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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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being a woman sucks 103776

ts not even the fact that were oversexualized. That ive just accepted. Its the fact that a man will almost never ever completely respect you. Because women are supposed to be fucking passive little lambs whos argument doesnt stand a chance against a man. A man will scoff at you if anything you say if he disagrees with, he doesnt even try to understand. He just deems you as silly. And if hes rude to you and your offended, forget about it. Now your an overreactor ruled by your emotions.

Anonymous 103777

*arguments don't
*at anything you say with which he disagrees
*. He
*. And
(there is no need to ever do double space)

Honestly your problem isn't that you're a woman, but that you can barely articulate what it is you want to say. Not trying to be mean, but I'm guessing the reason your arguments don't "stand a chance" is because you're unable to clearly and concisely develop them. I've seen articulate women 'beat' men in arguments. I've seen articulate men 'beat' women in arguments. I've never seen the reverse of this happen (i.e. an instance where someone unable to clearly state their case is better at arguing than someone who could).

Anonymous 103782


oh my god… a bonafide autist

Anonymous 103792

Anonymous 117170

Holy based

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