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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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i feel like i'm rotting away Anonymous 106705

i am just tired of existing. i feel so unmotivated.

Anonymous 106707

d*scord will do that to a person

Anonymous 106716


why do you care so much about feelings
They go away, like clouds and everything else.

Anonymous 106717

i'm going to throw myself off the golden gate bridge before this week is over. i loved and lost and i'm too tired to fight through heartbreak to just exist alone again. i've got some loose ends to tie up but we're nearing the end of the story for me

Anonymous 106718

it will all be ok I promise don't do it
someone loves you

Anonymous 106719

i appreciate you trying to help but i'm tired. its not an impulsive move on my part its calculated. i've tried a month of being single again now and it just isn't worth it. i've had a good run, i've made some amazing memories but i think its time to leave SF for good

Anonymous 106720

why are you leaving san francisco

Anonymous 106721

My options are go home and live with my parents again, starting from zero with no money and single again, lonely. Or just call it quits here and leap off the bridge. At least that way I get some peace and I don't have to suffer the loneliness an the monotonous grind all over again. I experienced a magical relationship for 3 years that made me so happy, but it's over now and it's not coming back. And single reality is so cold and uncaring in comparison I don't want to do it

Anonymous 106722

They recently put suicide nets around the Golden Gate Bridge, so jumping off won't kill you anymore.

Anonymous 106723

Is the grind really that bad though? There are little pleasures to be found in a simple life. And that is assuming you will never bounce back into a new relationship.

Anonymous 106724

>bloobloobloo I've been single for ONE ENTIRE MONTH I'm gonna kill myself now!

You'll have a new boyfriend within 2 weeks of this thread, get over it.

Anonymous 106962

They haven't put them over all of it yet

Anonymous 106964

I will say your message made me laugh. You making fun of it is pretty amusing, and I sorta respect you for it. But you don't understand, the fact that you think I can find someone new in 2 weeks shows that you haven't experienced a true whirlwind love yet. They don't come around often, some people they never come around for sadly. It would probably be years before it happens again for me if I'm lucky and in the meantime I gotta live in loneliness in a world were you gotta work stupid jobs to live

Anonymous 106982

I get you, I really do. After you lost the first one… There's this wretchedness you feel. You want to curl up and swallow yourself; you beat yourself hoping that maybe someone notices you're suffering. I… I can only say I've felt that hopelessness, yet I no longer empathise with it (sorry).

The badness subsides. Sadly you never get the goodness that you once felt. There are small sparks, maybe it will come back again. I hope so. The one I loved doesn't exist anymore; they're someone else now. I loved who they were, but God knows what they are (I don't love that).

I feel apathy towards life. I don't want to die though. I'll die when it comes. There are people who need me. Five years ago I was a loser, no one knew who I was, but now there are people who need me to be alive. I can't say it feels good to know that, but helping them and seeing them smile makes the apathy worth it.

Who am I to judge you? I romanticise the slow suicide sometimes; alcohol quiets the mind and I feel powerful. The desire for fast suicide goes away. Things are good at the moment. Life is mostly good, even if the love you had is gone.

Anonymous 106989

I would rather be a loser and have the love of my life than be important and be alone though. I think the fact you don't get a rewind in life will drive me insane. Moments are only so special because they are truly unique and you can't repeat them ever, but it's also so unfair because if I got a rewind I could do things so much better

Anonymous 106994

used to be like that but I took some psilocybin and it literally changed my personality for a bit, its effects wear off after a while, but I suggest taking large doses periodically and see what happens.

Anonymous 107003


just use xmpp instead

Anonymous 107005


a fellow open communication protocols enjoyer I see

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