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Am I a bad person for thinking this girl is ugly? Anonymous 104678

There a girl in one of my classes that I think is ugly. I can usually see beauty in everyone but not her. I don’t think her looks aren’t anything that can’t be saved with makeup but without it it’s not great.

I feel like such a terrible person but I can’t stand to look at her. Even people treating her well makes me cringe because I know we can all see that she is not attractive. I’m not that pretty myself and the girl sort of resembles me before I got a glo up. I wish I could save her from the judgment of being the ugliest girl in school, which is what I once heard a guy call her. How do I deal with this?

Anonymous 104682

youre just a hater imo

Anonymous 104683

A bad person? Not necessarily. Wrong? Possibly.

>Even people treating her well makes me cringe

This is not a normal reaction to have towards someone who happens to be conventionally unattractive, and since you mention that she reminds you of yourself before your glow-up, maybe what you're actually experiencing is a projection of your thoughts about yourself or who you used to be?

In my experience things that make us really angry or upset ultimately tell us more about ourselves than about anyone else. Try to take a step back and analyze these thoughts you have about her, what preconceptions and emotions are behind them, and is there any real merit to your assumptions?

Anonymous 104688

Anonymous 104754


>There a girl in one of my classes that I think is ugly.

Alot of "ugly" people I've known have mad game. They just overcompensate with very assertive, outgoing personalities and resign to not dating men swarming in popularity with women, many of which would clearly be a better choice for them. It shows that anyone can eventually land a fulfilling relationship, if they have these qualities. I'm not even THAT ugly (I've been told I'm average), but am the polar opposite of assertive and outgoing. And only think about ridiculously attractive men. It's likely why I'm still single.

Anonymous 104797

No, thinking someone is ugly by itself doesn't make you a bad person, that's retarded.

Anonymous 104894

Why do you care so much? You just seem like a judgey asshole. You're also assuming that everybody else is like you and hyperfocused on her looks even though not everyone has the same standards of attractiveness.

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