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Cursing and other vulgar words Anonymous 77026

How do you feel about using swear words. Do you think it helps push a point or idea or using such words downplays it.

>Do you use swear words?

>Do you use slurs?
>How often?
>Why do you use those words?
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
>Whats you're favorite?

Personally I dont care if other people cuss. Im guilty of it all the time. But its something Im currently working on stopping because it doesnt do anything. Its a bad habit from childhood, so to me it feels more juvenile to me. It is childish. I never took anyone seriously if they cuss all the time. Doesnt help that some people think adding cuss words to sentences is funnier.
I dont like slurs, but I use retarded. Because people are retarded at times, like how can they still live, retarded.

>Some fucking people, go too fucking far and use it every fucking word.

Anonymous 77028

>do you use swear words?
all the fucking time babe
>do you use slurs?
Occasionally. I don't use racial ones, just things like 'homo', but I use that ironically with people I'm fond of.
>how often?
I dunno, a lot
>why do you use those words?
I find them colorful. I really don't care what anybody else thinks- cursing is truly delightful. I love the word 'fuck'. It rolls off the tongue. Fuck fuck fuck. People who don't curse are fucking weird.
>how do you feel when others use curses or slurs?
I'm happy when people curse. Slurs make my skin crawl. I think they're mean.
>what's you favorite?

Anonymous 77029

I avoid bitch, cunt, slut bc I drink respect women juice those and slurs other than lgbt ones are whatever, cursing online and with friends is fine for me but I've never done it in front of family
>How do you feel when others use slurs
Situational, a black person calling someone the nword or coon hilarious based
My cousin's fat bearded husband saying nword w the hard r on new years in front of everyone and making the room go dead silent absolutely cringe

Anonymous 77039

>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
retard, autismo, etc;
anything derogatory referring to males, technically it's all slurs but extremely based ones;
cunt (not a slur mostly but i included it anyway). listening to stuff with a lot of "cunt" in it and saying "it bad" would be a hypocritical thing for me to do i think?;
i'm trying to get rid of the lgbt ones in my speech though.
>How often?
every day, 5-7 times a hour on average
>Why do you use those words?
because i'm way too emotional to cope with stress in any other way. i rarely
>How do you feel when others:
>use curse
idc just don't do it too often, it hurts my ears hearing so much repetitive words in their speech no matter what it is, a curse word or a normal one
>or use slurs?
same but i feel pity for people who use racial or lgbt ones and do it with an intent to hurt someone
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
well i answered honestly so idk i guess i can say that i took it seriously
>What's your favorite?
retard, retarded, etc because i mainly use it on myself

Anonymous 77054

>My cousin's fat bearded husband saying nword w the hard r on new years in front of everyone and making the room go dead silent absolutely cringe
Oh my god, why would anyone do that? Does he keep doing it even if nobody find it funny? How in the hell is he married?

>Do you use swear words?

Yeah, quite often, but I'm trying to taper it down, I feel like I sound like a chav and I don't like this.
>Do you use slurs?
Obviously, the edgy part makes it even more satisfying. Autist, retard, gay, dyke, nigga, everything.
>How often?
I try to cut off swear words and slurs completely of my casual talk, and only use them on purpose for fun, or when I really want to insist on a problem. The less often you use them, the more impact they have, and it makes your talk more incisive.
>Why do you use those words?
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
It's funny when old people curse, but when it's the youth, it only makes them sound like low life degenerate, since their vocabulary is so limited.
>Whats you're favorite?
In english : probably autist

Anonymous 77064

>Do you use swear words?


>Do you use slurs?

No, never

>How often?

>Why do you use those words?
When I'm extremely angry I will accidently use a swear word but I try to avoid it as much as possible.

>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?

I don't like it because it's not very elegant. Maybe it's because I'm old but if you are older than 25 you should find other ways to express yourself. Swearing is something that makes me think of teenagers and drunk men.

>Whats you're favorite?

Twatwaffle is kinda funny

Anonymous 77066

I swear with my friends as for me it's a form of casual talk that shows we are close. I find it kind of cringe when people/my friends swear out loud in public or when children are around, I find it to be in poor taste.

Anonymous 77067

>Do you use swear words?
No, only accidentally
>Do you use slurs?
>How often?
>Why do you use those words?
>How do you feel when others use curses?
Curses in general don’t really bother me but using it between every word is annoying and makes you seem like a tryhard. There’s a time and a place I guess
>or use slurs?
I hate it but it sort of depends on the context. Like nonblack people saying the n-word or men calling women b-tches it’s just incredibly gross to me. I think using imageboards made me desensitized to gay slurs honestly
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
Depends on how they’re used

Anonymous 77068

>Do you use swear words?
Yes, but I try to reserve them for special situations. Swears aren't swears if you use them too much, they just become a standard. The entire fun of a swear is that it's used sparringly.
>Do you use slurs?
Yes, because if slurs are funny, and if you're the type of person that doesn't like slurs, be aware that the best way to counter them isn't to make them taboo, as the current democratic liberal zeitgeist attempts, but to turn them into a standard.

I do sometimes ponder the argument that "reclaiming" doesn't actually work in practice though, because, while nggers can say ngger with no problem, white people still can't. This still reserves ngger as having power, it's just seemingly transferred the power to the nggers, however, upon closer inspection, you'd find that nggers reacting so emotionally to someone saying ngger means they care so deeply and intrinsically about that word that they've stripped themselves of all emotional agency upon hearing it. The entire point of saying ngger to a ngger is that the ngger will be outraged by it, thus reinforcing the use of the word as an effective means of control on the nggers emotion.
>How often?
Sparingly, and never in good company except for extreme cases of pain or for special emphasis.
>Why do you use those words?
Already stated above.
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
I feel like they understand why slurs should be used as slurs and that they're making an active attempt at normalizing them. I feel like curses are pretty stupid coming out of anyone's mouth in a professional setting, and I don't really care for casual settings, so in general, it at least belies a negligence on what one considers proper manners, or perhaps the attempt to make all levels of society casual. The problem is though, when everyone is casual, no one is.
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
If I didn't take it seriously why would I respond? To shitpost? This is a very boring thread to shitpost in. The most outrageous thing I could is state that anyone who uses curses constantly is some godless heathen, but then I would just lambasted as a Christian pompous pickme.
>Whats you're favorite?
It's a very close tie between n*gger and sperg, but I may have to give it to sperg. Nip gets an honorable mention as well.

As a funny aside though, I believe that writing "n*gger" in a post will get you automatically banned on this website, which has me in stitches when "all troons should be dead" posts are allowed.

Anonymous 77070

Yep, hypothesis tried and tested, I was automatically banned on every proxy I used when trying to make this post until I censored all of the "n*ggers" in my post.

Anonymous 77080


I don't use slurs or cuss words because i'm simply too lazy to say many words in my sentences

Anonymous 77102


Anonymous 77397

>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
Sometimes yes, however it's always in a joking way and never meant to insult any group or person.
>How often?
Swears every day, slurs sometimes.
>Why do you use those words?
I don't know the exact reason, but I've always loved swearing and using swear words as a kid, dad has 0 filter and would always cuss in front of anyone and everyone. He always swore when joking so I guess my dumb brain registered it as something fun/inoffensive. I guess it's also because I have the emotions of a potato and swearing has just become the default for properly expressing them, doesn't matter if it's a positive or negative emotion.
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
I generally don't care, cuss words/slurs in general are alright with me. Obviously they have their time and place (obviously swearing/using slurs during work hours or similar times shouldn't be a thing). People that use slurs as a way to attack/purposefully anger someone or because they genuinely hate a certain group of people are retarded.
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
I guess because I cuss so much I take it as seriously as when someone isn't swearing. To me it just shows people are passionate about the thing they're talking about and swearing just kinda nailes it in. Obviously there are exceptions to that rule, but those wouldn't be taken seriously even if they didn't have swears.
>Whats you're favorite?
There are a lot but I think 'Fuck your seed and your kin' is my favorite.

Anonymous 77438

>Do you use swear words?

>Do you use slurs?

Nah, I draw the line there.

>How often?

I would curse at least once daily but I've never thought to count.

>Why do you use those words?

It's part of normal speech here, it feels natural and it annoys me when yanks tell me to stop cursing because it "offends" them and they don't bother understanding anyone else's culture.

>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?

Completely neutral if it's just curse words (fuck, shit etc.). I'd probably get upset if I heard someone using a slur (even if it's ones that people are trying to "reclaim" like queer, bitch etc.) but I'm not going to call them out on it, it's their life and they can say what they want.

>Do you take the post more or less seriously?

Neither, they're just words. I'll probably assume a post is from a scrote if they use slurs though.

>Whats you're favorite?

Fuck because it can be placed anywhere in a sentence and that's fun I guess.

Anonymous 77517

Is cocksucker still an acceptable slur?

Anonymous 77738


>Do you use swear words?
i try my best not to ( because i think it makes me look crude ), but i've been swearing as early as age 9 so its become a little bit of a habit but im working on it

>Do you use slurs?

only in a joking matter lole

>How often?

too often irl but very rarely online

>Why do you use those words?

it is a habit

>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?

i don't really care at all

>Do you take the post more or less seriously?

neither. they are just words, sometimes used for jokes and other times just a way to fill up a sentence

>Whats you're favorite?

faggot lol

Anonymous 77742


>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
only ones that apply to me
>How often?
too naturally online, but in person i sound stilted. Grew up strict christian
>Why do you use those words?
I wouldn't use 'faggot' as much as I do but sometimes you have to plant your foot before speaking on a chan. Otherwise- because it's funny. Sometimes if someone needs to be metaphorically knocked over the head
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
in an uneven power dynamic, it's usually borderline triggering to hear swears being yelled. Slurs depend on the slur, if it's one they reclaimed for themself, online/offline, occasionally the culture (asians saying n** i disagree with but dont bat an eye at f.e.)
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
swears are whatever.
slurs- if it isn't fully ironic/joking/their own, it goes in the trash. Faggot is an exception on chans.
>Whats you're favorite?
creative and memorable ones. I am unfortunately neither creative nor do I have a good memory

I'm honestly surprised trans slurs haven't been censored on chans yet. I've seen pro-trans, anti-trans, and people with no opinion say again and again they're some of the most obnoxious posters below wojacks but

Anonymous 77744


>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
I like to say retard/tranny
>How often?
I don't analyse my speech how would I know that lmao
>Why do you use those words?
Reflexively add them into my speech, no real reason behind it
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
I don't care about curses but when people say f-ggot or n-gger (and in the case of men, bitch too) I consider distancing myself from them
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
Less seriously lol
>Whats you're favorite?
Retard - I don't like overcomplicated shit that's trying to be quirky, it's funny to shut someone down with one word

Anonymous 77745

>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
Lol sometimes?
>How often?
All the time on the internet, rarely to never irl. I’m good at turning it on and off with a few close saves when I forget my audience.
>Why do you use those words?
Mostly because it’s the culture of the places I browse. Imagine going on imageboards and getting mad because someone says a naughty word or refusing to use them because you view yourself as “above” them
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
Swearing doesn’t bother me. There’s a time and a place for swears and growing up is realizing when to separate life from shitposting. I’m less comfortable with slurs but I see it as not my thing to get overly upset about (since there’s no regularly used slurs that attack me personally). It’s hilarious to me how sensitive tik tok tweens on the internet are to even the slightest slur (like mouthing the n-word in song lyrics) while they throw around fuck like it’s nbd
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
Language is only as important as you make it. If these words lose meaning over time, so be it. There will always be new words to insult people, the internet literally creates time (think simp or troon)
>Whats you're favorite?
Fuck is versatile and I’ve had a renewed appreciation for calling things gay or retarded ironically to piss off the children online. Also tranny because it makes fetishists feel sad and that makes me kek.

Anonymous 77807

>Do you use swear words?
yes for myself but I rarely have directed them at others
>Do you use slurs?
Only when I'm online
>How often?
In my country it's kind of a taboo for women to use vulgar language so rarely
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
I'm indifferent to it
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
idk ig i did..
>Whats your favorite?

Anonymous 77808


>Do you use swear words?
>Do you use slurs?
Only the ones that I can "reclaim" affiliated with my race/sexuality/womanhood. Sometimes "sperg" and "fag" but only online.
I'm uncomfy using "hoe" or "slut" or any of the sexually-shaming ones for women, but find it fine and even cute when other ladies do (like calling their friends those things in a loving way…idk, specific situation). Just doesn't suit me I guess? But bitch is fun.
>How often?
Often enough online.
For whatever reason I try to avoid swearing around acquaintances irl? I try to be a professional until someone is my friend.
>Why do you use those words?
To emote or make a joke. For the slurs, self-deprecating humour.
>How do you feel when others use curse or use slurs?
Idc about cursing. If someone uses slurs in earnest against a group it's uncomfortable, but luckily I have yet to encounter this irl.
>Do you take the post more or less seriously?
Not at all, unless they are being blatantly hateful. In which case it isn't the slur but more the context that I disagree with.
Another gayanon using dyke is different than one of our resident homophobes using it, for instance.
>Whats you're favorite?
Honestly I use "Jesus Fuck" and "Jesus fucking Christ" far too often. I've never been religious so no idea why.
I also like soft ones like "darn" and "gosh." There's humour in using baby-swears sometimes.

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