
Anonymous 64722
Whats it like being pretty?
Anonymous 64738
>>64722Define "pretty," like a girl-next-door 6.5-7/10 kinda pretty, or a 8-9/10 Stacy?
I'd imagine 9/10s have to deal with constant staring, people treating you like an object of conquest and dehumanizing you, treating like you are stupid and that the only notable assets you must have are your looks, that you're a happy normie, and assigning all of these surface level, vapid personality judgments. People probably act full retard around you, and people probably like you a lot more due to halo effect.
I can only speak as a 7, but
I went from being a mousy 5/10 Plain Jane aka completely ignored, people would sit on me like in the princess diaries, teachers would constantly ask if I was a new student even though I had been there for years, to looksmaxxing to a 7ish (where in rural Kansas where I'm at, is pretty top tier as everyone is overweight and frumpy lmao), and I get complimented usually at least once every-time I go out.
I attract attention, and people usually remember me, but I have a striking/flamboyant matter of dress too (bright colors, very extra). I definitely attract less attention than Gigastacies, but people are so much nicer/more inclined to invite me to a social group, or think I'm interesting and start conversations with me. It attracts people's attention more, so you don't have to put as much effort in to attract it with personality, which is good because I'm shy/not very charismatic.
Anonymous 65171
It's nice that I can look in the mirror and not feel like I have to get surgery or makeup, but socially, it hasn't made up for any of the things that are wrong with me.
Anonymous 65175
Imagine if everything in life is just easier
That's what being pretty is like
And that's without even doing anything with that prettyness
Anonymous 65276
Like what? Im actually curious.
Anonymous 65281
>>65276Mobbing is one, getting catcalled, feeling like you gonna get raped at night.
I obviously wouldn't wish to be ugly but it is true. Beauty is more advantageous than it is bad don't get me wrong but it has it's small list of problems. You realize how dangerous moids are.
Anonymous 65282
>>65281None of those things are exclusive to being pretty. I think ugly women are more likely if anything to be targets because no one would believe them or care as much
Anonymous 65283
>>65282That could be the case when the perpetrator knows the victim personally, but if youre walking down a street at night its more dangerous being beautiful since attractiveness brings attention and awakens something inside of men.
Anonymous 65284
>>65283Not really, men like that harass anything recognizably female. It's less about attractiveness and more about the area you're in.
Anonymous 65385
>>65171I refuse to believe pretty girls have a hard time socially, men swoon over them and uplift them out of it.
Anonymous 65405
>>65284Pretty much unless you are super ugly, a man looking to rape won't give a shit about your looks
Only that you are rapable.
And that's for the whole "drag someone into an alley" thing.
Which doesn't really happen unless you go to shitty ghettos
Like they say, most rapes are done by someone the victims knows, and if they're already that close to you your looks mean nothing
Anonymous 65406
>>65405There's always the "serial killer with a specific type who kidnaps you in broad daylight" type.
Anonymous 65407
Just lol at the bluepillers in this thread claiming being pretty won’t increase your life quality. You’ll grow up having friends and receiving infinite validation. Being unattractive makes people ignore you and treat you badly.
Anonymous 65421
>>65407You´ll grow up having friends and receiving far too much validation you did nothing to deserve besides being born pretty and it´ll very likely make you a shallow cunt addicted to said validation.
Being "the pretty one" growing up is a hindrance to actually becoming a human being with a worthwhile personality or achieving any kind of lasting happiness.
Anonymous 65429
>>65421Receiving unjustified validation won't make you a shallow cunt, the opposite rather. Attractive women have better personalities. They also have better job prospects, are less neurotic and have happier lives in general. Stop coping.
Anonymous 65573
>>65429You do realise there are normal people that don't have these kinds of neurological obsessions like you. Right?
Anonymous 65580
>>65573Yes, because their lives are not ruined by their looks. Truly undesirable ugly ethnic women like me suffer greatly from lookism. Years of rejection has mentally fucked me up and lead me to spending my youth rotting on cringe internet forums/boards.
Anonymous 65585
It's great actually.
Can't complain.
Anonymous 65586
>>65580>Truly undesirable ugly ethnic womenIf everyone lived apart the playing field would be more equalized.
>>64722It's especially tedious for both women and men. People assume the world and think they're owed your time. I'm no star, but I always find it tedious when people show interest in me because I'm almost always doing something at the time.
Anonymous 65623
Honestly the worst part about being pretty is men. I hate being perceived by men, especially old men. I hate being stared at by them, I hate when men do double takes and crane their heads to look at me or catcall and honk. They disgust me. I especially hate when men who are clearly with their partners ogle me…
Anonymous 65624
>>65623But with this said I absolutely realize how disastrous pretty privilege can be and how dehumanizing it is to women who aren't conventionally attractive. Being pretty is certainly better than being ugly but… everyone knows this.
Anonymous 65626
>>65406Okay but that could happen regardless
A serial killer who's type is "ugly girls"
Could just as well have a type too
Besides not exactly worth worrying yourself over getting murdered serial killers
If you worry about that then you'll never leave the house
Plus are serial killers even a thing anymore? With cameras being everywhere I can't imagine that they're that common anymore
Anonymous 65986
>>65406Like the other Anona said, that could happen regardless. You're getting into the statistical territory with those kinds of thoughts (more likely to die tripping down the stairs or hitting your head on something/getting into a car accident/ect.).
>>65626Serial killers will always be a thing as long as psychopaths exist in the genepool, if our society was more sane about… well everything tbh there would be a lot less opportunities for those demon-possessed shits to start gestating, and then actually operate.
Anonymous 66038
>>64722I have never been really pretty but when I started college in my third world country, I lost like 10kg in the six months prior and the fact I was enrolled in engineering and there's was practically no women in the campus made me like 8/10 there when I was like 6/10 max, it was honestly annoying mostly because I have bad social skills (i didn't even know when to blink in convos lmao), like the class finished and dudes just try to talk to me and maybe because i looked innocent or maybe my lack of social skills but guys would try to say a lot of very obviously bullshit to try to impress me but i was so shy that i didn't wanted to call them out, one of my teachers was super creepy always trying to get me to go to his cubicle after class so i stopped going to his class, it also increased my anxiety because before that I was invisible, in middle school one of the popular kids was told that I was crushing on him and literally made a pucking sound when they told him, i was never considered pretty before.
There's was a much more prettier girl but most of my classmates in college wouldn't even go to her or attempt to speak to her, but if she said anything to them they latter between them would be speaking like God touched them or something like that, eventually i reversed to my ugly state and the way people treated me was still no really bad since there's still no a lot of females around them so uggos would still try to hit on me.
My country has a lot of problems with girls literally being kindapped of the streets and then being dump somewhere raped and killed, so it really doesn't matter if you are super ugly just because you are a woman and alone you can become a target, I still feel more at peace being ugly tbh I just avoid looking at mirrors.
Anonymous 66108
>>65407>You’ll grow up having friends and receiving infinite validationJust because you're ugly on the outside doesn't mean you have to be ugly on the inside.
Anonymous 66158
>>66108Eh generaly it does. Its a lot easier being nice and positive when youve always been given attention and affection. And its much easier becoming bitter and hateful when you get ignored. These things don't happen in a vaccum.
Anonymous 66200
What’s it like being ugly or just not pretty? Does your appearance cause you major problems? Are you treated worse than attractive people in general? I’m curious about how the other side lives
Anonymous 66207
>>66200They are, they get bullied in school and hate going to it. When adults they just get politely ignored.
Anonymous 66703
>>66200for me it's mostly just like being invisible. which isn't terrible considering i'm a shy person anyway
Anonymous 67178
i grew up ugly and glowed up in my mid-20s. overall it's better to be considered beautiful duh, people for the most part will treat you better and be more inclined to overlook your mistakes. you get a lot more attention, whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on your personality. sometimes i wish i could be invisible the way i was when i was still ugly. it's gross how everybody suddenly thinks they're entitled to comment on everything i do. men especially will act like you look pretty just for them, like i made myself look nice for some middle-aged moid specifically. as if!!!!
i've always had close female friends and never really understood the meme about women being catty bitches or w/e because i'd never experienced anything like that, fighting over guys or spreading rumours etc. i realize now it was because i was never perceived as competition for male attention due to being ugly. some women do mean shit if they feel a guy might like you more than them. you don't even have to be flirty or dress seductively, just looking good is enough to incite jealousy.
like there's this popular guy at work whom i cannot even make small talk with because the girls who have a crush on him will go apeshit bananas. he saw me putting hot sauce on my noodles in the cafeteria once and we talked about different hot sauces for a bit and as punishment the two girls stopped saying hello to me, nit-picked my work and started a rumour that i was dating a co-worker's son. all that because we had a conversation about hot sauce! i don't even like him that type of way.
weirdly it was easier to make friends when i was ugly. like yes people are more willing to do favors for me and start conversations with me which is nice but rarely develops into actual friendship. it feels like people only like my looks not my personality, as cliche as it sounds. at least i still have my old friends from when i was ugly lol, how do people who've always been pretty handle this?
Anonymous 67221
>>67178>how do people who've always been pretty handle this?By having no friends or social life.
Anonymous 67230
>>67221This is me. I figured early on that I'd rather shut myself out than be used. I didn't get used, but as a result, I'm 20 and have literally zero experience with men. It doesn't help that I'm autistic and have a difficult time relating to others, so I didn't have any friends of either sex from the beginning.
I don't think I could be friends with most neurotypical women, to be honest. We just have completely different insights on most things in life. I love them and I want the best for them (hence I'm an ardent feminist and I argue passionately in favour of things like abortion, which technically doesn't affect me immediately since I'm a lonely virgin), but it's difficult to make a friendship with someone with whom you have little in common, in my experience. Maybe that's just the mental illnesses compounding the issue.
I feel like an outsider looking in when hearing about social situations like fighting over a guy. I have no doubt that if I ever find a partner, it'll be a guy filled to the brim with mental illnesses like me, and both of us will have one another and ourselves only. I dream about that kind of thing someday, even though it probably isn't even fucking healthy to have your SO be your only friend. Not that it matters; one friend is better than none.
I'm absolutely not trying to tell you to feel sorry for me or beat the "pretty people have problems too!" dead horse. It's a huge part of it, but there are a few things that are more destructive than being ugly. I happened to get a whole lot of those.
Anonymous 67235
No clue.I've had people tell me Im gorgeous and others telling me that I'm very ugly(including my mother),so whenever people look at me I can't tell if in their minds they're thinking
"what a hideous creature" or "s-sugoii"
Anonymous 68228
My sister is stunning. She has also never been with a man who loves her. Just a bunch of jealous moids who want to own her and treat her like shit. Unless she learns how to be alone, they are going to ruin her life.
Anonymous 68259
>>68228the female experience is largely the same whether or not you are attractive when it comes to actually trying to find a serious partner. beautiful women may be offered more job opportunities and be treated better by strangers but romantically, beautiful women and less attractive women are mistreated and taken for granted by the males they want to be loved by. eventually the sweetness and care wears off and the entitlement becomes very apparent.
Anonymous 68263
>>68259That couldnt be any further from the truth. Men fall in love with pretty girls, men try to get in relationships with pretty girls. Not with ugly ones. Ugly girls arent taken for granted or mistreated in relationships, they are ignored. And in the rare cases when they do get in a relationship they usually dont even get that sweet honeymoon period, because the men theyre with settled for them, theyre not feeling the infatuation and excitement they would be feeling for a pretty girl. Its pretty depressing, but thats how it is.
Anonymous 68267
>>68263i've seen a lot of men actually into less attractive or unattractive women. like genuinely into them, but they still abuse them. they abuse pretty women too. yes, you're more likely to immediately be abused or mistreated at the start if you are with someone that immediately is settling, but some men don't think they're completely settling. i really have seen men that think their "unattractive" gf is extremely attractive. maybe not as attractive as other women, but still very attractive to them. again, it doesn't prevent them from mistreating them. it doesn't matter, the point is that pretty women and unattractive women are mistreated because men think they deserve more than just an attractive woman. they think they deserve ALL the attractive women regardless of their situation. you're wrong that less attractive women are just ignored. they might be ignored by some men or even a majority of men, but there will always be plenty of guys who think they have a shot with a less attractive woman and will use her for his purposes. as an example, older guys (that aren't millionaires and wealthy) think basically any younger woman is useful and attractive to them, at least for some time. but being used and abused isn't a desirable outcome. none of these men fall in love with women regardless of how the woman looks. men don't fall in love with pretty women. men don't fall in love with any women. men, for the most part, don't know what love is. men don't know how to respect or love women regardless of how they look. i don't even know why you're talking about love.
Anonymous 68294
>>64722you stare at the mirror for many a while
i am terrified of how many earth hours i wasted on just looking at myself
Anonymous 68311
>>68294You ever come home after a long day out and look at yourself in the mirror and feel thankful for seeing a nice face after a long day of looking at ugly people all day or is that my just vain self?
Anonymous 68314
>>68311I don't go outside but I kinda do that.
I look at people online and go "you're neat but i'm neater!" and then go to the mirror and basically start eye-fucking myself.
Anonymous 68349
>>68311>>68314i do this but i'm also mentally ill (npd & apd, most closely psychopathy)
you would not want to be me
Anonymous 68363
>>68267The reply wasnt me, but i did mention my sister. She has had, I think, 10 boyfriends already? About one a year. The weird thing is, I am married. Ten years together. Never been mistreated. Still in love. Possibly because we started as friends and he saw me as a person. I'm a bit above average looks, he's average. I just got lucky though. it seems like she has dated every "type" under the sun but they all turn sour on her. Either she loves red flags, her amazing looks attracts shitheads, or possibly both. I don't know how to help her.
Anonymous 70324
i dont think im gorgeous but i think im at the pretty level. and it became frequent reoccurring compliment. the thing is i lost about 55 kgs in about 2 years. im not skinny right now. kinda overweight but i dont think i look fat, id say im chubby or curvy etc. i have a good body shape. i feel so much better compared to before. if i knew i would feel this way before i lost all the weight i would be willing to do something crazy for it. i still get body dysmorphic sometimes. lower part of my stomach is kinda wrinkly and my boobs are sagging. i dont think its anything ghastly though. i used to be so much worse, to the point of having a wallowing session every night about my body.
socially i get so much more attention and im more popular. though i learned this doesnt mean im always well liked. but more people approaching me means more opportunities for that. i dont think people with friendly intentions treat me better. though i think people who want superficial things will value you more. i dont get approached randomly but most of the males i see regularly and have talked to before has hit on me.
but i wanna say all these things feel really good because i had a massive deep scar from being fat and mostly undesirable (for my looks or other things, how the hell can anyone reason this by theirselves) my whole life. its just scratching that itch. i think people who had the benefits of being pretty their whole life wouldnt feel particularly good about these benefits. they have nothing to compare to.
Anonymous 70325
>>70324While I've lost much less weight than you did I'd say the same except that I've felt more confident at my highest weight. Now I'm not satisfied with my weight and I feel like I have to lose some more. My BMI is at the low end of normal range, but I don't want to be "normal", I want to be spoopy, I don't want any moid to look at me but I know it's useless. Scrotes will still hit on you even if you're a literal skeleton, see Eugenia Cooney.
>would be willing to do something crazy for itPlease don't. Trust me, it's not worth it at all.
Anonymous 70326
>>70325i understand where youre coming from but i dont have ana tendencies. i dont even know if i wanna lose more weight. the weight i lost transformed me completely because i was super overweight. also i want to say, if the desire to change the way you look doesnt come from somewhere positive and constructive you really shouldn't feed into it imo.
Anonymous 72194

I went from being fairly pretty when I was younger to a total uggo (overweight and acne) so I guess I have a little insight. Both have pros and cons.
When I was younger, I was heavily sexualised in public. I was never sexually assaulted (thank god) but random older men felt entitled to speak to me or touch me (put their arm on my waist or play with my hair) and I'd catch men staring down my top or at my butt often. People around me made me feel like it was normal. I was "pretty" and I should appreciate that kind of attention so I put up with it to be "polite". It's the worst fucking feeling in the world to have someone like that enter your personal space because you can feel the malicious intent and you have no idea if or when it will escalate. I've been in scary situations where men have tried to follow me home or get me alone in a hotel room. I used to wear baggy clothes (even though I hated them and wanted to look good) and act tomboyish in an attempt to stop it from happening. Men would pretend to be my friend for months just to try to get into my pants, the only real friendships I had was with other women. They'd make excuses as to why they had to meet me in person (so trying to use up all my time) or enter my house, it was so disturbing. Even when I had a girlfriend and later a boyfriend, these guys would try to "compete" with my partners for me. Made me feel like shit to think none of them actually wanted to be my friend or wouldn't listen to me asking them to stop, I was just some prize to be conquered. My family always made it seem like my one and only worth was how I looked.
I get less attention from men now but obviously, I still have to be cautious as the most dangerous men out there don't care about looks, they're just looking for the perfect opportunity. I'm still not taken seriously and if anything, I get more patronising comments and people ignoring me for looking too "plain". There's no such thing as an "easy mode" in life for women, you can never fucking win as a woman. Being pretty doesn't make people respect you more and it only attracts the same gross scrotes whose only goal is to pump and dump you. You probably have a better chance at being hired for job interviews but then you have to deal with a nasty boss breathing down your neck or if you're in a STEM field, a bunch of men seething about how you "stole their jobs" and how you don't have the mental capacity for a STEM role.
Sorry for the sperg.