
/int/+/lang/ Anonymous 95851
Let’s finally have an international/language-learning thread. To strike up a conversation:
>What is your cunt?
>What languages are you learning?
>Share your /int/ experience!
>Help others acquire a language you speak!
Anonymous 95914
>>95851>>What is your cunt?A-anon I…
Anonymous 95951

>>95914I know it’s pretty forward anon but OP gets right to the point
Anonymous 95978
>>95914Imagine all the cute stinky boys just lounging in the cunt of France
Anonymous 96178
chonky goat.webm
>>95851>cuntjej; but seriously, burgerland
>>What languages are you learning?I am strongly leaning towards beginning Japanese for the sake of my hobbies. However, in the professional side, I think I will be forced to learn French if I want to join a prestigious and international NGO; I really don't like it tbh.
>>Share your /int/ experience!What do you mean here? If by travelling, then I only have with me being born in tacoland and having emigrated to burgerland once I reached adulthood.
>>Help others acquire a language you speak!Pro tip: Learn Mexican Spanish if you're American/Canadian, or Castilian Spanish if you're British, or so.
Anonymous 96187

tfw learning welsh because i like the language, but hate british "people"
Anonymous 96223
>>96187>Learning WelshLol I can scarcely think of anything more pointless. Furlough must be getting to you.
Anonymous 96231
>>96223hmmm, is esperanto more or less useless than welsh? surely klingon would be worse than welsh, but i see your point.
Anonymous 96232

>>95851>cuntwales. can speak english and welsh
>learningmandarin chinese. going decently well, almost learnt all the characters for HSK2
>>96187wych! am pa rheswm yr ydych yn dysgu gymraeg? mae e'n iaith anodd ac ddim yn andros o defnyddiol… ond mae ei harddwch yn digymar. iaith yr nefoedd. pob lwc dienw
Anonymous 96261
>I'm Finlandian
>currently learning mandarin
I can speak all nordics, armenian, russian, all of the latin languages, german, arabic, hebrev, dutch, greek and sami.
Anonymous 96262

>>96232>>96261wtf?? How did you learn this much? What a queen.
Coincidentally learning Finnish rn but I guess it would make more sense to learn more Bulgarian for my family or German for general work, but I love the way Finnish sounds. Only I can't do an alveolar trill, only a short one, and you need it to speak Finnish (the nicest language in the world). So I'm pretty sad.
From the UK, speak pretty decent French because I'm a queen, and would also like to learn welsh like
>>96232 because I love Wales and it's a cool language. I'm guessing this thread has some smart people if we're learning languages like Welsh lol.
>>96187I don't get why people say this, especially as it seems to come from people who don't know Britain so well as a country with people of varying backgrounds, northerners, southerners, class differences, small languages and rural/urban divides, I can't understand generalising like that. It's a little sad as I wouldn't generalise my american cousins like that, but I guess if you don't know us so well maybe your opinion is based on something you've seen/experienced.
Anonymous 96292

I'd like to learn a Romance language but I'm torn between Spanish, Italian, French and Latin. Spanish would probably be the easiest and most useful but it's also the least interesting to me. Latin is by far the coolest but I'd have a terrible time convincing myself that it's worth it.
Anonymous 96298
>>96292french if you want to seem cool
spanish if you want to get a higher paying job
latin if you like old literature
i personally would go with latin. being able to read descartes, spinoza, augustine and hobbes in their original language would be amazing
Anonymous 96314
>>96261Ты серьезно? В чем заключается твой метод?
Anonymous 96417
>>962311000% less useless. Sure no country really speaks "Esperanto", but the whole point is that it's basically a mutt-version of English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese. Learning it would give you a solid foundation and basic understanding of all those languages, especially reading.
Anonymous 103266
>>96314Studying diligently, I would imagine. It was not that uncommon among the educated to speak multiple languages, but nowadays nobody has time or interest for that.
>>95851>Share your /int/ experience!>Help others acquire a language you speak!I have never met a single person who actually followed through with my advice. That is because those who genuinely want to learn a language will research how to do it themselves. The rest want to
know a language but are not willing to actually
study it.
Anonymous 103852

I am intermediately familiar with Spanish because it's my family's native language, but I learned English first. I feel somewhat guilty for not being fluent in both. I try to learn by reading Spanish but then I stumble over simple tenses because I only ever developed speaking and hearing skills. My late stepdad recommended that I should read Cien Años de Soledad so maybe I'll start there
Anonymous 103862
I'm a BRanon (also known as Anã) and would be happy to answer your questions about portuguese.
I'm currently learning Japanese and trying to perfect my german (studied for a few years, spent ~2 months in Germany but haven't been able to practice for a couple of years already, so I already forgot a lot)
For Japanese what I tried was working both GENKI books from start to finish. I really learned a lot. I like textbooks because they provide a path for you to follow, you just need to do something everyday or every couple of days and you're set.
Anonymous 104083
>>103862Nice. My class (and all the classes after it) starting soon is using the Genki series. Any tips or things you've done to help learn the material better or things to pay attention to while using the book?
Anonymous 104087

>What is your cunt?
armenian diaspoo livin in burgeria
>What languages are you learning?
currently am learning georgian (ideological reasons), iranian, n improving my russian
>Share your /int/ experience
i speak armenian, english, spanish, italian, some russian, n hittite (pls no bully i had no friends in middle school)
>Help others acquire a language you speak!
if youre trying to learn armenian (nona why) id highly recommend reading armenian scripture/religious texts as they are often in the most standard armenian you will find (pure, if you will)
Anonymous 104088
>>96261արևմտահայերեն ես հասկանում
թե՞ արևելահայերեն։ Ու խի՞ էս սովորել հայերեն՝ չէի կարծում օտարները թքած ունեն հայերենի հետ։
Anonymous 104102
Reminder to read in the langauge you're trying to learn or you're ngmi. Simple as
Anonymous 104120
>>96417you now what would do the same? learning any of the languages you listed. that's how romance languages work. plus you can actually use them outside.
Anonymous 104460
>>104083Hmm, just that there's not much you can do to learn Kanji, it's just memorization, memorization, memorization. I tried to avoid it as much as I could but in the end I had to use Anki (that flashcard app) otherwise shit just wouldn't stick in my head as much.
Anonymous 104495
>>104460Thanks, I never liked flashcards even though its one of the best ways to memorize. I'll look into handwriting -> cards, maybe I can justify getting that ipad.
Anonymous 104535
>>104460wanikani and kanjidamage are good for kanji, they are flashcard based though
Anonymous 104572
>>104102how good at a language should someone be to read in it?
Anonymous 104638
>>103648Study diligently. I usually give people grammar resources for the language they want to learn (English, Japanese, Russian), then tell them to grind basic vocabulary (using frequency lists), then tell them to read texts for native speakers with a dictionary. But that is too hard and boring, and people want to use some newfangled app that promises 70% quicker language acquisition than boomer pen and paper studying.
Anonymous 104710

>>95851>cuntIsrael's goodest golem
>What languages are you learning?Japanese, but I also took (((French))) in HS
>Share your /int/ experience!I have never been outside the US. I'd really like to visit Japan and the French Alps and countryside, though.
>Help others acquire a language you speak!McGraw Hill has a really good language textbook for nihongo desu that I got for like 40 buckaroos, IIRC it was written by some IBM exec who had to teach a bunch of wagies Japanese on a timecrunch schedule and his methods are pretty good. Duolingo is fun and really good at reinforcing what you've learned, but slow and impractical compared to sitting down and just studying grammar/kanji or whatever.
Anonymous 104725
>>104710>Never left the US>Antisemitic>Learning JapaneseGirl you are too online. I'm Jewish and thought "golem" was a Pokemon. I've never told anyone to touch grass before but god you need to
Anonymous 104876
>>104725you can tell which chan she frequents the most
Anonymous 105095
>>104710you know you wont be more than a white fat gaijin to them right?
Anonymous 105107
>>105095why so salty anon? it's not just a meme, japanese people really shower any white girl with attention (as long as she's not very overweight). i know from personal experience that you don't even have to be attractive by european standards. they don't apply the same thinness standards to gaijins either.
Anonymous 105114

>>105107t. weeb who never went to japan.
do you really believe those dumb videos on youtube about how to atract japanese guys/girls huh?
Anonymous 105124
>>105114She's right, though? I've never been to Japan but I used to be a huge weeb who read blogs by girls who spent an exchange year there or taught English. Almost all of them wrote about getting random attention just for being a foreigner, usually from Japanese girls who treated them like they were Taylor Swift or Anne Hathaway. It's no surprise since they don't have much of a non-Japanese population but they like American movies, TV shows and singers so they project this image onto any foreigner they see.
I guess it's similar to how weebs (or k-pop fans these days) go crazy when they come upon a Japanese person.
Anonymous 105127
>>105114>all Japanese woman want foreignersWrong
>certain fanatic subpopulation of women that will date someone because they are a foreigner and no other reasonYou bet your sweet ass there is.
t. been to Japan
Anonymous 107289
>>104710>McGraw Hill has a really good language textbook for nihongo desu that I got for like 40 buckaroos, IIRC it was written by some IBM exec who had to teach a bunch of wagies Japanese on a timecrunch schedule and his methods are pretty goodWhich book is this?
Anonymous 107312
>What is your cunt?
>What languages are you learning?
an Rúis, an tSín, an Chóiré Theas, agus an Pholainn!
>Share your /int/ experience!
Níl aon taithí agam.
>Help others acquire a language you speak!
Tóg é! más é do thoil é! (kek)
Anonymous 107522
>>107289I was going to ask too but I know most people don't check these threads. It's probably Japanese Step by Step: An Innovative Approach to Speaking and Reading Japanese by Gene Nishi.
I've been making decent progress in my Japanese class. It's all online so there is a lot less pressure to try.
Anonymous 110027
a LANGUAGE thread on a FEMALE website and it doesn’t get bumps? you all are lying mtf’s confirmed
Anonymous 110036
Korean or Japanese? I love kanji but hate weebshit. Korean seems to have a rich internet culture + k-dramas.
Anonymous 110086
americans that are only learning japanese are always so lame.
Anonymous 110106
>>110086That’s because they are subhumans who can’t stop cooming to anime.
Anonymous 110206
>>110086Fight me, what superior languages have you learned and actually use.
I have no need to learn any other language because they can get translated pretty well these days or I wouldn't use it anyway.
Anonymous 110209
>>110206Not her but I always hit the wall hard once I’m supposed to immerse. Like what do you expect me to do with Spanish? Look up dorito recipes? I’ll stick to the first world information on that thanks
Anonymous 110219

>>110209You're supposed to go back to your favorite animu shows and rewatch them with Spanish subtitles.
Anonymous 110292
>>110243I’m not interested in Don Quixote and they don’t seem to have come up with anything better.
Anonymous 110293
>>110209replying not for you but for people with the same obstacle, you can:
1. watch the news in whatever spanish-speaking country you like best. there's a ton of them, so just pick one to learn something about and it can become interesting
2. watch documentaries about historical events that aren't made in english/read things in your target language that don't exist in your first language. again, there's a billion different countries with many different things that you've never heard about
and lastly,
3. stop being stupid and read a book. you can read translations of books you already like, or simple stuff like the little prince to grasp some things better
why would you ever learn a language if you hate it so much? find a better hobby
Anonymous 110295
>>110293>why would you ever learn a languageFor the process.
Anonymous 110296
>>110292Correction: Spain hasn't produced anything worth reading since Don Quixote.
That only applies to Spain though. Latin American literature is absolutely worthwhile.
Anonymous 110467
Honestly if it was just all studying I'd love to learn a language. But I don't want to bother with the actual speaking part which basically just shoots me in my dumb ass.
Anonymous 110685

>What is your cunt?
>What languages are you learning?
As of now I'm trying to brush up/maintain my Portuguese/French, and beginning to learn Korean.
>Share your /int/ experience!
Only traveled in NA before, sadly.
>Help others acquire a language you speak!
I'm not too good at teaching but I've been told I'm quite good at Portuguese and Spanish (hereditary language).
Anonymous 110695
>>110292Illiterate redneck, keep frying your brain with animu.
Anonymous 110696
>>110695I don’t watch anime but it’s wonderful to make pretentious litfags seethe.
Anonymous 110697
>>110296She probably doesn't even read literature in English, don't expect her to read something that isn't from 'murica or a manga.
Anyone who is well read (or slightly intelligent tbh) would know the importance of learning other languages.
Anonymous 110700

>>110697I’m not American and nor do I read manga, retard.
Anonymous 110701
>>110700Well you totally sound like one.
Anonymous 110702
>>110701And you sound like an insufferable snob who really wants to seem intelligent.
Anonymous 110703
>>110702At least I don't sound like an am*rican who thinks their only use to learn a language is reading a Doritos recipe.
Anonymous 110704
>>110703Do you seriously believe I said that unironically?..
Anonymous 111029
>>110036Korean has some kanji too but they aren't that common. Knowing kanji/Chinese will help you better understand Korean.
Best to pick the language/culture that interests you the most or you will get bored.
Anonymous 112335
>>95851Friend: Que querés comer?
>Me: Brain, what is the Spanish word for fish?>Brain: 魚>Me: No, that's Japanese.>Brain: No, it's 魚. Trust me.Me: 魚
Friend: Que?
Does anyone else do this? I know the word is wrong but my brain insists that it isn't.
Anonymous 112425
>>110036depends on your reason for learning the languages
Anonymous 112501
>>112335Yes, it's called "code-mixing" and it's pretty common in non-monolinguals.
Anonymous 112606
>>112335This would be pretty funny in Portuguese since "sakana" has an identical pronunciation to "sacana" which means something completely different.