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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Anonymous 103053

I feel like I will go insane soon if I can't find a person I trust to tell everything about the things in my life that have viscerally effected me. That is all.

Anonymous 103054

have you tried bumble bff

Anonymous 103059

nta bumble bff sucked ass. I swear its full of bots or something.

Anonymous 103103

me too. i feel like i’ve already kinda lost my mind. life is chaos and people can’t be trusted, all they want is sex or they don’t care about me, so now i have no friends. i can’t even trust myself with making good decisions.

Anonymous 103117

My therapist is this person for me. She's the reason I stopped telling my business to strangers online.

Anonymous 103118

you can trust us anon. spill your heart out

Anonymous 103121

I second this

Anonymous 103145

I think therapists are common in the US but it's not the case all over the globe

Anonymous 103169

I think to be happy I need to tell someone I can actually touch and have a reciprocal relationship with. That and the details of my situation would almost instantly be traced back to me.

Anonymous 103171

I feel like that is very rare tbh. In the end I think all people are alone but that may just be the avoidant in me talking. Personally I think I should pay a therapist to listen to me talk.

Anonymous 103280

I think one of the hardest parts of scrote behaviour is how it makes you lose all faith in your own reasoning skills and capacity to make sense of the world

Anonymous 103354

I just vent on 4moid's r9k and use adv for more serious things, i feel safe there because of the anonymity and the posts are permanently deleted/ lost amongst the traffic, there's reddit discord communities thatll stay off the surface web as well.

Anonymous 103357

they are not permanently deleted there are 4chan archives.

Anonymous 103358

>reddit discord communities
are you for fucking serious right now

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