Sexual Regret Anonymous 103809
How do you deal with the shame and trauma that comes with sexual regret?
Anonymous 103810
just don't think about it
Anonymous 103811
Personally I just don't dwell. First post is right.
Anonymous 103828
write about it and let yourself grieve what was lost
repressing the feelings wont be good
Anonymous 103927
i just gaslight myself
Anonymous 103942
I received visions and learned about tantric wisdom. That helped me understand and forgive myself.
Anonymous 103945
>>103942>visionsAre you off your meds again?
Anonymous 103969
As for the trauma it can be tougher, I'm not sure why exactly it was traumatic? Were they just not right for you? Did they hurt you? Maybe it would make sense to talk to a professional but for me what helped is kind of accepting that I'm a human, I made a mistake because it felt right but now I know better. It might sound unbelievable in the moment but it's possible to find somebody who will actually feel right and with whom you'll be very comfortable and who will be very careful not to hurt you. Basically it's this kind of experience that can be really hurtful and unpleasant but in the end of the day you grow and learn more about yourself and what you are comfortable with.
Anonymous 103971
Ooops, for some reason my first paragraph got deleted
But it went like
First of all, why do you feel shame at all? People make mistakes and it's only human. It's OK to not always know what and who is the best for you, it's OK not to know who's right for you. They felt like a right person in that moment and that's OK. Now you know better and you grew from this experience. There is nothing to be ashamed of
Anonymous 105411
bump because it still hurts
Anonymous 105412
>>105411It should. Sit in with the shame and trauma. Talk to it.
Don't ignore it or act like nothing happened. Face the consequences, learn from it, protect yourself from regret in future. Endure and grow strong.
Anonymous 105426
>>103810This. I performed and received oral from a highly narcissistic TIM because of how desperate I got from being a virgin. Considering CC, my sexual regret is probably higher than most here. But I just don't think about it and thank myself for being smart enough to get out before it escalated to PIV. lol
Anonymous 105473
>>105426Someone predatory took advantage of your desperation. There's nothing to feel regretful or ashamed about.