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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 80480

Is anyone into tea here? If so, can someone give me an idiot proof guide to getting into it. I don't wanna shell out 300 bucks for a clay teapot for every single strain of tea I buy.

Anonymous 80483

What type of tea do you like?

Anonymous 80506

Wait I don't understand OP. You buy a new teapot every time you buy tea?

Anonymous 80507

You don't?

Anonymous 80511

girl wtf you dont have to buy a new fucking teapot every time are you insane sweet jesus

Anonymous 80527

That's retarded and obviously a trick to sell more tea pots. I have 2 sauce pans at home and I've been making tea in them for years.

Anonymous 80528

This like buying a new plate for every different meal you have instead of just washing your dishes

Anonymous 80567


You don't need to buy a new teapot for every tea even if you're an autist like me. It could be a good idea to pick up either a gaiwan or a small japanese style teapot if you want to get really into tea. The best purchase, if you're going to buy any hardware though, is an electric kettle with multiple temperature settings.

To start out with, pick a few kinds of tea that you would be interested trying. If you want teas with a lot of natural sweetness, start with blacks (Chinese, Indian, or African can all be good). If you're interested in a more umami flavor or you really like matcha, check out Japanese teas. It's tea season now in Japan so it's a really good time to buy. If you like light, fruity, or nutty flavors, try out Chinese green teas. If you like smoky/malty/earthy flavors, you can try pu erh, although that gets expensive fast and is a little tricky to brew well imo.

No matter what, you want to buy loose leaf teas. Even if you're not a big 4ch user, their /ck/ has a tea general with a pretty good pastebin, so you can find a list of vendors there. Pick a vendor that specializes in the type of tea you're most interested in and get a few samples. I think it's also fun to pick up a few random teas that sound good while your at it.

Anonymous 80569

I just use an electric kettle with temperature settings and put the reusable filter with loose leaf tea right in the mug. Not a big fan of teapots for practical reasons so I think this is a good compromise. I know this isn't what you asked but fuck the system enjoy your tea in any way you want, you don't need teapots if you don't want to bother

Anonymous 80570

Green tea. I also like apple, honey, and cinnamon tastes (but I'm not picky by any means).

Helpful posts. Thanks anons.
I've been to /tea/ before but my questions are always ignored.

Anonymous 80571

I put crushed almonds in my tea. Also cinnamon.

Anonymous 80634

Most people do tea horribly wrong.

The absolute best way to brew tea is to cold brew it which is extremely hassle free and can be done in a mason jar. All you have to do is leave it in the fridge overnight and it's brewed. The cold brewing allows for very thorough extraction that's impossible to mess up.

Specifically for health I prefer matcha, oat straw, and blue berry leaf tea. Do a Google search and see the benefits for yourself.

Hands down the best place to buy tea is happymugcoffee dot com. Extremely high quality for wholesale price.


Anonymous 80691


Unpopular opinion, but don't shy away from tea bags. It's cheaper and easier. Yes, the quality is lower, but you don't know what you like, and you can buy sample packs to figure it out.

If you ever do get loose leaf tea, don't get those stupid metal strainer things. Especially tiny ones. I never used mine and they just got bent up in the junk drawers. I use a glass tea infuser like pic related.

For me, the best part about drinking tea is the comfort of it, the taste and aroma, and the ritual. It's so comforting and borderline spiritual. You can find out what you like about tea over time. Try different types, and find your preferences.

Anonymous 80726

If you brew your tea without bags, I highly recommend putting some fruit in with the dried leaves. Super yummy!

Anonymous 80939

where do you buy your tea?

Anonymous 80996

wild berry tea.jpg

I really like this brand of tea bags, and the peppermint tea from the same brand. Basically part of my breakfast in the morning

Anonymous 81010

Depends how autistic you want to be about it. If you just want to have something warm to drink just go to your local supermarket, buy a bunch of random teabags, boil water, throw tea bags in, leave it for a few minutes then drink when its cold enough. That's it. You can add lemon and sugar/honey, but at that point you're drinking lemonade. Teabags tea doesn't taste 'bad', but in my experience there are 2-3 tastes and all flavors fall in one of them, more or less.

If you want to taste something a bit more interesting you'll have to put a bit more money and effort into it. And I say interesting instead of "good" because a lot of people don't like "real" teas. I wouldn't say most of them taste good, like a taste you'll like instantly, but I love em because you get to drink stuff with tastes you won't feel elsewhere.

I get my teas from https://yunnansourcing.com/ (if you live in USA you can try https://yunnansourcing.us/ ). I don't know if there are better options, but these guys have quality teas and they ship to most countries. For the first time I recommend you buy a bunch of samples packs to see what you like, the more diverse the better. Try a sample pack of black tea, one of green tea, one of oolong tea etc. My favorites are oolong teas, but that tends to vary a lot from person to person, so you should try as much stuff as possible. A lot of people sperg out about matcha tea, I think it's fine but in my opinion it's overhyped, overpriced and a pain in the ass to "brew" properly (google it if you're interested, different process than normal tea).

There are multiple ways of brewing it, again, depending on how autstic you want to be about it. The main ways to brew it are:
1. Western style: basically same as what you do with teabags, put in tea, put in water, leave for a few minutes, throw leaves, drink
2. Grandpa style: put in leaves, put in water, drink half, refill with water, repeat until the flavor is gone
3. Gong Fu: put in leaves, put in water, cover it, leave for a short period of time (10-60sec depending on the kind of tea), move water to a different recipient, drink it. Add more water to the leaves, increase the infuse time by 5-30 seconds (again, depending on type of tea), repeat until the flavor is lost. With some types of good tea you can repeat this up to 15 times. This is the most autistic one by far, as the taste of tea will depend a lot on the infuse time and tea/water ratio. I suggest looking up how to brew it for every type of tea, (there's more to it than I explained here too, like for some teas its recommended to 'wash' it, as in pour water on leaves then immediately throw it away before doing your first brew) starting from there and experimenting with it if you really want to get into it.
4. Cold tea: someone already explained it, basically throw in water and leaves, put it in the fridge, let it there for a few hours. Personally I think that's a waste of good tea and a grave sin, but some people like it, so you could give it a try I guess.

For any type of brewing you chose I recommend googling it beforehand for the type of tea you want to brew to make sure you're not messing it up. Most important thing you should know (unles youre doing cold brewing) is that green, white and yellow teas should be brewed to lower temperatures (I do 80-90c) while most other teas should be at boiling or just below boiling temp.

My favorite way to brew it is Gong Fu, mostly because it's somewhat of a small ceremony. It feels pretty cool using gaiwans and drinking from those small traditional cups (you can find them on the site I linked above). If you want to try that I recommend getting one or two small gaiwans (120ml or smaller, I use a 100ml one), a pitcher and some of those cups. If you plan on making tea for multiple people you can get a larger teapot too (or a larger gaiwan, but larger gaiwans are hard to handle and you're probably gonna burn yourself, spill tea etc). Also you can get a water thermometer and a 0.1g precise scale to measure exactly how much tea you're adding. I know, it sounded like a pain in the ass for me too at first, but now it feels like part of the ritual.

If you don't want to get into any of this autism, but still want to taste some "better" tea than what you get in teabags I recommend grandpa style brewing, the only thing you should look out for is to use water below boiling temp for green, white and yellow teas.

Anonymous 81016

Their tea doesn't look that good, tbh. They don't even list what grade their matcha is.

I second yunnan sourcing. They have a really good selection.

For nip teas I usually go with Den's tea.

Anonymous 99931

bump. ladies drink tea

Anonymous 99940

It's like this … for brewing white tea for instance, you need a pot with a fine infuser, definitely not one with a damaged one, cause loose white very easily has little bits of it slipping out, especially if it's bottom of the bag already broken up pieces…

but teabags are awkward because they're all a specific size, so I find a need for a 900-1000 ml pot for one kind of tea, and 700 ml pot for another - or 1200 or 1300 ml with two bags at a time.

Anonymous 99955


Had my first afternoon tea at a shop a while back and fell in love with Darjeeling tea, it was so good adding milk and sugar actually took away from its taste. Recently was able to buy pic related after scouring all over for it, but I feel like it doesn't taste quite as good. I might have steeped it for too long but I wonder how else to bring out the flavor from tea bags.

Anonymous 99987

rooibos is just a great tea all around. my go-to along with moroccan tea, spearmint leaves and green tea

Anonymous 100100

Is there a tea guide for dummies? Like, how do y'all drink it? I make mine with a kettle, pour water in a cup, then let the teabag sit in the cup. I'm pretty sure that's not right though.

Also, any recommended cup sets?

Anonymous 100102

i bought both my teapots at goodwill. i care more about teacups than teapots. i have like 10 different teacups and they are all best with different types of tea. goodwill always has a great selection.
I buy all my tea on amazon honestly. they have a lot of small vendors with mom and pop shops. there were these chinese folk who outright said their stuff WAS organic but they didn't want to shell out to the american institutions for the organic branding, and the honesty was so charming.

mainly i do irish breakfast for mornings/early afternoon and gunpowder green for evenings. you can get them in 1 lb bulk sacks for $15. The cost per pot is almost nothing. I like pearl jasmine but it's somewhat expensive, and buy mini pu'erh cakes. otherwise i just buy random stuff on sale.

genmaicha (popcorn tea) is great for studying
matcha is fussy and expensive but fun
oolong goes well with meals
there is also the world's oldest tea, lapsang souchong, which I call campfire tea. that one's flavor will overlap with other stuff. if you really care you can have a separate teapot just for it, or not. i don't bother but your next pot will have a lingering flavor if it bothers you.
i disagree with literally everything in this post
ironic thing is loose leaf is cheaper than bagged

Anonymous 100650

from my experience i would say that what makes or breaks the flavor for me (specifically with green tea) is brew temp. green and white tea leaves are baby leaves, so they burn easily. red teas are old leaves so you can brew at hotter temps.

Anonymous 100654

Freezing cold green tea mixed with orange juice. You're welcome, tea faggot

Anonymous 112752

such a late reply but if you still post; do you have any shop recommendations?

Anonymous 112753

I've been trying to get into tea for years now because I wanted to be a tea kind of girl. I failed somewhat.

For some reason certain kinds/brands of matcha and green teas make me nauseous. I don't know if it's the tannin content or oxidization involved.
I realized that I mostly like white tea, hibiscus teas, and holy basil/tulsi–these tend to taste good.

I'm still not sure about the real health benefits of tea, but the right cup makes me feel good.

I've noticed this type of layered gatekeeping for a lot of types of hobbies, usually consumer-based. It's interesting, ngl.

Anonymous 112760

Off-topic but I fucking love this art, it's beautiful, I love non-sexual Touhou art.

Anonymous 112766

lapsang souchong.j…

I recently got that lapsang souchong from a tea shop down the street from my house. It is very unique and is definitely "campfire" like. I have to be in the mood for it, but it is enjoyable. The lady that worked at the shop said that was their most popular tea that sells.

Anonymous 112804

If you want to try something interesting (although it can be a bit pricey) I recommend da hong pao oolong brewed with the gong fu method as described by >>81010.
I don't know where you can get it because mine was gifted by a Chinese acquaintance but it seems to be available in most tea vendor sites. Very interesting deep, smokey, earthy taste.

Anonymous 112828

Austin, tx

Anonymous 112868

You need a guide on how to drink tea? The fuck?

Anonymous 113115


Do tea warmers work?

Anonymous 113329


ok dumb question but does anyone else find drinking certain kinds of tea makes them feel weirdly much better? Not in a calm way, no. More alive–like, even my eyes feel better. I can drink it at 9PM and not feel like a zombie anymore.
I drink coffee yet find tea to be way more effective for some reason and it makes little sense. I have seen some studies and tbh I'm pretty much convinced it must be some sort of weird placebo effect that won't shake its effect even after years of doubt.

sometimes - really depending on the variety for some reason - tea makes me feel nauseous (especially when there's too much tannins) though.

Anonymous 113495

what teas

Anonymous 113498

hm, kind of hard to tell because it's usually some sort of green tea blend?

sometimes certain varieties make me feel ill and I don't know if it's because the leaves oxidized too much or something.

Anonymous 113501


my intermediate tea drinker approach is to put a teaspoon of leaves in a metal strainer ball, use water from a variable temperature kettle (my most recent upgrade), and my favorite mug. I was lucky to find a nice tea shop in a nearby city and I like being able to take my time sniffing the various teas and ask the shop owner for advice. We often wind up chatting for a good while while he decants the tea into my little jars.
I first got into loose leaf tea a couple of years ago for low-waste concerns. I like the fact that I can simply do without teabags now.
I know some have mentioned disliking the metal strainers, but the inconvenience of cleaning them out is vastly reduced by simply letting the leftover leaves dry and then brushing them out with your fingers.
My favorite teas are various iterations of earl grey (I had one that used rosemary in it, it was amazing in winter), milky oolong, 1st flush darjeeling, and assam. I drink a lot of tea and I'm relatively casual about it, which is why I don't think I'll switch to gongfu anytime soon. Assam makes for a great breakfast tea, jasmine is what I like drinking at 2AM when reading books or knitting.

Anonymous 113502

whatever cranks your shaft, i s'pose.
i find it a little weird this thread isn't in /hb/ though

Anonymous 115000

It might be the l-theanine, get some pills and try it out. Tea also has caffeine but a lot less than coffee weird how it affects you that way.

I have a plastic tea strainer where it comes out of the bottom from teavana (goodwill). I get misc looseleaf or teabags from Marshalls or home goods, the discount house store. The one I currently have is mango black tea. The packaging was minimal: a simple paper bag with a sticker. I also use my french press when I want to make a lot. I used to go to the lupicia tea shop in LA for the lucky bag around new years for some expensive ass Japanese tea in cute tins.

Heat purified water to the correct temperature in the temperature control kettle we all have then steep your tea for however long it says on the package. Add milk or honey or cream or whatever you want. I like Splenda and occasionally milk if it's an Indian chai.

Anonymous 136842

So I want to do a form of gong fu because I used a tea tray at a tea shop before and I loved it. I don't know if it matters whether or not I get a yi xing tea pot. Does having a yi xing tea pot make or break the gong fu experience?

Anonymous 137861

I don't have a yi xing pot so I am not 100% sure but they are very expensive if you want to get a good one, so I would try a regular porcelain gaiwan first. They are really nice and rather cheap, so you can't go wrong with them, nona.

Anonymous 148348

Not strictly tea, but yerba mate can be nice, too. It's got a very strong taste, but great if you like it.

Anonymous 148558

my dentist showed me tea darkens my teeth and it's extra-hurty when she has to clean them after winter months when i drink the most so i try to limit my intake only to warm herbal teas in the winter to also reap their health benefits
i usually use either a round tea strainer for loose plants or drop them directly inside a bigger pot with a lid and let them float around and stretch out

Anonymous 148722

ur supposed to let it seep in a separate container that doesnt have that much water in it, then you add it to your water kinda like how they diluted wine back then.

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