>>104791it was chlamydia he got from his slutty coworker. He claims he's taken medicine for it and it's all gone now, but I've been reading up on it and how it can remain dormant for a while and then reappear. I'm just thankful I've only had condom PIV sex with him and nothing else. I was thinking of offering oral to him, but after he's told me this I refuse to ever suck his dick, not in this lifetime or ever.
As for your other suggestions:
>Just get friendsI am stuck at school where the women here are all vapid conceited cunts, plus I am at a point in my life where I just plainly hate associating with other people.
>Just get a hobbyI already have two hobbies which sometimes help, but it still doesn't prevent the times where I sink into self-loathing and depression.
>Just get a petNow this was the one good suggestion you offered, and admittedly I've lately been really drawn to cats. I've been heavily considering getting one, but unfortunately I am currently stuck with living with my immediate family, where they all despite cats (they believe in weird superstitions), and one of them is allergic to cats.
So basically my life is fucked and unless a cat magically is placed into my arms, then I am just stuck with this moid.