
Can a woman be conservative without being called a pick-me? Anonymous 79773
I'm a conservative, but I can never seem to be able to discuss my views amongst females without being called a pick-me. I'm not even an anti-feminist or anything, I'm just not a feminist myself.
Anonymous 79774
What are your views specifically?
Anonymous 79775
could you tell more about your views? i don't consider myself a feminist, i feel kinda neutral about most topics to be honest…
Anonymous 79777
>>79773what kind of conservatism? I'd suggest you stay away from the American kind, the nazi trad kind and the other retarded islamic trad kind. Trannies tend to be "trad", thats another reason I suggest against it. They are the ultimate pick-mes because they are literal incels desperate for human interaction.
Anonymous 79779
American politics and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Anonymous 79782
>>79773I understand you because I have quite a few "conservative" views but, unlike you, also consider myself a feminist. In your case, though, I think as long as you're not putting the rights of men above the rights of women, you won't be considered a pick-me by all except for the most ardent of leftists.
>>79779US politics is a real pick-your-poison situation right now, so no matter who you vote for, you're going to be risking some rights. It's just which rights you'll risk over others.
Anonymous 79784
Yeah this thread is shit, as long as people keep thinking in American terms the world will always be shit.
Anonymous 79805
>>79784Your alternative is to think in Chinese terms as the next world leaders.
Anonymous 79817
Who cares, anybody who calls another girl a pick-me is a shit feminist anyway
Anonymous 79824
>>79817What else do you call a woman who throws other women under the bus in a blatant attempt to obtain male approval? It's a legitimate phenomenon.
Anonymous 79825
>>79824Dumb, lol. Girls with internalized misogyny. They aren't the enemy just because they drank some bad kool-aid and think their low self-esteem will make men flock to them.
Anonymous 79828
>>79824Yeah but in practice it's just a word for trying to shame someone with a different opinion. A means to make another conform. Which is off-putting for anyone who isn't just trying to be likeable and in-crowd. Kind of the opposite of what the word implies.
Anonymous 79853
>>79773It really depends on how you phrase your ideas. If you put the highlight on how conservative ideas are beneficial for society as a whole,
including women, you can't reasonably be called a pickme. Especially when you explain how conservative ideas has helped you feel happier and more confident. Refusing casual sex to scrotes is a good example of such ideas.
If you have the same ideas, but as
>>79824 said, you use them to throw "evil modern women" under the bus, you'll definitely be a pick me. Being a pickme isnt necessarily linked to conservative or reactionary ideas. You have plenty of liberal pickmes ("im not a boring prude like the other girls, teehee"), and i'm sure that lesbian pickmes are a thing too.
Anonymous 79875
>>79805>it's either black or white with nothing in betweenWhat are Americans like this
Anonymous 79876
>>79773There are plenty of conservatives here. That has nothing to do with being a pickme. You’ll get called a pickme if you start talking about how bad the poor men have it or complaining about modern slutty women like some incel.
Anonymous 79895
>>79773No, all diversity is welcomed, except that of thought. This will not be tolerated.
Anonymous 79920

I’m pretty sure I’ve said this on another thread but being a pick-me is less about what you believe and more about why you believe it.
For example, if you (OP) want limited government social programs and an emphasis on the nuclear family (assuming that’s what you mean by “conservative”) because you genuinely believe it’s better for society that’s not pick-me. However, if you say you want those things in order to put down other women for male attention (think trad thots), that’s pick me shit. Hell, I’d even say many libs and lefties are even bigger “pick-mes” if their public persona is largely around pleasing men/bashing women.
>pic related
So basically it’s a mindset, not a set of beliefs. One can argue that you only hold these conservative beliefs because you have internalized misogyny but that’s not as simple as wanting to “get picked”. The popularization of “pick-me” and “NLOG” is yet another example of how nuance cannot survive on the internet.
Anonymous 79957
>>79773Depends on what kind of conservative. If you're overtly trying to appeal to guys with your views, that's what gets you pegged as a pick-me. And it'll get you walked all over. Join your moid in the fagbashing and don't question why and down the road he might bring home gonorrhea because he "got curious" about something he totally wasn't repressing. But if you're just a fiscal conservative, well, welcome to the party of hating both parties, I guess. Good luck finding a moid who isn't a total redneck or soyboy.
Anonymous 80649
>>79920lol this loser is my inspiration to get out of my neet lifestyle
Anonymous 84987
the issue is that conservatism is retarded. like, its track record is absolutely abysmal. being called a pick me is better than being called retarded. consider yourself lucky.
Anonymous 101336
These labels are somewhat helpful if you're trying to explain to someone why you don't like someone else but it's so so so fucking RETARDED caring about it in relation to your own self. like that will get you absolutely nowhere. the term is already being fucked to shit just like "Karen" was anyway. Eventually it's just going to mean "gender non-conforming woman who likes sportsball and cars" and will be used to just further push casual misogyny. That's my prediction. But my point is people will call you whatever the fuck they want because everyone is so concerned they're not good enough.
You're doing fine anonette.
Anonymous 101349
>I'm not even an anti-feminist or anything, I'm just not a feminist myself.
"I don't think I SHOULDN'T have rights, I just don't think I should either."
This is why people tell you to fuck off.
Anonymous 101410
>>101336I consider myself feminist but also conservative in some important aspects.
Anonymous 101451
>>79824>throws other women under the busJesus christ, this is pure, concentrated cringe. Even if it was a serious argument on your part, you just want them to submit to your will instead of theirs.
Anonymous 101486
>>101349Go back to twitter, dumb asshole. Is people like you that have made political discourse completely unbearable
Anonymous 101492
being a pick-me is about voicing specific views in order to be liked, or more specifically in order to picked by*men. If you're antifeminist bc that's what you believe you are not being a pick-me, yet will most likely reap similar benefits by espousing certain views in certain communities around certain people (read: in conservative circles, around men). Rather, here, identifying as an 'anti-feminist' does not make OP a pick me, just retarded.
Anonymous 101493
>>79773>I'm not even an anti-feminist or anything, I'm just not a feminist myself.You need to define 'feminist' for this to work because there's a gulf of difference between women who think other women should have the right to vote, hold property, get maternity leave, serve in any job a man can, and earn the same pay while doing it. And people who think women should be drafted for wars, compete with men pretending to be women, be pigeonholed into specific roles to fight 'stereotypes', and should also be first pick for manual labor jobs that are dangerous for them.
The first one is a feminist, the second one is a political leech pretending to be feminist. Because the men-run governments in the world are pretending to be feminist; they group both of them together and pretend that you have to be for one and not the other. That's not the case. Read what actual feminists write and you may change your mind, and learn to spot women on TV who espouse the latter beliefs while also earning millions for doing so.
Anonymous 101494
I consider myself conservative. I think most women are conservative even If they don't know it. The problem with conservativism are the conservatives. The right-wing populism won. As long someone like Donald Trump is the beacon of Conservativism worldwide and people think being right-wing means being a bigot I can't support them.
We the right need more people like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
Anonymous 101496
>>101494>The problem with conservativism are the conservatives.Bingo
And it's done this way on purpose to make people think they have no choice but to go along with the bad in order to get the good. It's a false dichotomy at work.
Anonymous 101508
>>101486"Wah wah I just want to feel persecuted for a neutral stance without explaining what counts as neutral! Get out of my feefee box you make me SAD!"
Have political discourse if you want to have political discourse. Start by defining your stance and its terms, not by starting imageboard threads about how the other girls won't play with you.
Anonymous 101515
>>101508Uh, she's right? Saying this sort of thing about people that disagree with you is a clear sign of ignorance and low IQ.
>b-but they say the same thing about me!Q.E.D.
Anonymous 101521
>>101515People who disagree with you about what? Define your stance. Explain your terms. Reread the incredibly brief and vague OP. A ton of the posts in this thread have been very understanding and nuanced, asking for specifics on the definition of 'conservative' and 'feminist' in this context. If the OP isn't going to give clear examples and just say 'why don't the other girls play with me' they're not going to get a reasonable discussion. If you're always this vague then congrats on your bountiful harvest of victimhood I guess.
Anonymous 101547
Political movements aren't religions, who fucking cares about individual writers and academics who you may or may not agree with? Unless they have actual systemic power to change things, I'm not going to bother looking up any of those names.
Anonymous 101617
What's the more pick-me position
A. My boyfriend is allowed to have friends who are girls.
B. My boyfriend is not allowed to have friends who are girls.
Anonymous 101619
>>101617A is normal, B is psycho shit. This has nothing to do with pickmeism
Anonymous 101741
This thread is an eysesore.
Even though I strongly disagree with conservativism the anti-conservative posters (there's more than one, right? The arguments and writing style are too similar I'm not sure, maybe it's just a samefag highschooler) are showing somehow that they are even more ignorant with this "iF yOu DisAgreE wiTh Me YoU hate WoMEn".
Anonymous 101742
>>101741It has to be this way, you're either with us, or against us, and there's no in-between.
Anonymous 101745
>>101742Indeed. Your mistake is believing that people are against you simply because they disagree with you. Conservatives (or at least some of them) have their best intentions in their minds and actually think their ideas are the best for women, just like feminists. Hell, even tankies are well-intended. The difference is that you disagree with their methods.
This "us against them" mentality just shows that you've never read a conservative author in your life.