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am i paranoid or was i being followed? Anonymous 102375

>be me
>match with a guy on a dating app
>exchange numbers
>tell guy i’m going to be at a certain restaurant for a friend’s birthday
>guy asks where and when the event is and what i will be wearing
>i tell him everything
>go to the restaurant and notice some guys who enter after me sit across from me and visibly look at me
>one takes a sneak pic of me
>guy i was talking unfollows me on social media and stops texting me
to be fair, i think he was negging me throughout our texts so not a major loss

Anonymous 102376


>dating app

Anonymous 102377

>dating app
what’s wrong with that? i’m too autistic to meet guys irl

Anonymous 102378

pro-tip for paranoid nonas:
if you ever think you're being followed/tailed, find a place where you can do a quick loop and see if they're still on you after that. roundabouts work really well (just do a whole circle before taking your exit), but in a pinch you can just do a loop around the block while walking or driving.
stay safe!

Anonymous 102380

Dating apps are okay (not great but okay) as long as you know what you're doing. Maintain low expectations and don't put all of your eggs in one basket. A lot of men will swipe right on everyone regardless of whether they actually like them because they're after sex not a relationship, keep that in mind.

To me it sounds like that guy sent his friends after you to snap a candid shot to see if you were actually cute irl, maybe?

Anonymous 102386

>To me it sounds like that guy sent his friends after you to snap a candid shot to see if you were actually cute irl, maybe?
This is what I think happened and it really creeps me out to think about? That’s so weird.

Anonymous 102395

that's exactly what happened. please don't be stupid next time and tell a guy u just started talking to where ur gonna be and when and what u look like, ur soo fucking lucky all those guys did was take a pic of u instead of something worse

Anonymous 102396

Holy shit how naive can you be to give a location, time and description to a stranger on a dating app.

Anonymous 102405

>To me it sounds like that guy sent his friends after you to snap a candid shot to see if you were actually cute irl, maybe?
nah sounds like bullshit to me, the most reasonable explanation is that these moids didn't outgrew high school and decided to re-live their bully days
thank you nona but what if there's more than 1 person following you and they know where you're heading to?

Anonymous 102422

I’m usually not this dumb. The restaurant is in a very trafficked area of the city so I didn’t feel unsafe there. Also, I was going to be entering and leaving with friends.

Anonymous 102423

> nah sounds like bullshit to me, the most reasonable explanation is that these moids didn't outgrew high school and decided to re-live their bully days
what do you mean by that? like they weren’t his friends and just random people who decided to take a pic of me? that might be even worse.

Anonymous 102439

That's so creepy, what the fuck? 😨

Anonymous 102452

moid detected. not that its not half the board already

Anonymous 102463

could be both
his friends deciding to bully and creep you out or random moids doing the same thing

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