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offing myself soon Anonymous 104583

I decided I'm done and don't want to live anymore. I just need to make sure 60mg of klonopin (maybe a bit more) and 700ml of vodka will do it. What do you think? Will I die or just be paralyzed?

Anonymous 104584


Have a snickers bar

Anonymous 104586


>Will I die or just be paralyzed?
700ml of Vodka is likely to become 650ml of vomit. 60mg of klonopic is likely to become 30mg of kidney stones. If you're serious about death, please take extra measures to prevent your further suffering and to make sure you're not a vegetable to burden your family. But before that, make sure you're actually serious about death by expunging all other options.
>I decided I'm done and don't want to live anymore.
Are you done with life? Or done with your life in particular? Because that can be changed.

>hfw she's allergic to peanuts

Anonymous 104628

Ok so less vodka and more klonopin?

I'm done with my shitty life always dealing with mental illness on and off medication. It's exhausting and I don't feel like I can function like a real adult should. I'm already a burden to my family but it would be worse if I become a vegetable.

Anonymous 104632

You should not do it, death will come soon enough for all of us.

Anonymous 104643

so that's the end of my story. I mixed alcohol and medication and I lost consciousness. Suicide or accident, I'll never find out what happened on that cold winter night

Anonymous 104713

Have you tried any psychedelics yet? When I took my first acid trip it really changed the way I look at my life and so many of my problems seemed so irrelevant then. But I would suggest to read about it first and decide when and where you want to do it.
But if you're ready to end your life you have nothing left to lose, so do everything you always wanted to do! You can always kill yourself later ;)

Anonymous 104729

How about giving church a chance and see how it goes? You won’t lose anything going to church and talking to their pastor/priest. Also even if you see yourself as a burden to your family, you’ll be hurting them even more by doing to this to yourself. Give yourself a chance and look into other solutions. It may seem like you’re stuck in a hole you can’t get out of, but there are solutions. If you don’t have anyone in real life you can trust or who you feel comfortable talking to then try a mental health hotline. I’m not sure where you’re from but I believe that almost every country has their own hotline. This is America’s suicide hotline, you can dial 988 to reach it.

Anonymous 104730

You can also use this website, it helps you find a hotline in your area: https://findahelpline.com/i/iasp

Anonymous 104731

Also know that you’re not alone. You may not be religious, but I urge you to seek God. Give Him a try and you may end up finding peace and healing.

Anonymous 104741

I know you probably feel like there’s no point in going forward since you feel trapped in your situation and a sense of hopelessness, especially if your family isn’t very understanding or willing to help you. It seems like no matter what you do, things stay the same or even get worse for you. It seems easier to just end it all. But try to hold on and give your life another chance, keep looking for other solutions. Also get out of toxic places that instead of trying to uplift you, drag you further down, like imageboards. Try to find places where people will try to support you. You can even try to find sites that have other people who share the same struggles as you but who will try to uplift and support you. Here’s an app for suicide prevention that may be helpful: https://www.camh.ca/hopebycamhapp. Remember that you’re not alone.

Anonymous 104742

Please don't overdose as a method of suicide, it's messy and painful and isn't even good at actually being reliably lethal. There's a high chance that you vomit and experience lots of pain and/or that you just severely damage yourself without dying (vegetable or disabled). I'm not good with words so I won't try to say anything sappy about why I sincerely hope you will keep trying with life, but please at least consider how risky this method is because you don't deserve to go through that.
I feel gross for unsolicited religionfagging because I know how annoying it is but tbh I felt a lot better after finding belief in God. Even if it was "all fake" or "delusional" it's still really comforting and helps me get through life. I think it's relatively low-risk to try since normal non-cult churches won't lock you in, you can just stop if you want.
But besides that, on a broader level, if you're really feeling hopeless with your life it can help to try new perspectives and paths and just… you don't have anything to lose, you know? I used to think that if things got worse I could always kill myself later, and, well, somehow it worked out for the better.

Anonymous 104812

Update: I didn't kill myself. I'm a coward and fear being a vegetable.
I'm so frustrated because I can't find a quick and painless way to do it. When I used to cut myself I wasn't scared of pain, should've done it then.
Anyway I'm taking my meds again since I'd stopped taking them and I feel a little less suicidal. It's fucked that I need to be on pills that make me tired, numb and a brainlet I'm order not to go through extreme feelings/thoughts.
Thank you all for the advice, it is really hard to die with pills as I've been researching and it's not worth the chance of getting vegetabled or it being painful.

I can't believe in God, I've tried before. I wish I could because it's cool and probably gives you a will to live.

Anonymous 104813

I'm happy to read that, nona. I for one do not think you a coward. On the contrary, facing life when everything seems hopeless requires courage. I'm proud of you.

Anonymous 104855

I don’t know your situation but I’m gonna guess that you need to cut the ties that bind. And everything will heal in time

You’re also not a loser. You were made to feel that way by those who are comfortable with the status quo

Anonymous 104863

If you wish to get things out of your chest, you have all of here. Share your pains, it will lessen your hurt and lower your burden.

Anonymous 104889

I won't bother you with the old saws about why you should live because if you've felt like taking your life then it's only condescension on my part. I dropped out of high school because I was too dumb for school. Couldn't focus, couldn't memorize and everyone made fun of me and I never fit in. I felt so alone and so useless and I really believed killing myself would've been the solution because even if I was condemned to eternal oblivion, the world would have one less oxygen thief. Who could ever love a tard like myself? I was one ugly bitch but I held on, as hard and as useless as it was. Nona, life can be unceasingly brutal and unfair but that doesn't always mean that unfairness means is going to be all negative. Eight months after my decision to hold on, an apprenticeship for fashion opened up for me. I sketched a few designs just because I felt like it, I submitted them and I was rejected, like I knew I would be. However one of the judges contacted me afterwards and said I had some talent and if I was willing to make something of myself, he could probably envision me as a designer. I thought that it would be this or nothing, if I failed here, I have the license to kill myself so I threw myself into work and anytime I was attacked with feelings of self-hatred, I wrote them down on a journal and titled those musings as 'yet to be substantiated' and I would wake up and I would repeat like a mantra the phrase "I deserved to have another chance at life, I am worth it" even though I never believed it but I kept repeating it until it began to affect real change. Please don't kill yourself nona, I know as cringe as it sounds you may deprive another person of your companionship and make the world a colder place than it would've been with you.

Anonymous 104906

My sister just tried this and far more. So fucking many drugs and also cut the fuck out of her wrists. Anyway she planned the hell out of it and we still managed to get there in time and save her.

You are going to die anyway, why not give life the best shot you can until then? So many stupid and useless people succeed and live fulfilling lives. Someone smart enough to see how much shit sucks can for sure improve their situation. Especially with help from people around you.

Anonymous 105022

These are not op (me) but I want to add that living is hard, at least for me. And what >>104906 said is true. Most people succeed or at least achieve a not heavy to live life. That's what I'm aiming for, I talked to my therapist and she told me that things aren't immediate and there sometimes is effort put into living but it can take a while to develop. That's what I'm thinking not to go crazy. Even if I don't feel like it, I'm 20 and going to university, I don't even need to support myself economically (that makes me feel like a blood sucking ghoul) so there'll come the time for me to be responsible for myself but not soon. So I just wait and do stuff while I let other stuff happen in my life.

Anonymous 105049

>Couldn't focus, couldn't memorize
So you have ADHD probably, have you ever got yourself tested? There's medication that can help you.


Anon I know what it's like to be a "failure", my situation is surprisingly similiar to yours. Dropped out of uni three times, am a bachelor student at 27, I have no friends I meet outside of uni, live at home because I can't afford to spend hundreds on rent and food and have a shitty relationship with most of my family. But what you're going through rn is not because you've failed, it's because you have poor mental health. I fully know what it's like to see no way out, to not being able to imagine a future for yourself and wanting to end things, I was like that too, but that's 100% because you're depressed or whatever and you can't see the possibilities and opportunities and small good things and the good things about yourself. Again I know because I was there myself and still dealing with my shit situation every day. Get help for your mental health if you can (I know not everyone is in the position to do so), I WISH I had done that a decade ago, it could've saved me so much pain even if my actual situation hadn't changed. Don't off yourself because you're not able to see things clearly right now. There's a way out, out of your poor menal health and also out of your circumstances.

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