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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 105537

If someone has been raped or molested, how can they heal the pain and restore control of their body?
Likewise if someone fornicates, how do can they regain control of their body and mind?

Anonymous 105540

Grounding techniques while having sex and finding someone who you truly trust and is okay with avoiding specific triggers mostly, I think. It's not going to be easy because these experiences are traumatic enough to the point they permanently damage your neural pathways.

Anonymous 105543

>if someone fornicates, how do can they regain control of their body and mind?
I'm confused. How does fornication imply losing control of body and mind? Fornication is sex between unmarried people, so isn't fornication by definition consensual?

Anonymous 105544

… it's a traumatized person. They can become sex repulsed. Sex can be triggering.

Anonymous 105547

The OP just says
>if someone fornicates
Which doesn't imply a sex repulsed individual.

Anonymous 105550

I mean… I'm not sure if you should consider both questions as being separate or parts of a bigger question, lol.
I wonder if its just bad English.
>how do can they

Anonymous 105551

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