
Pet Thread Anonymous 77355
Send your pets!
Anonymous 77657
>no one else posted their pet
SAD. What the FUCK anons? You’re just going to let this thread die?
Anonymous 77666

Sometimes when I'm really depressed, I take dumb pictures of my cat as if she's answering the phone.
Anonymous 77715
>>77666Cats usually scare me a little, but CUTE!
Anonymous 78026

My dumb dog when he was a puppy.
Anonymous 78033
>>78026wow cute and he is a handsome dog grown up as well.
Thank you for sharing dog picture.
sorry cat people
Anonymous 78034
>>78026>>78028What breed is he? Kind of looks like a pitbull. I'd be careful around him desu
Anonymous 78035
>>78034Thanks for commenting this I was about to ask if it was a pitbull I had a dog that had some pit in it and it was a crazy dog but loved me a lot!
Anonymous 78043
My dog died last year in May :(. She was a fifteen black Cocker and so sweet. She loved to run in the green fields, with her long ears moving up and down as she made the birds fly (though she never managed to catch any lmao). I will always love her.
Much love to your pets anons! When I'm not as busy as I am these days, I'll try to adopt a stray dog and give them a nice life.
Anonymous 78058
>>78043>fifteenYou gave her such a long, amazing life anon. <3 What was her name?
Anonymous 78094
>>78034>>78035I'm not really sure. I always assumed he was a mixed bully breed(american pitbull terrier and american staffordshire terrier). His mom was also a mixed bully breed and his dad was a stray dog. I never got a proper look at the father but he was definitely a bully dog as well(quite possibly a cane corso).
He's quite nice and protective of us so we've never had a problem on that front. However, he will try to bite strangers and dogs he doesn't recognize.
>>78033Thank you! You should see him now. He got his ass kicked by a pack of stray dogs about two weeks ago so he's ugly as sin now. His wounds are in the process of scaring over.
Anonymous 78134

This is my little girl Jojo. She was so scared at the shelter. She originally lived in an apartment but I think shes happier with me in my house!
Anonymous 78199
I had to leave my baby boy Butch, a beautiful German Shepherd-Rottweiler mix, to go to school. My brother took him on a walk and was attacked on the way home by a group of guys. Butch was already old and tired, but tore into them and never gave up until they were sent packing. My brother came out with some broken ribs and bruises, but Butch's injuries were just too much and he died before the police arrived. I miss him so fucking much it hurts, but I know in the end he was held and comforted and with someone who loved him. He was a brave, loyal and good boy to the end.
Anonymous 78201
>>78199so sad but shows how much he cared sorry that this happened anon.
Anonymous 78204
>>78199Moids are such animals. Why did they even jump ur bro? Did he know them?
Anonymous 78289
>>78204Just some Aboriginals who went out walking and drinking that decided to mug passersby.
Anonymous 119540

>>77355trying to revive this amazing thread. Me and my ragdoll cat had some fun in the snow on the porch yesterday.
Anonymous 119543
>>119540>>119541>>119542You have a beautiful cat and these are some pretty photos
Anonymous 119776

>>119543>>119572>>119565thank you!! unfortunately we haven't gotten much snow since then. I will be sure to update next time. the kitty in question is 2 years old, her name is Tilly, the light of my life <3
Anonymous 119795
>>119789very cute. would willingly slice my hand open to pet.
Anonymous 119797
>>119795She is surprisingly soft! As long as you don't spook her she won't spike up and it's very comf. Sadly it's winter rn so she is mostly sleeping on top of being nocturnal so I don't get to see her much. Q.Q
Anonymous 119800
>>119797what is having a hedgehog as pet like?
Anonymous 119805
>>119800Like half cat half rat. They can produce more and sociable but they can also get easily scared and try to hide under their stuff. So because ours is a pygmy hedgehog we can't let her rub the whole house since it's too easy for her to go under something. We want to easily be able to get her out without us getting spiked in the hand or something lol. Instead we have a nice big open cage for her with a big running wheel because she likes to run a lot and they are super fast. She has a big log she likes to hide in under her little blankie. When she's awake during the day or early in the evening but we will do is put one of those doggy fences up to block her from leaving the room and not her room are room for a couple of hours. Sometimes we'll have her in the bed snuggling with us. She's really sweet and eats pretty much whatever but really likes her meal worms. Yuck.
Also she runs like ALL night. Bought her a wheel that's supposed to be silent but all I can hear at night is the squeaky wheel….
Anonymous 119959
>>119789Momo's little mask is adorable!
Anonymous 120090

>>119776here is my other kitty who was in the background. does anybody here have a snake? i love snakes, i think they get a lot of hate/disgust thats unjustified
Anonymous 120111
Loki vs. Cicada.JP…

>>77355She turns ten next month but still acts like a kitten.
Anonymous 120120
>>120111>>120113>>120114what a good girl. 10 years is quite a milestone, i hope she makes it to 20 with you!! my oldest cat made it to 21, so I'm sure with proper care you'll be spending a good long time with her. <3
Anonymous 120142
Loki 2.JPG

>>120120Thanks <3
My mom's old cat lived to 18 and she was an outdoor. Mine is an indoor so I'm sure she'll live a long time.
Anonymous 120237
>>120111love her and im not even a cat person