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bf advice thread Anonymous 102329

my bf and I are planning on getting engaged, he is in the process of having a sentimental custom ring ordered.

my issue is that his actions don’t reflect one of a sustainable life partner and I doubt his ability to care for future children. I think this way because he needs to be mothered, reminded over and over to do simple tasks, his ADD affects him a lot and makes him forgetful… example is when he cooks for me, he will leave all the dishes “til the next day” (we flat with 4 other people so our stuff everywhere impacts them) or sometimes he WILL do the dishes but leave the leftovers out in the open unrefridgerated and these end up spoiling.

he’s addicted to video games and I only get 1-2 nights a week to sit down and have dinner with him… every other night he collects his plate and goes straight back to gaming.

he does nice gestures for me, loyal and is a lovely character in general… I worry that if I leave him, I will end up with yet another male who does even less AND cheats.

I’ve spoken to him so many times about changing and he does initially, then falls back into the same patterns. It’s exhausting already and we don’t even have children… I dread to think what life will be like with them.

I don’t really want to leave him but I need a way of truly getting this through to him. even my brother and flatmates have made comments about the way he leaves me to do everything.

Anonymous 102330

>we don’t even have children
seems to me like you have one

Anonymous 102331

>I’ve spoken to him so many times about changing and he does initially, then falls back into the same patterns.
Work on it one at a time. He is like a stupid dog that runs after a ball and before he gets it charges bees buzzing him. Your first trick is to make him retrieve the ball. Instead of reminding him about everything constantly you share a list with him of his daily todos and you can check on him. Soon you will find out how detailed you need to make the todos for him and eventually you can think about if all this effort is even worth it

Anonymous 102332

this is a great idea!!!!! thank u xxx

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