I'm personally obsessed with North Korea because of how secretive and mysterious it is, it's such a void of information that it makes any minor facts or bits of knowledge much more interesting. It's equally as horrifying as it is beautiful.
The first place I went to was Iceland to see some family in a place called Vik I think? I don't remember too much (was 7), but I remember driving through really serene landscapes, geysers that smelled like weird eggs, and picking blueberries outside our family cabin and trying to make juice with them lel. Weird towns weird language to me, and weird food, and in summer there was barely any darkness at night. But I hope to go back again. It feels fresh and quiet and the people were really warm for such a cold place. Really jealous of my mum for getting to visit so much.
Australia! Been obsessed on-and-off since my school trip there in 2014 got canceled. I’ve met Australians online (male) since then that made me resent the people but I really want to go there still.
>>98470 Sorry for answering so late. I don't remember that many stories but there was one about this volcano called Pichu Pichu that fell in love with his volcano neighbor Chachani, the gods didn't approve of their love so they created another volcano called Misti between them, the volcano Pichu got furious and insulted the gods, the goddess Pachamama made the earth open and the volcano Pichu Pichu fell on his back and now is sleeping waiting for his lover to wake him up. The story is called the sleeping Indian and if look at The Pichu Pichu volcano it looks like a man sleeping.
>>99179 Just try not to look like a tourist as much as possible and if cops ask for money, just give it to them or they will search you and find drugs on you.
I studied abroad a few years ago for about 4 months in Copenhagen, Denmark and haven’t stopped wanting to go back since. I was treated very well in Denmark despite being a monolingual Amerifag. I ventured to other cities/more rural areas of Denmark as well and it was so green and gorgeous.
>>99661 >so green and gorgeous as someone from a green country, i always find it weird when people comment on it. it's like someone gushing over the sky being blue. i guess before i heard things like this it just never occurred to me that other places don't have a lot of green spaces
>>99671 Well, let me underscore to you just how much it does happen, how much people's concepts of normal differ. I had to deal with a Bengali guy when I inadvertantly ended up with an "environmental justice" project. So, I ended up finding out that this meant working to make greener countries more poputed, which happened to smoothly go hand-in-hand with being endearingly "business friendly" by making the lives of polluters easier. He also was bending over backwards to import his level of corruption to the civilized world…
>>98428 I happen to be obsessed with Bengal. In a negative way. I hope it burns to the ground.
I’m obsessed with colder places. I want to see Alaska, Irkutsk, Iceland, Norway, but I really love the island of Faroe. Look at this lake way above sea level