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classmates making fun of me Anonymous 104989

two of my classmates giggled amongst themselves after i presented today. i can usually convince myself that it probably isn't about me, except my friend caught them doing that too. i'm surprised to see this happening in college, and even more shocked to know the main perpetrator is 27. how do i either deal with this? or cope with this? i'm getting tired of this treatment.

Anonymous 104990

is it time for a manifesto?

Anonymous 104994

>the main perpetrator is 27
That's more embarrassing than anything you could've done to warrant their reaction, stay strong knowing you aren't that immature

Anonymous 104996


In all honesty it was probably just them not paying attention to you at all and giggling like ADHD middle schoolers passing notes with fart jokes on them while the teacher is instructing a lesson. Even true if they made awkward eye contact with you during your presentation.

When I was in speech 101 class in college I thought of something hilarious my friend had said a week before while a girl was just beginning her her informative speech presentation. I could barely breath as I was struggling to hold in my giggles. She kept looking at me because of it. Worst is that I only did it during her speech, she was the only black girl in the class, and she did her speech on weaving hair extensions. I'll never forget her "if you can't achieve it, weave it. if you can't grow it, sew it" slogan at the end of her speech because that's when I finally calmed down.

So yeah, most likely not you, something between them that just didn't make you feel good as you were struggling with stage fright,

Anonymous 104997

This is a situation when you either eyeroll and do your own thing, people who are vocal like that are trying to project their own insecurities to make them feel bigger, or you speak up and say in the with the most deadpan expression “What did you just say?”/“What the fuck did you just say?”/“That’s and odd thing to say…”

It can be difficult to act on the latter unless you know for sure or you’re willing to get into a whole social thing.

Anonymous 104998

Don’t come to school tomorrow nonas….

Anonymous 105189

Why do you care what some stranger in your class thinks about you? Their opinion of you does not affect your self worth.

Anonymous 105568


Major update: the main perpetrator just dropped out and ever since then that sneaky behavior stopped from the other 2 girls

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