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Anonymous 100400

Anyone not into huge age gaps but still prefer the guy to be 3 to 5 years older?

Is this weird? That age gap doesn't even matter over 25 but I still prefer to have it be present in a relationship. No idea why.

Anonymous 100403

No, that's gross

Anonymous 100405

wtf 3 to 5 years isn't gross

Anonymous 100410

My problem with male aging is that they're insufferable below 40 but their looks fade way before 30. There just isn't any age group that's appealing to me so I don't think about age at all.

Anonymous 100415

i like younger guys of about 3 years

Anonymous 100445

if you guys met as adults (as in you're above 21) its not weird but I'm speaking as someone who's bf is 5 years older than me.

Anonymous 100449

I prefer the guy to be younger lol. At least by a little

Anonymous 100454

I like large age gaps where the guy is a lot younger. Did you know William Shakespeare married a woman who was 8 years older than him? It is the relationship-dynamic of geniuses.

Anonymous 101012

I find men aged 19-23 most physically attractive. However they tend to be quite cruel, inconsiderate, obnoxious and averse to commitment. They also have impossibly high standards for appearance and are quite nit-picky. I'm usually guessed to be a teen based off my appearance. I mainly attract 15+ years older men

Anonymous 101038

I only prefer guys younger than me since I was abused by an older man when I was 15

Anonymous 101040

No, if I remember correctly most hetero marriages (in the West) have an age gap with the man 2-3 years older. It's not weird but actually statistically average.

Anonymous 101090

>fujochan is down
>all of the pedophiles starts showing up
like clockwork

Anonymous 101108

There are no pedophiles in this thread, schizo.

Anonymous 101122


>mature adults
>loving other mature adults just a little older/younger
go back to twitter sis

Anonymous 101123

i want him to be 2 years younger. very uncomfortable with older guys for some reason. i’m a khhv i don’t want an older perverted guy who has fucked a thousand women that are probably less socially awkward and autistic

Anonymous 101130

Anti-fujo sperg you need to go back

Anonymous 101158

I'm in my mid-20s and I'm not particularly attracted to older (5-10+) guys physically - they're usually starting to get pretty doughy, some (a lot!) are losing their hair, and you figure you've got maybe a decade before they can't get it up anymore, but it almost feels more and more like you have to look to guys that much older to find anyone who actually has their shit together.

Like >>101012 said, moids in their early-to-mid twenties are generally way more fit and attractive, but they also all tend to be lazy, obnoxious, mean, inconsiderate, commitment-phobic assholes and half of them still live with mommy and daddy.

It feels like a choice between two crappy options.

Anonymous 101159

Thank you for your service, queen

Anonymous 101175

>they tend to be quite cruel, inconsiderate, obnoxious and averse to commitment
I can believe that. I also find men younger than me most attractive physically, but as soon as they actually open their mouths or I see them interacting with their peers, the attraction is instantly gone.
Not judging anyone here but I really don't understand how some people can date much younger people. Most of them are like kids to me even though I'd probably be considered childish for my age.

Anonymous 104580

This, guys below 25 are almost universally retarded.

Anonymous 104618

Yeah, every time an age gap conversation was bought up most girls would talk about being attracted to men aged 35 - 40, it made me feel like an age gap has to be big to be considered an age gap…
But now I as a 21 yr old more or less understand what I want and found myself being gravitated towards men aged 25-30.
In my experience, they're just nicer and easier to talk to than 18-21 year old men, who I felt like didn't even want to talk to me because of how rarely they would respond to my texts, how little they would say and how obnoxious they are.

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