
Anonymous 61586
>>61582>Took it from force from othersYup. Take a look at nazis and what they did to other countries' borders. They didn't even get punished enough for that.
Anonymous 61587
>>61584>nazi pretends not to be a naziNazis know no honor nor honesty it seems.
Anonymous 61590
>>61574>Woman having a career has nothing to do with being pro-immigration or soft on does, in that the underlying ideology behind all these things is the same one.
without fail, the interest groups and political parties who push for one of them also push for the others. the reasons for that i can not tell with certainly, but the observation holds up wherever you go: the same people who preach feminism also preach open borders, and they also preach 'rehabilitative justice' and 'restorative justice' instead of punitive justice
Anonymous 61592
>>61587When you lie about philosophy you martyr it. I am not that ignorant, but apparently you are. I also think you may have me mistaken for another poster, but I'm not replying to you anymore.
Anonymous 61593
>>61586You're acting like the Nazi's were the first ones to do it lmfao. Almost every nation has done this in an attempt to benefit their Ethos. The Greeks sailed throughout the Mediterranean and fought off the previous inhabitants to expand their far-greater culture, the British did the same as well, funny thing is I'm pure Irish and I admire that gall and slack that propels societies to greater heights of material and spiritual attainment. It's the vitalisation of struggle which gives vitriol to men and from the sound's of it you're a weak, whimpering excuse of a human being with that perception on reality.
Anonymous 61594
>>61573>I'll show you the numbers of 10 year olds killed in nazi germany, for not being nazi.Eugenics was a gender neutral policy, which was terrible I agree but do you think muslims keep disabled daughters they can't wed off? They already kill them for not wearing their head veil.
I'm not disagreeing nazis were bad but present day islam is still so much worse.
Anonymous 61595
Breeding is one of the most dehumanizing things women are forced to do.
Anonymous 61596

>>61590>the same people who preach feminism also preach open bordersNow that's false. Plenty preach for regulated immigration, which of course to you sounds like "open borders" when you want to keep every single person out no matter who that person actually is.
>they also preach 'rehabilitative justice' and 'restorative justice' instead of punitive justiceSo they preach for things that work vs shit that doesn't work, amazing.
Anonymous 61598
>>61595It'd be a pleasure to all of us if you don't.
Anonymous 61600
>>61590Women have worked long before feminism was invented, first at their farms or maids etc, then in factories. Staying at home with kids was always limited to small number of wealthy women.
Women having careers isn't even ideology anymore in most of the world. Yes, feminism has become irredeemable cancer but it's idiotic to think that women need to conform to some artificial ideal that only benefits males just because of this. Women can reject both, in fact any smart woman WILL reject both roles because both ultimately hurt us and benefit moids. Third wave feminism isn't making life harder for men in any significant way, it's just ensuring that they have all the porn and ethots and underage prostitutes they could ever dream off while women also bring in 50% of income and do all the housework and child raising, while men have zero traditional responsibility. Women are the ones being scammed here, and you don't need to be tradtard to realize that.
Anonymous 61601
>>61594>do you think muslims keep disabled daughters they can't wed offThere's no data on disabled daughters. Those who are "honor" killed do not seem to be disabled just like many girls murdered by nazis for having the wrong opinions were not disabled either. And Hitler loved islam, so I think they're perfectly comparable.
Anonymous 61602
>>61596i dont understand you
first you say no they arent pro immigration and soft on crime then one post later you fall back on arguing pro immigration and soft on crime yourself
Anonymous 61605
>>61602Being pro rehabilitation is not being soft on crime, and not agreeing that "We shouldn't let a single one in!" is not agreeing with "We should let EVERYONE in!"
Anonymous 61606
>>61601>just like many girls murdered by nazis for having the wrong opinions were not disabled eitherMy point is islam kills women for being women and nazis killed those women not because they were women, which makes islam objectively worse than nazism for women's rights but SOMEHOW islam gets a free pass.
If people were as passionate of hating islam as they hate nazis I wouldn't even care, I just hate the double standard.
I don't even agree with nazis, I just wish people hated islam more.
Anonymous 61607
>>61602If you were intelligent, you'd notice the picture. Those ex-muslim immigrants and children of immigrants uphold the ideals of western civilization more than all obsessive right wingers.
Anonymous 61608

>>61605>Being pro rehabilitation is not being soft on crimethen what else is?
punitive justice, that means convicted rapist ends up rotting in prison for like 30 years. thats 30 years he wont be raping anybody. that's tough on crime.
rehabilitation on the other hand, that means convicted rapist gets time on probation, community service, and a bunch of therapy sessions while being free to roam the streets again. that's soft on crime, that's the approach you can see in sweden and many other north euro countries right now.
Anonymous 61609
>>61606>My point is islam kills women for being women and nazis killed those women not because they were womenThat's completely false. You don't get killed if you are a good muslim woman. Just like you don't get killed if you are a good nazi woman. Both ideologies demand submission and obedience and consider disagreement as treason, they are exactly the same.
>I just hate the double standardYet the existence of ex-muslims, people who want to leave islam, didn't even cross your mind.
Anonymous 61611
>>61608Once again, that's false. All nazis can do is spew lies it seems.
Rehabilitative justice is teaching the burglar or mafia thug a honest job so that once he's served his time, he will not fall into the trap that led him to commit crime in the first place. Rehabilitative justice is solving the problems that lead people to commit crime, rather than just punish the crime and leave the problems. yourself.
Anonymous 61612
>>61608convicted criminals recommit crimes at 40% rate and that's the BEST rate, I can't imagine why people would allow rapists to rape again just because some of them might never rape, fuck every single one of them.
Anonymous 61613
Ad hominems are not an argument.
Anonymous 61614
>>61612We believe in justice, that is, not punishing innocents for something they haven't done. Meaning you have no right to punish those who do not repeat offenses for the actions of strangers.
Anonymous 61618
>>61609Not the anon you replied to, but the problem with "good muslims" and ex-muslims is that there's no guarantee that their kids grow up the same way. It's well known issue that second generation muslims in Europe are more traditional and hostile to their host nations than their parents.
Muslism are not ethnically European, and they will always be outsiders to some degree, that is inevitable with every visible minority, and there will always be international Islam ready to radicalize them and give them an outlet to their frustrations. A lot of young male muslism are basically incels who turn to shallow anti-western rhetoric to excuse their shitty lives.
Multiracial societies will always be shitshow of constant tensions, low trust, polarization, extremism, ghettos etc. Scandinavian countries only became so good because they enjoyed benefits of being almost entirely homogeneous society. You can't have Nordic type welfare in USA because people refuse to pay taxes that would benefit "other groups".
Anonymous 61619
>>61611so what? make rapist listen to dworkin lecture and think that makes him never rape again? have long talk with pedophilem, tell him to not touch boy again, and trust him to do what you ask?
is just nonsense, they ignore and repeat regardless of what you tell them
Anonymous 61620

>>61609>they are exactly the sameDo you honestly not see the difference between women being allowed to chose their husbands and have an education and career, and a women daring take off her veil for a brief moment being met with beatings or a public execution?
Anonymous 61621
>>61614I guess I care more about girls being able to live a life without trauma then the livelihood of rapists after their sentence expires.
And also, they released thousands of sexual assault convicts because of covid concerns when they should have been let die where they belong.
Anonymous 61623

>>61618>there's no guarantee that their kids grow up the same wayWell ex-muslims don't teach islam to their children, so they grow up the same way as all other irreligious children.
For children of muslims, the way to guarantee they grow up like everyone else is to treat islam like any other religion should be treated, with skepticism and as something strictly private and personal that should not influence other people in any way. However, this makes religious figures upset, so they fight against that. And I don't mean muslims; when the Charlie Hebdo massacre happened, the Catholic Pope condemned the magazine and stated THEY were at fault for not being respectful of religion.
The extreme right is envious of islamic countries, wants the same oppressive culture but with them holding the whip. See how they gloss over the fact even in islamic countries there's rebellion movements that want to do away with islam. We should be helping those movements, instead of pretending they don't exist because they don't fit the far right narrative.
>Muslism are not ethnically EuropeanThis ex-muslim Egyptian actress doesn't look that different to me. Nobody would look twice at her not dressed like a muslim.
Anonymous 61624
>>61620Stop trying to compare Islam to nazism. Even Islam isn't THAT bad.
Anonymous 61625
>>61620>Do you honestly not see the difference between women being allowed to chose their husbands and have an education and careerWhy did you change the topic all of a sudden? We're talking women under nazism here, women under nazism were not allowed to choose their husbands or have an education and career.
Anonymous 61626
>>61623Exactly. Islamic countries are full of people that want to leave Islam. Mass immigration from Muslim countries is actually a good thing because those people are coming into our countries. They adapt to our culture very well.
Anonymous 61627
>>61623Lol you have this fantasy of a little Hitler that wants to dominate you, I think you've read 50 shades of shit one too many times lmao
God you're pathetic
Anonymous 61628
>>61626Sadly, mass immigration at the moment is hijacked by those who want islam to spread.
This is why we need serious screening and an immigration policy that lets those have left islam in, and keeps those who want to spread islam out.
And if that policy included kicking out those who want nazism/fascism back, that would be just peachy.
Anonymous 61629
>>61624I don't want nazis in my country, I don't want this in my country either
>Since the late 1990s, CDC has focused on methods to estimate the potential burden of FGM/C in the U.S. In 2016, CDC published indirect estimatesexternal icon of the number of U.S.-resident women potentially affected by or at risk for FGM/C, indicating that as many as 513,000 girls and women could have experienced FGM/C or be at risk of experiencing it in the future. This number was a three-fold increase from a 1997 estimateexternal icon and was largely due to the growing number of U.S. residents from countries where FGM/C is practiced. wish the same people that hated nazis hated this too but no one cares I guess.
Anonymous 61630
>>61624For women? No. Its worse for sure. There's a difference between stepford wives and public beatings. And both don't like jews, so…
Anonymous 61631
>>61461>I highly doubt that. Seems like some shit /pol/ made up.Even Richard Evans, /pol/'s number one enemy, mentions it being the truth. He wonders if that was the case because most of the victims were Jews and Slavs (book: third reich at war I think, either that or the third reich in memory and history).
Anonymous 61632
>>61630>There's a difference between stepford wives and public beatingsConsidering the former requires lobotomy, I'd say the former is more degrading.
Anonymous 61633
Can't wait for the time when Europa will rise again and kick halfbreed and shitstain ass
Anonymous 61634
>>61628Unrestricted mass immigration is the only way those people will be able to get here, because their regimes try to hunt them down. Most people coming to the west like our values. Don't let nazi rhetoric scare you. Islamization is not a real thing.
Anonymous 61636
>>61625>women under nazism were not allowed to choose their husbands or have an education and career.They were pushed to get married but not haggled for in a market place, they could have an education/career, it wasn't great but they had the option, women under islam can only submit or die.
Islam is worse and it's also very present in the modern day which is why it scares me significantly more. Specially since so called feminists are welcoming it in with open arms.
Anonymous 61637
>>61634Hell is hungry for you commie shitstains and you know your time is short
Anonymous 61638
>>61634>Unrestricted mass immigration is the only way those people will be able to get hereThat's false though. It is not the only way. Atheists can get in atheist-friendly countries purely by virtue of being atheist. You need to think your trolling harder, troll.
Anonymous 61640
>>61634>Unrestricted mass immigration is the only way those people will be able to get hereI want to be safe in my country, they don't belong here, I don't want this to happen in my streets. Anonymous 61641
>>61636>They were pushed to get married but not haggled for in a market placeThey were shamed punished if unmarried and childless, and killed if they married a man the regime deemed not aryan enough.
>they could have an education/careerIt's already been stated ITT they were precluded from university and many important professions.
>it wasn't great but they had the optionThey had not, as not adhering to the ideas of the regime meant imprisonment and death. Otherwise, Sophie Scholl would not have been murdered for speaking out. They could only submit, just like muslim women.
Anonymous 61642
>>61641>Otherwise, Sophie Scholl would not have been murdered for speaking out. They could only submit, just like muslim women.Her death wasn't because of her gender.
Anonymous 61643
>>61640What about right wingers publicly calling for the mass murder of non-right wingers tho? Are you okay with that happening in your streets?
Anonymous 61644
>>61641Lol dumb rape baby halfbreed cope
Anonymous 61645
>>61639I'm an exmuslim actually. I would just hate to see people in need be turned away.
Anonymous 61646
>>61642Just like the death of apostates in islam is not because of their gender. Male apostates get killed just like female ones.
Sophie's death was because she refused to submit to nazis.
Anonymous 61647
>>61646Her crime wasn't gender specific.
Anonymous 61648
>>61643Name literally one place this happens that isn't 4chan's /pol/.
Not even her, you're just being ridiculous.
Anonymous 61649
>>61645I think you're a nazi loving white guy desperately trying to troll. See how you have ignored
Anonymous 61651
>>61645Lol there has probably been inbreeding and rape in your twisted lineage
Anonymous 61652
>>61647Neither is the crime of women who refuse to submit in islam. It is the refusal to submit that is the crime, with both ideologies.
Anonymous 61653
>>61649I'm not saying there aren't a few bad apples that don't come here, but to try to paint mass immigration as bad just plays into the hands of the alt-right.
Anonymous 61654
>>61645Okay, so your bias is clear here. You're no better than a a "cultural" Christian who illogically defends their position because they were indoctrinated into it. You're clearly not entirely out of it.
Anonymous 61655
>>61643>>61650Obviously I don't, I don't like it when people on the left kill right wingers, claim they were nazis and cheer their death either.
Anonymous 61657
>>61650And you think that would happen if riots weren't going on for three months now? Really? You really think that'd be accepted otherwise?
Anonymous 61658
>>61653I see you are still deliberately ignoring a perfectly reasonable policy:
>>61638Thanks for confirming you are a troll.
Anonymous 61659
>>61657>And you think that would happen if riots weren't going on for three months now? Yes, right wingers have been fantasizing about murdering left wingers since Obama.
Anonymous 61660
>>61659I think your brain tumor is making you act out again
Anonymous 61661
>>61659Left wingers too now come back when right wingers have been setting fire to cities for months on end
Anonymous 61662
>>61638If they make it public knowledge that they are atheists in those countries they will be killed.
>>61658Honestly surprised you needed me to spell that out for you.
Anonymous 61663
>>61659That would have been another Charlottesville had riots not been going on for three months in Dem cities. Ridiculous. It's not even someone White saying it.
Anonymous 61664
>>61661>If they make it public knowledge that they are atheists in those countries they will be killed.That's why secular countries can institute an immigration system that screens atheists privately so they don't have to reveal themselves to the public until they are safe.
Anonymous 61665
>>61663Charlottesville isn't even on the same scale as what's going on with people on the left
Anonymous 61666
>>61653>a few bad apples that don't come here70% of women crossing the border are raped, child abusers traffic children with them to get through border control.
They are not few and they're not bad apples, they're monsters.
Sadly too many radicals and extremists make their way through and form islamic enclaves where they can continue their subgugation of women, honor killings and have a network of underground doctors to mutilate the girls before they even have a change to experience western culture.
Anonymous 61667
>>61632I'm not literal when I say that. I'm saying that there's a difference between having to bake pies for the rest of your life and being forced to wear a tarp of face death.
Anonymous 61668
>>61661>>61664And before you claim that's impossible, that's exactly what the US did with refugees with communist countries. example.
Anonymous 61669
>>61664If that information ever got out it could mean death a lot of them have lived in fear and suspicion their entire lives. It will be difficult for many of them to admit that even in private. Mass immigration is a better system because it allows anyone who wants to be here to be here.
Anonymous 61670
Kind of off-topic, but isn't it literally illegal in the United States to be a Communist? I'm like 99% there is some law that hasn't been annulled about it.
Anonymous 61671
>>61669>If that information ever got out it could mean death a lot of them have lived in fear and suspicion their entire livesI don't see why officials would ever have any interest to release sensitive information to the public unless they were either corrupt or racist, not wanting atheists in their secular country just because they're from a muslim country.
Anonymous 61672
>>61669They are all destined for a violent death in any case, running won't change their lot
Anonymous 61673
>>61669>Mass immigration is a better system because it allows anyone who wants to be here to be here.That means rapists, murderers, human traffickers, drug runners. Too many women have been forced through hell because of this policy, it's not worth to save a few for so many to be hurt in their own homes.
Anonymous 61674
>>61671Can you at least see why Islamic radicals would try to seek out that information?
Anonymous 61675
>>61674Why are there islamic radicals in the country? Mass migration.
Anonymous 61676
>>61673Many women have been saved because of mass immigration. Stop playing into the hands of the alt-right.
Anonymous 61678
>>61675There are Islamic radicals in their home countries too. The places they are trying to escape.
Anonymous 61679
>>61674I don't see why a normal non-muslim person would release that information. Non-communists during the Cold War didn't go snitch to communists about those who fled the Iron Curtain.
I can see a nazi giving out that information though, because it upsets him ex-muslims exist.
Anonymous 61681
>>61676I'm allowed to be concerned for my safety over the safety of people committing federal crimes to reap the benefits of my country.
Anonymous 61683
>>61680>>61681So you care more about the lives of white women then you do the lives of women of color got it. No wonder nazism is so popular on here.
Anonymous 61684
>>61676It's not the responsibility of western women to sacrifice our own safety to save your people. It sucks that your own people treat women like shit, but this is true for billions of women around the world, you can't fix these misogynist cultures by taking everyone into Europe, all it accomplishes it makes our societies bad for women too.
Anonymous 61685
>>61683You ran for a reason, that reason is because you're filth
Anonymous 61686
>>61684The Iron Curtain fell also because the West held the Warsaw Pact responsible for its crimes against its people, just saying.
Nazis like
>>61685 don't care for justice like that.
Anonymous 61687
>>61683If even one woman is made a victim because of mass immigration then it would be a reasonable response to kick every single one of them out. It is not the rest of the world's fault that you and yours has problems. You literally do more harm by running away instead of staying and fixing them.
Anonymous 61688
>>61686I care for justice, that's why your own savage inbred people should deal with you
Anonymous 61689
>>61686AND SUCH A SHAME YOUR PEOPLE CAN'T HOLD YOURS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING, AND INSTEAD RUN AWAY. Yeah, people would die if you did, but the problem would also get solved. You are immoral and a liar.
Anonymous 61690
>>61688Yeah dude, encourage the murder of free thinkers who want to make their countries more like the West, that will work.
>>61689>>61688You moids sure love to jump to bullshit conclusions. I'm white, dipshits.
Do you have any idea how much counterintelligence, counterpropaganda and secret political activity went into undermining the USSR? The west is doing NOTHING like that now. You can't expect people to rise up without assistance, which you are not providing.
Anonymous 61692
>>61691Yes I am. And so was Sophie Scholl.
Anonymous 61693
>>61690You said you're ex-Muslim, I am not referring to Arabs.
>You can't expect people to rise up without assistanceSure as fuck can, because everyone else does. Even in Hong Kong people still try and rage against the giant that is the CCP.
Anonymous 61694
>>61693I never said I am ex-muslim. Try to keep up.
>Sure as fuck canNo, rationally you can't. There's only so much normal people can do See how HK is dying thanks to nobody stepping up to stop China.
Anonymous 61695
>>61692You're the product of rape and incest
Anonymous 61696
>>61695Why do you talk that way about white people?
Anonymous 61697
>>61696You aren't white. You're just mixed filth
Anonymous 61698
>>61694>>61645You literally have to. Otherwise you get situations like the Middle East, or places like Mexico where fear and cartels rule everything. You have to try and help yourself even if you're a victim.
Anonymous 61699
>>61698>>61645 is not me. Why are you quoting someone else's post?
>You literally have to. Nope.
>Otherwise you get situations like the Middle East, or places like Mexico where fear and cartels rule everythingBoth places where foreign policy has been very complacent in not resolving conflict and not liberating people.
Anonymous 61700
>>61699>is not me.Liar.
>Nope.Okay, then go be a victim, you'll have no sympathy. Woe is you.
Anonymous 61701
>>61697Please stop talking to the delusions in your mind.
Anonymous 61702
>>61700>LiarNope. You are talking to multiple people, learn to keep track of posts on imageboards.
Anonymous 61703
>>61701You're the delusional one. Unable to come to terms with your shameful heritage
Anonymous 61704
>>61701>>61700In fact I'm
>>61649 and other posts calling out the mass immigration troll. You are so completely stupid, lol.
Anonymous 61705
>>61704A liar is a liar is a liar. 10-1 you're the same person, 100% you're both full of shit.
Anonymous 61706
>>61705An idiot is an idiot is an idiot. I called out the troll, that is if you weren't the troll yourself, and you weren't even able to realize you were talking to more than one person. How are you even alive when you're so dumb?
Anonymous 61707
>>61706How are you still alive when you're so genetically defective
Anonymous 61708
>>61707I'm not, duh. Really, you should stop projecting.
Anonymous 61709
>>61708Sorry, but you can't hide what you are. Even on the internet
Anonymous 61710
>>61709You have no idea who I am, dude. Stop and think before you speak if you don't want to look like an idiot all the time.
Anonymous 61711
>>61710What makes you so sure?
Just kidding. You got lucky, this time lmao
Anonymous 61712
>>61710>>61709>inb4 more projectionYou got owned and I got shit to do, man, hopefully the mods will ban you and all the moids itt soon enough. Keep being a retard so people can humiliate you in the next shit thread.
Anonymous 61910

>>61453>10 minutes of reverse image search>it's an 8 year old with thalassemiaWhat has the world come to - look at all these pregnant young boys!
I hate islam as much as the next edgy atheist but I hate people who spread outrageous news without source checking it more - especially if it includes private individuals that are alive right now like that girl.'s a link about the incident - you can find the doctor on google and he's a pediatrician (there's even a slide he did on anemia which really makes you HMM)