
shitposting gen Anonymous 74104
don't think
just feel
Anonymous 74111
someone explain the racoon shit to me
Anonymous 74112
>>74111I THINK raccoon is codework for a subby guy?
Anonymous 74113
>>74111>>>/feels/31526/A year ago on /feels/ a thread was made concerning anon being intimidated by male strength, lost to the mods, a single post rose to ask what would be the changes you would see in society if men were smaller? Say, racoon-sized? A most unholy form of true female autism was unleashed, as the thread devolved into esoteric discussions of what a world full of racoon sized moids would look like. Pandora's box opened, all the androphobic yet heterosexual posters on this site latched onto the meme, it has lost it's original quite literal meaning for men who are only 3 feet tall, and now generically refers to subby men in general. Alas, lurking underneath the surface at anytime is the autism waiting to reveal itself again in all it's crazy glory.
Anonymous 74114
>>74113Hmmm, thought that link would work.
Let's try this
>>>/feels/31526and this
>>/feels/31526but guarantee it with this
>>>/feels/31526 Anonymous 74122

Pls lord just give me the strength to stop being a massive retard
Anonymous 74123
>>74122i faintly remember this game
samurai zero, right?
Anonymous 74131
>>74123Close but not quite lel
It's Katana Zero
Anonymous 74175
>>74133I think batman and joker should kiss.
Anonymous 74260
trying to decide on breakfast.
0-2: ramen
3-4: eggs
5-6: bacon + croissant
7-8: bacon + croissant + eggs
9: reroll
Anonymous 78867
>>75219Holy shit I haven’t been on that website since the start of last decade. You just unpacked forgotten memories in my head.
Anonymous 78871
>>74114This is actually a little bit like how the spider society in Children of Time works. Even down to the unadopted males scavenging through refuse.
Anonymous 78993

Anonymous 78994

Robert Lawrence Leonard (born February 28, 1969),[1] known by his stage name Robert Sean Leonard, is an American actor. He is known for playing Dr. James Wilson in the television series House (2004–2012) and Neil Perry in the film Dead Poets Society. Leonard won a Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for his performance in The Invention of Love in 2001. His other theater credits include Candida, Long Day's Journey Into Night, Breaking the Code, The Speed of Darkness, Philadelphia, Here I Come!, Arcadia, The Music Man, Born Yesterday, and To Kill a Mockingbird. From 2013 to 2014, Leonard had a recurring role as Dr. Roger Kadar on the television series Falling Skies. He also starred as the leading role in Swing Kids playing Peter Muller.
ROBErT LaWrEnCe lEOnard (bORN feBruarY 28, 1969),[1] knOwn by hiS stAge name RobERt sEaN lEoNArd, Is aN AmerIcAN ACtOr. He is KNowN FOR pLaYing Dr. jamES WIlsOn iN The tELeVISion SerIEs HoUsE (2004–2012) AND nEIl PERrY in THe FilM dead poetS soCIeTy. leOnArD Won a TOnY AwaRd FoR BeST featUrED ACTOR In A PLay foR his perFOrMaNCe iN ThE inv
enTIon of LOvE iN 2001. HiS Other thEATER CRedItS inCludE cAndIda, long daY's JoUrneY INtO nIGht, BREAKing The CoDe, tHE sPEEd OF dARKnEss, PhiLADELpHia, here i COMe!, aRCAdia, the MUSIC mAN, bOrN yESTeRDAY, AnD TO kIll a MOCkINGbiRd. FROm 2013 tO 2014, lEoNArD had a rEcURrIng rOlE As dR. roGer KadAR ON thE TEleVISION serieS FAlLiNg SkiEs. hE AlSo StARrED as tHe LEADiNg rOLE IN SWinG kiDS PLAying PETER mulLEr.
Anonymous 78997
>>78996Isnt that Dr. Wilson from Dr. House?
Anonymous 79001
>>74175i think they should kiss while I'm being double penetrated between them
Anonymous 79010

>>78999I didn't knew he was this good looking when he was young. He was so wholesome as Dr. Wilson.
He is like the perfect father, super empathetic, super carning for everyone. He was a cancer doctor so he was a smooth talker in the series, he tried to calm everyone down even to somebody as direct, objective and emotionless as House. House considered him his best friend because of how loyal and good as a person he was.
Anonymous 79534
>>78994>February 28Holy shit we have the same birthday.
This made me look up other celebrities who were born on the 28th and I learned today that I also share a birthday with Gilbert Gottfried. Then I learned he groped Wendy Williams on live tv in 2011.
There's a lot for me to process here.
Anonymous 79911
>>79021Thats pretty much half of the episodes.
Anonymous 79955

The Demons inside me is taking over
Anonymous 80442
big brain.png

>>74104shitposting is an art, and you have all desecrated it.
Anonymous 81022
>>81009i thought the skinny guy was young yanderedev and read all the captions in his voice
Anonymous 81398
>>81058idk why ppl consider it funny
Anonymous 81483
>>81467oh i think i might have deleted it by mistake
Anonymous 81508

saw this on Jodi Arias's myspace …
Anonymous 81517
going to the yaoi convenience store, anyone need anything?
Anonymous 81521

>>81517alexa, add unfettered devotion in a word to my shopping list
Anonymous 81577
fabric modloader very based
Anonymous 82561
>>82560This activated my school shooter instinct.
Anonymous 82582

Imagine your kid coming home like this. I'd piss myself laughing
Anonymous 82583

This is kind of cute but the fact a male wrote it bothers me. Anyone read it? Is it just scrote fuel?
Anonymous 82585
>>81009These are the guys who made the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song.
Anonymous 82588
>>82583Just watch some episodes or read it, you'll get enough entertainment out of it from picking it apart at a meta level even if you don't end up liking it
Anonymous 82589
>>82583>but the fact that a male wrote it bothers meThe author made dozens of doujins about things like lolicon, rape, snuff, bestiality, and guro. The two main characters in nagatoro are originally from three sadism imagesets by the same author.
Anonymous 83410

It has come to my attention
why are the monkeys getting del? are they part of an invasion? please no del. I'm a CC regular and worked hard on this shitpost, please I have a wife and children
Anonymous 83412
>>82583Sorry, but I watched just one episode of this, and it was fucking awful. I don’t even know how you can call it cute? It felt so pornified and the main girl is so hateable. None of the characters are likeabke. It just felt like I was watching something solely made for men to jack off to,
Anonymous 83413
>>82583japanese dudes (most of them) are too scared to talk with girls, and can't enterprise relations with them. It became a fetish: a girl who teases in a with sexual tensions, BUT still """"pure"""/naive when it's about sex again gotta still be innocent.
Like everytime the male prota need a girl to feel alive and go throughhis personal problem.
for this kind of herbivore male they create
uzaki chan wants to hang out
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
and probably more manga/anime with archetype
SO YES IT'S MADE FOR GUYS, but I found it interesting to watch
Anonymous 83414
>>82583100% moid bullshit not worth a watch
Anonymous 83415
>>83414fair enough
i wached it because I was bored
and i was shoked it reminded me the virgin porn actress for incels
Anonymous 83417
>>83413I knew I wasn’t the only one seeing a pattern with those characters. I tried reading the manga for each of those series except for Nautiljon and they all felt weirdly porn-y and so obviously written by and for moids. Not very enjoyable.
Anonymous 83428
>>83417yeah exactly a pattern
I also tried to read and watch but too painful, authors/readers are too horny.
we can also found that pattern with the Onee-san or mommy characters
it's a loop
Anonymous 83436
>>83433manga or anime?
I want to rewatch Isshuukan Friends it's really fluffy in my memories.
If you want cool girl prota maybe try read Nakamura Yoshiki's manga skip beat! (there is an anime but the manga is better!)
tell mewhat kind of manga/anime so I can see if I have something cool you might like!
Anonymous 83444
>>83436I prefer manga to anime. Our Precious Conversations is the most recent one I've read.
Anonymous 83447
>>83444Looks really chill, I'll read that one
you might like the two I mentioned
Anonymous 84152

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
And that's right.
Anonymous 84375

Got a number one victory royale
Yeah fortnite we bout to get down (get down)
Ten kills on the board right now
Just wiped out tomato town
Anonymous 85317

Shut up
Just shut up, shut up
Shut up
Just shut up, shut up
Shut up
Just shut up, shut up
Just shut up
Shut up
Shut up, Just shut up
Shut up, just shut up, shut up
Shut up, just shut up, shut up
Shut it up
Just shut up, shut up
We're try to take it slow
But we're still losin control
And we try to make it work
But it still ends up the worst
And I'm craaazzzy
For tryin to be your laaadddy
I think I'm goin crazy
Girl, me and you we're just fine (you know)
We wined and dined
Did them things that couples do when in love (you know)
Walks on the beach and stuff (you know)
Things that lovers say and do
I love you boo, I love you too
I miss you a lot, I miss you even more
That's why I flew you out
When we was on tour
But then something got out of hand
You start yellin when I was with my friends
Even though I had legitimate reasons (bull shit)
You know I had to make them dividends (bull shit)
How could you trust our private eyes girl
That's why you don't believe my lies
And quit this lecture
Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up
Shut it up, just shut up, shut up
We try to take it slow
But we're still losin control
And we try to make it work
But it still ends up the worst
And I'm craaazzzy
For tryin to be your laaadddy
I think I'm goin crazy
Why does emotion gotta move so fast
Love is progress if you could make it last
Why is it that you just lose control
Every time you agree on takin it slow
Why does it got to be so damn tough
Cuz fools in lust could never get enough of love
Showin the love that you be givin
Changing up your livin
For a lovin transition
Girl its a mission tryin to get you to listen
We mad at each other has become our tradition
You yell, I yell, everybody yells
Got the neighbors across the street saying
"Who the hell?!?"
Who the hell?
What the hell's going down?
Too much of the bickering
Kill it with the sound and
Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up
Shut it up
Just shut up
Shut up
We trying to take it slow
But we're still losin control
And we try to make it work
But it still ends up the worst
And I'm craaazzzy (for what?) Crazy for what?
For tryin to be your laaadddy
I think I'm goin crazy
Oh, Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up
Just shut up, shut up
Shut up, just shut up
Shut up, shut it up, just shut up, shut up
Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up
Shut it up
Just shut up
Shut up, shut up, shut it up, just shut up, shut up
Girl our love is dyin
Why did you stop tryin
I never been a quita
But I do deserve betta
Believe me I will do better
Let's forget the past
And let's start this new play
Why? Cuz it's the same old routine
And the next week I hear them scream
Girl I know you're tired of the things I say
You're damn right
Cuz I heard them lame damn excuses just yesterday
That was a different thing
No it ain't
That was a different thing
No it ain't
That was a different thing
It was the same damn thing
Same ass excuses
Boy you're useless
Shut up
Just shut up
Shut up, just shut up, shut up
Shut up, just shut up, shut shut up
Shut up, just shut up, shut up
Shut it up, just shut up
Shut up
Just shut up (Oh no no no)
Shut up, just shut up, shut up (Don't go)
Shut up, just shut up, shut shut up (Now please go)
Shut up, just shut up, shut up (I don't know)
Shut it up, just shut up (Oh, Oh, Oh)
Shut up
Stop the talking baby
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby (Is that all there is)
Or I start walking baby (Is that all there is)
Stop the talking baby (Is that all there is)
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby (Is that all there is)
Or I start walking baby (Is that all there is)
Stop the talking baby (Is that all there is)
Or I start walking baby
Stop the talking baby (Is that all there is)
Or I start walking baby
Is that all there is
Is that all there is
Is that all there is
Is that all there is
Is that all there is
Is that all there is
Anonymous 85371

Have no choice but be isolated
Struggling, left alone, apart
Pushed aside, made segregated
Struggling, left alone, apart
See I have no choice but be isolated
Threatened, forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside, made segregated
Have no choice but be…
The monsters make me hide
Perhaps I'll eat myself alive
Internally but it's there left for me to be
Anonymous 85373

That's them, that's them
That's them, that's them
That's them, that's them
That's them, that's them
Anonymous 85451
>>81367The best part is that they're both clearly adults
Anonymous 85897
>>85890isn't kombucha just fermented piss? make it at home!!1
Anonymous 85898

>>74104i queefed rlly loud in front of my step mom but im only a little embarrassed
Anonymous 86125
cocktail shirt.jpg

Well ok … Femanon you're a stupid cunt with a screw moral compass. As a another female why did you interfere with my power struggle with another. Maybe you should stay off 4chan since you're arguing with larpers. You 're the type of child I would "accidently" drop … on your head. Kek.
Anonymous 86918
>>82583It would be a cute show if they took out all the coomer shit. It's not worth the watch. It is solely catered to scrotes
Anonymous 86921
>>86918Exactly what would be left if all the coomer shit was taken out?
Anonymous 86952
>>86918>>86921>Exactly what would be left if all the coomer shit was taken out?The show itself. The characters were originally from a hentai comic. They literally removed the coomershit by definition with the serialization.
Anonymous 88734

talkie the talkie, walkie the walkie
Anonymous 89159
>>89158holy shit that is incredible
Anonymous 89279
>>89214They must have posted a lot daily because some of the threads have been a slower since I seen this screen cap
Anonymous 89815

This guy but with a tracksuit like all those macho athleisure dudes with the big hair (actually with a gut to match, too)
Anonymous 89817

>>89815Then again he's kinda cool and I don't wanna do him dirty
Anonymous 90216

places this next to your bed deliberately and sneaks off
Anonymous 90301

I don't know what kino means and I never will. I have transcended. No more internet slang living in my head rent-free.
Anonymous 90944
i love this wholesome thread
Anonymous 91257

>>91256God I wish my English was good enough to think of a funny caption for these images of Darlie Routier
Anonymous 92247

This will never not be funny to me. He looks so happy. Goofy ass
Anonymous 92363
>>92359>>74104It is close to midnight, and within the elysium all eyes are upon Troy Manfirst, a Malkavian fledgling soon to be neonate assuming all goes well.
“Come forth Troy, and announce the traditions, that we may end this quickly” the prince says with boredom on her face.
“““ “They wish, while He no like them to understand “ “But think how easily it all fell to pieces after the last time““ ““ “Hells hardly know what to do with me now. It would be too easy to let this continue to fade away, I don't want to take any chances that this isn't going to last long. Maybe if I just let this thing disappear I'll be able to get a feeling for the passage of time and I'll be able to organize my thoughts in better ways. I don't want to do anything that could ruin my life. I don't know what we could have hoped to achieve. How could we? Life here was harsh and I was missing my mother.”
“What the hell are you on about- oh, a malkavian” the prince sneers. She clicks her fingers and her sheriff approaches. He pulls out a gun and aims it at Troy, who ducks and pushes the button to shoot it out of his hand, and the sheriff drops the gun. THE PRINCE (moaning) You… you…and you…THE PRINCE (goes for his gun) Who is this?I am the Prince of Peace. THE PRINCE (continuing) Get him!Stop!Ree (continuing) Dude.I'm going to kill him.Leverage! (continuing) Back up.Reeve!Reeve! Get back!Reeve!You'll come with us! Reeve!Reeve!Come on!Don't run. The guard's moving right now.Well… He must be out there somewhere. See, it's just such a long way.I know it! Get down! (cutting to walk along with them)Here.
TROY fled the elysium, attempting to find safety. To the north was a park that was holding a late night festival, the the south was the brothel district. He needed to choose and fast. The party moved along to a building which looked to be abandoned, as there was not one single key there. The two groups separated with neither party able to proceed without the other; though, as the two returned, the door to the building was unlocked. With his call, he started to draw her into the room, only to have her pull him away. With tears in his eyes, she covered his eyes with her arms and held on to him as she said, "I'm sorry. This was so painful, it was the worst experience of my life." His heartbroken and terrified at the scene, she clung to him, fearing that he was going to cry on her, but he simply said, "I am doing fine, it's all over, all you had to do was lay still. Is there anything I can do for you that would make you want to stay with me?"
Anonymous 92413
>>92308please tell me that's a worm and not its tongue
Anonymous 92496
clean hex.png

>>92415Did you say sex and virus? (Hex is a virus from the show reboot)
Anonymous 92566

>>82583Try Teasing Master Takagi-San. Same teasing premise, nothing sexual at all.
Anonymous 92607
>>92566I fucking hate this coomer moid pandering ass stupid jailbait anime fuck you anon
Anonymous 92619
Anonymous 92642
>>92638let's keep it a mysterious mystery… Anonymous 92678

please dont click unless you want your day ruined, you have been warned
Anonymous 92958

Enough i didn't ask for this i didn't ask for this AAAAA
Anonymous 93286
>>91304>>91288>>91256>>91253>>91252KEK it's so bizarrely specific. also ot but do you guys think she did it?
Anonymous 93300

what if you never shed those dead skin cells
Anonymous 93301

>>93286ya and her weirdo mullet husband was in on it
Anonymous 93506
A1DFil 5XWL._SX466…

i'm on top of you hun,,,, i don't care if it's fantasyyy as long as i'm on top of you bestie xx
Anonymous 93523

we're about to paint the town
paint the town
paint the town
Anonymous 93626

they are orange with huge eyes and rare
they are
for Many*
*or male
Anonymous 93651

>>93307That's no scrimblo! That's a fucking gobbo from Croc!
Anonymous 93653
>>93651damn those are some gobbo tits lol
Anonymous 93657
>>93653Go tell your boyfriend you have to get surgery because you have a slight case of gobbo tits and record his reaction and upload it to YouTube please do this it's very important.
Anonymous 93667
>>93651anons that poster is not a credible source. don't believe this
Anonymous 94071

>>92607can you stop being so bitter, you sound like a moid or a girl insecure over a fucking cartoon
Anonymous 94387

>>94386she goes where the need is greatest
Anonymous 94415
>>94387she's truly a tireless queen looking out for us all. ty for another beautiful and relatable cece, gif anon!!!
Anonymous 95515
I remember this sometimes
Anonymous 95528

>>95515Fuck I remember watching this movie years ago cuz i was in a weird friend group that praised this movie for some weird art elitist reason. This movie is a goddman fever dream, what have you awakened in me anon?
Anonymous 95555

>>95544mentally and spiritually I am above the need for apologies
Anonymous 95761

His body is literally perfect but his philtrum is 0.2 millimeters too long for me. 2/10 would not fuck
Anonymous 95790

Anonymous 95791

okay which one o' y'all will go through all the Joker's Cards with me to transcend this motherfucking plane of existence?
Anonymous 95801
>>95791Not me. I have a dentist's appointment on Tuesday.
Anonymous 96452

Say it with me: Yes, I'm a retard. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Anonymous 96724
smiling blonde women in a corn field dancing??? coom coom (trad) coom coom
Anonymous 96969

i want to eat eat eat and sleep and smoke while having a hot hot bath and drink cider, and eat eat and cut my hair short
Anonymous 96976
uhhhhhh soooo powerpoint is officially a noise subgenre???
Anonymous 97005

Anonymous 97027
if i could
i would take a tree branch
and ram it inside you
but it's already
been done
Anonymous 97046

Anonymous 97165

That blue hedgehog again, of all places…Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me…ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
Anonymous 97278
>>97046wen my hamster open her mouth
Anonymous 97358

Hey! alright now! alright now, fellas!
Now, what's cooler than being cool?
Ice cold!
I can't hear ya! I say what's, what's cooler than being cool?
Ice cold!
alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright!
Anonymous 97636

Someday Jeff Bezos and George Soros will die… don’t worry.
Anonymous 97676

Anonymous 97706

Oh baby, baby, the reason I breatha is youa
Boy you′ve got me blinded
Oh pretty baby, there′s nothing that I wouldn't do
It′s not the way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know now
Oh, because
My loneliness is killing me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I′m not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign,
Hit me baby one more time!
Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to know?
Oh pretty baby, I shouldn't have let you go
I must confess that my loneliness
Is killing me now
Don′t you know I still believe
That you will be here
And give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time!
Anonymous 98390

Just learned that more than Portugal and Brazil speak Portuguese and it's blowing my mind right now.
Anonymous 98402
>>98390But what language Portugal.the man speaks?..
Anonymous 99706

>>74104By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
Yeah, we wept, when we remembered Zion
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
Yeah, we wept, when we remembered Zion
Anonymous 99737
>>99371Where's the body positivity, all of these look like smooth and full teenage balls. It suits the sporty scrote but the rest of them should be varying levels of aged, hairy and dirty
Anonymous 99956

Whenever I engage in shirt posting on the internet I always larp I am a male. I enjoy the freedom it is to be someone else for a bit. Have a bit of a larping addiction in general. Ive built up entire personas / larp accounts and made friends with males. One most notably was a “incel larp” where I posed as a incel and snuck around and stuff, it was neat seeing what they act like in private. I’m a creep I know.
Anonymous 100019
>>99956Have you made any interesting observations
Anonymous 101053
thinken about grossgermania
Anonymous 101054
grossgermania is gross hahah
gross germania
germania that is very gross ahahhahah
Anonymous 101055
why you laughin'
do you think this is funny?
does it make you giggle, does it tickle your funny bone?
get a grip already.
Anonymous 101056
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh dude -________- sprudlo spader is for fuckin kids dude -___- like what is benis is this some freakin kindergarten or what BOOM memed on -_____0. Willies are hella epic whathe fuck is waglle ur bemis even supposeda be. -__-. Go back to flippin finnerland with your kiddy bear me me kid……
Anonymous 101059
ummmm can you keep the rudeness down????
thank you VERY much… no need to insult without purpose…
Anonymous 101060
thinken about rhodesiums
Anonymous 109199

>>83413damn, I kind of get why Japan is having a baby crisis now.
Anonymous 111222
I am so distracted at the thought of my necklace breaking open because it will fucking smell so bad. the only smell worse than really old blood is sewer gas. which is so complex and bad I can't describe it.
Anonymous 111233
>>111222Why…. would a necklace smell anon
Anonymous 111239
>>111233it's a blood vial that my sister made for me (she wears the one I made for her). she made one a while back and she threw it against the sidewalk outside of our house to make it bust and it was like getting punched in the nostrils when it hit the ground.
Anonymous 111240
>>111239we made them together and we were in her room cutting ourselves to fill them (not like a in a self harm way but just in a "I don't want to prick my fingers so I'll just cut my arm for a while" way) and we were listening to the playlist we made and while my sister was cutting herself and collecting the blood in the vial this was playing and idk why but it was so funny to me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryD1B3b6yug&list=PLCE8727E41623DF97&index=18 Anonymous 111265

>>111240>cutting yourself with your sister and filling up vials with blood while listening to Yoshi's island Anonymous 111393
>>111239reason #234242 i wish i wasn't an only child
Anonymous 111415
>>111239>not freeze-drying it>not storing it in a vacuum into an air/light-proof container Anonymous 111433
>>111405I love my sister even though we get into really retarded fights all the time she is literally the only person I can be myself around.
>>111415And if it busts it'll be my problem to fix so don't worry about it