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careers with larger female workforces? Anonymous 104233

hello nonas! i was wondering if anyone had some advice on what sort of jobs/careers in ur experience tend to have more women. i work part time while studying but im finding through work and placement that my field is mostly moids. i work better and im much more comfortable around other women so its a big consideration for me. obviously no one field is gonna be moidless but if u work in a certain field and/or are studying something that u see a lot of other women in then please share!

Anonymous 104235

i feel you nona! its hard to find moidless jobs, the ones i had that tend to be more woman focused were in the health fields. worked at a termination clinic / sexual health clinic for women. gyno offices. and womens hospitals. they were really nice environments, and even although at times there would be moid doctors - they preferred to hire females! i would mostly just do administration or intake! hope that helps!

Anonymous 104236

thank u sm! <3 it probably makes sense to look in those sorts of places. i wish so many jobs werent dominated by undeserving moids but alas.

Anonymous 104243

I think stuff like that should be secondary and that such notions are honestly a bit childish. Try to do something you enjoy regardless of who else is there.

Anonymous 104260

did you miss the part where i said i work better with and am more comfortable around women lol? i have my own experiences with moids and its not unreasonable to want to pursue a career in a field that isnt so heavily dominated by them so im better situated at work. if you cant understand that i think youre on the wrong forum

Anonymous 104261

Social work

Anonymous 104262

Is there no field of work or study that interests you enough for what it is so that you could ignore such matters?

Anonymous 104303

Share of women by …

Some people do not put much emphasis on work in itself, it's just something most people have to do. Why not make sure it happens pleasantly?
Some people prefer to work outside, some prefer to work with children, or elders, or alone. To each its own.

Anonymous 104305

>some prefer to work with children, or elders
Enjoy poverty

Anonymous 104307

Screenshot 2023-09…

Unfortunately, there is truth in that.

Anonymous 104326

I think that only someone, who desperately needs work and is willing to take ANY job, would say that they don't care about what kind of job it is. (like close to starvation, since OP has some form of choice she is not in such danger) I honestly refuse to believe that people would not consider their own interests first and foremost when looking for a job or study.
But if there really is no work or study that interests her in any way, then she should just go to some companies human resource team. Besides organizing some stuff I only see them talk among each other, so at least it seems comfy. Or just become a housewife lol.

Anonymous 104343

i worked in the labor and delivery ward and the attending physicians and residents and nurses and even the male nurses were all evil

Anonymous 104387

more info?

Anonymous 104390


Not the same Nona, but I sincerely don't believe people
-whose formative years were spent studying and being bullied
-whose job implies dealing with human being at rapid rate
-who are chronically sleep deprived
-who are both praised (they save lives!) and humiliated (bullied by the hospitals and their working conditions)
are willing or able to deal with vulnerable humans properly.
These people suffered extensive psychological damage and, whether they want it or not, they eventually take it out on patients.

Anonymous 104394

It might surprise you but Law! It's not as female-dominant as nursing or educating I don't think but it is actually a female-majority field, especially judges are with far more women than men. In my country anyway.

Also librarians are almost exclusively female, the downside is it's very difficult to get a position because they're very scarce because they're very comfy and most stay for decades.

Anonymous 104624

be a medical lab scientist. my workmates are 95% women. it's all good.

Anonymous 104666

Followers vs early adopters

Anonymous 104687

Speech Language Pathology is roughly 90% woman. You do have to work with either young or old moids but they tend to be harmless due to intellectual impairments

Anonymous 104714

I am that nona. The chain of events would be set off by an attending physician spewing their wrath at the resident which would then trickle down to everyone, including the patients. There wasn't a lot of empathy in that ward and it constantly smelled like lochia. Residents would often cry after M&Ms because of how mean the attendings would get. evil place badbadnotgood

Anonymous 104874

I work in recruiting and 80% of my team is female (although the 20% that are men basically take up all of the top positions but hopefully we'll see more change in that over the years)

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