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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 105449

Honestly I'm just such a fucking loser the only place I feel comfortable communicating is on anonymous imageboards, where I actually feel equal to everyone else. At least the boards make me feel valued. I have no mental resources to deal with the social warfare and people attacking my person. I don't even care about myself at this point after all this treatment throughout my life.

Anonymous 105458

you've been doing this for too long. piss off, get a life.

Anonymous 105459

Doing what?

Anonymous 108821

Yup I noticed normies like to one-up each other and make snide remarks/comments, and they tend to do it to losers like us so they feel better about themselves. I’m often the butt end of jokes in my family. Then I got a full time job working in a library (no credentials required I just put away books) and my coworkers do that to me too.
They treat me like an idiot which I guess I am because I have zero social skills or worldly knowledge.

Anonymous 109464


i hate boykisser so much it's unreal i feel enraged everytime i see one. i want to choke it i want to crush it with my bare hands i want to throw it against the wall repeatedly until it's reduced to unrecognizable shapeless mush of flesh and bones. only then i will find peace. i fucking hate this disgusting retarded faggot piece of shit cat or dog or whatever the fuck. i heard it's creator turned out to be a groomer which is no surprise. i hate hate hate hate these memes i need all people who make these to drop dead.

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