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girl (platonic) friend thread Anonymous 104231

how are nonas finding friends??

i'm really struggling to find likeminded girl (platonic) friendships… ive been a shutin for a long time due to the demands of my course load, but i would really love to try and put myself out there and find friends again.

the friends i have, which are mostly long distance (i've moved around a lot) or online, are nice. we engage in a lot of chats ab common interests, hobbies, views on the world etc. but i found that some often pander to moids and they don't seem to be fully aware of how damaging the patriarchy is. like they haven't woke up to it yet / or ready to accept the gravity of it yet.

so as a result i often get painted as "sexist" lol (as if thats possible)/ or i end up just keeping my mouth shut on topics and being passive. i feel like as a result, i cant really build authentic friendships bc my value system is such a large part of who i am.

i think bc of abuse and my experience w moids, i also associate girls w my value systems/similar opinions on moids as safe.

i've tried bumble friends, discord, and more. im in a radfem server at the moment, but theres troons in there. & i'm in another cc related disord server - which is the safest one i've been able to find. but would really love to try and connect w more nonas..

how are yall making girl friends? or dealing w the lack of friends??

Anonymous 104232

sorry i dont have a comprehensive answer for u nona, but i just wanted to say keep your head up <3 from this post alone i'd be interested in befriending you so surely u will find people!

Anonymous 104234

thanks nona. its hard bc even if potential friends reply here i'll be so suspicious that they are moids. there is no safe place for us anymore

Anonymous 104242

In a similar boat nona. Thus may be weird, but Reddi.

Anonymous 104256

thats a bold assumption to make.
not that i need to explain myself but: i have really good political/educational boundaries. i dont impose them on others and i dont engage in any religious, political or social/political chat in any early relationship.
most of what i mentioned was observations. & any time i do go to say anything or painted as "sexist" as i mentioned, im talking ab experiences ive had from deeper friendships where i have given my opinion. most of the time i am passive, i dont speak up on my views, i keep my "mouth shut" as i mentioned.
my point of the post is that.. i found as relationships progress, it becomes a problem later on bc my value system / and beliefs on feminism are very central to me.

Anonymous 104258

damn nona i feel you. wish there was a way to reach you and connect.

Anonymous 104515


i don’t know.. there’s a girl i work with who wanted to be friends, she actually invited me to hangout with her. but i didn’t know what we should do. and i’m kind of gay and another coworker told me she’s gay. so i was like Fuck. and got nervous. and canceled. it’s over. i felt like i had to perform. she is so so so so so sweet. i think i am too evil to be friends with someone like that. i don’t know what we would talk ab. she is just too fucking pure and sweet and naive and cheerful i cannot. i wish the best for her though

Anonymous 104516

Biochan in pants.j…

what if secretly she is as evil as you and she uses her innocent looks to lure in other naive girls to do evil things with them?

Anonymous 104517

give her a chance. dont be a jerk

Anonymous 104930

me too. day in day out is the same thing where the only people i talk to are the coworkers i fake my personality around or it’s just moids and strangers in my dms. there is absolutely nobody i can be myself around because i’m not friends with any likeminded girls and i just mimic their personalities so they like me and are nice to me. i want to get rid of my social media for this reason but at the same time it’s the only socialization i get outside of being outside. i have one online friend but her and i both suck at texting so a lot of the time my days are just quiet and alone. lonely

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