Note: Apologies, I type too much. I wil leave a TL;DR just in case.
>>105403>I guess I just got bored and didn't feel like investing my time and energy anymore, and considered these resolvable inconveniences as an excuse to move on."Getting bored" implies you used the person's presence only for entertainment and had no intention of investing in forming a deeper connection to begin with. That's not to say you are an outlier, or certainly that I'm not guilty of the same, because this is an entire generational problem. I've met people online I've only talked to three or four times before that started calling me their "best friend" and telling me "I love you" while then barely ever talking to me.
She had even ended up asking me to be in a "queerplatonic" relationship with her. I didn't know what the fuck that was, but from what she explained, it just sounded like..a friendship. This generation is so confused on what friendship is, they have to make up a new LGBT word for it. I said "Yeah, ok" and she proceeded to barely ever talk to me. Um..
My friend I've known from 6th grade and that was supposed to be my actual best friend has repeatedly told me I'm like a sister to her and that, when I had family problems, repeatedly that I'm welcome at their place any time (When I'm 100% sure I wouldn't be. The one time I did come over, before asking her if her family was REALLY okay with it, she just nodded. Then I showed up and her family was wondering what I was doing there and had a talk with her.) But she is also someone that would immediately get quiet and awkward when I talk about anything except anime and video games with her. By the end of high school, she clearly preferred her boyfriend and all her online friends, so I was only someone to talk with and nothing more. Now she prefers to only talk to me online, and doesn't even want to meet me in-person anymore.
Currently I know two girls who seem to agree with everything I say. That's also a reoccuring pattern - Most of the friends I've had, especially the friend who was supposed to be my actual best friend (She would go "Yeah" at almost anything I'd say at one point) , seem to be yes-men. I seem to attract very timid people, somehow even more timid than myself, that are scared of disagreeing about anything. If you express an opinion, they will literally never express an opinion back. At some point, it almost makes me wish I had a brutally honest friend that doesn't hold back about anything.
I've encountered people in-person who talked with eachother as if they've known eachother for years, only for me to see them then literally not even look at eachother when crossing by eachother on the street. Everyone seems to want only the high of a relationship but runs at the remote sign of a low. Speaking with eachother may be full of very convincing bestie comfort words, but none that will actually be carried out. Eventually it feels like you never actually moved away from an acquaintanceship, even when you were sure you did. People are too guarded and scared of anything remotely feeling like intimacy now. Again, I can't blame them too much though, considering I am now the same. It's just made it that much harder to form any worthwhile friendship, even when you do try to be different. I've been around one too many people that want me for friend status, just someone to kill time with, or to seem really nice, but nothing more.
>You can just block, ignore and move on instead of having to deal with the problems.>There's no need for any of that online. Someone said something mean to you? Block 'em. Jump to another server. Replace them with someone else. Never grieve, miss or move on from it. Simple.I would be careful with this because I nearly became Steve Shives with how many mutuals online I had ended up blocking when I had a huge SJW phase in high school. When Ferguson happened, I literally lost several online friends because of not being able to stfu about how "If you don't tweet about Ferguson, you're racist!!!" and even ended up blocking a friend after he tried to reason with me. lmao Other friends just stopped talking to me. I can't blame them because my social media posts were full of "If you like the color red or Toy Story 2, you're homophic" or "If you don't think I'm Donkey from Shrek, block and unfollow me right now" type of bullshit.
The ease of walking away is a double-edged sword. Your shitty in-person communication skills can only bleed into your online ones.
t. Have had tons of online friends at some point.
TL;DR I think communication problems are a generational issue due to how many friendships I've had where the interaction has seemed very good, but only when concentrating on non-personal things and not getting fooled by things like getting called "best friend" or "queerplatonic cutie" (Friend I mentioned actually called me shit like that. wtf)