
Anonymous 106727

>skelly, must weigh less than me
>shorter than me is preferable
>sensitive to social issues
>involved in some kind of art (visual arts, literature, music, whatever)
>wants to be a subby househusband
I want someone to love and grow old with so bad. Geez.
Anonymous 106728

My bf.
>has beautiful thick, dark, curly hair
>6'4" with long legs and broad shoulders
>melts my heart when he smiles or laughs
>has great bone structure: strong jawline and collarbones
>takes good care of himself: dresses well, has perfect teeth, has a nicely-kept beard, smells amazing
>has an absolute heart of gold: is so kind and generous towards his friends (and mine, bless him), loves animals and all animals are obsessed with him back (I wish my dog loved me as much as he loves my bf lol), is great with children, treats me like a princess
>is incredibly empathetic and thoughtful
>brings me on the cutest dates to the cinema, park, nice bars/restaurants
>but we have just as much fun watching netflix in bed or making dinner together
>knows exactly how to cheer me up when I feel like shit and doing the same for him makes me feel all fuzzy
>we have the same humour so when we make each other laugh, we'll laugh until it hurts
>loves to travel and has been to many countries with me
>is so intelligent (even if he doesn't think so lol) and has fantastic artistic ability
>works hard so we can have a good life
>is romantic af
>fucks me as hard as I want
>is basically a perfect human being in every way to the point where I question if he's even real
Anonymous 106729

>large in stature, tall and either pudgy or muscular. im tall for a woman and want someone to tower over me a little (or a lot)
>passionate about something, whether it be computers or baseball as long as they have something theyre so passionate about that theyd die for it its a very admirable trait
>unique and creative thinker, even if what they think of half the time is dumb shit i can appreciate their thought process
>honest as fuck, cant stand liars or people who are fake
>appreciating art and taking it as a profession seriously is really important to me since its what i live for basically
>protective af and maybe a little possesive because im the same way
>6-7inch dick because too small it feels uncomfortable and too big 8+ and i'll die
im probably asking for a lot and i hope husbando bots are going to be a thing in the future
Anonymous 106730
>pale and boyish looking
>still fit enough to go to gym with me though
>introverted but still has things like a handful of friends, not a complete loner
>calm and slow to anger, not overly emotional, not easy to offend
>has a stable career
>can interpret things like body language well, doesn't need everything spelled out to him
>thoughtful and treats me nicely
>can have long conversations with me when it's just us two
>low sex drive and very vanilla
>wants to get married
Looking through this I just want to fuck the male version of myself for the most part.
Anonymous 106731

>>106730>soft face that's more cute than handsome and a bespectacled qt>energetic and easy-going, cuddly w/ no major mental issues he can't deal with or find support for himself>either slightly taller than me, tallish, skinny or slightly chubby but no napoleon complex, accepted himself and can laugh about it>never treats me like a child and takes my worries and concerns seriously>adores the humanities arts>can spend all night debating about stupid things until the sun rises and never think anything less of each other for it>understands the importance of a self-sufficient job and is best at seeing the larger picture/concise speaker>Secretly slightly masochistic and enjoys femdom without being a sexist freak Anonymous 106732
>>106731Oh god anon sorry for the random reply! I was about to say you've basically described my dream guy and I just wanted to add a few extra traits <3
Anonymous 106733

>>106726>"literally" me, but male>hates me, but we stay together anyways, because only we understand eachotherI don't trust anyone except myself so my ideal partner is me, the only person I can trust.
Ideal me is a person who looks like she's from Castlevania.
Anonymous 106734

>>106726this is going to be cluttered lol. anyway,
>not white. or at least, not from the states & white, i've had nothing but bad experiences with them >youthful appearance>odd beauty. doesn't conform to any generic standards >my height or slightly taller >for a lady, i wouldn't if she was smaller than me >also a bit demanding/clingy? >perhaps a touch of obsession too >willing to tell me when i fuck up tho of course>honest >intelligent, witty, kind >never pitying >not the type to talk incessantly. we should go hours without speaking & that should be ok >they let me cook for them & offer ways to improve or ( this is for women specifically )
>older than me, maybe like mid-late twenties early 30s>have a silver fox type beauty about them>wealthy>willing to spoil me but also dom me occasionally >likes to bully me every now & then ( out of love tho )>drinks a lot of red wine Anonymous 106735
>>106734also i'll just swipe from traits from other people
>never treats me like a child and takes my worries and concerns seriously>adores the humanities arts>can spend all night debating about stupid things until the sun rises and never think anything less of each other for it>understands the importance of a self-sufficient job and is best at seeing the larger picture/concise speaker Anonymous 106736

>>106731>>106732No problem, I see we both have great taste. Unfortunately an ideal is an ideal, this kind of person doesn't seem to exist anywhere.
Anonymous 106737

My boyfriend is my ideal.
He's sweet, kind, funny asf (even when he is offensive towards other people, he is so funny it is ok lol), intelligent and incredibly trustworthy. He has the sweetest smile and I love his accent and hair.
Anonymous 106738
>>106737Not to be a dick, but Pikachu doesn't exist and you can't have a boyfriend that's a Pikachu.
Anonymous 106740

>>106738nooo, my bf is real and handsome and not pokemany.
Anonymous 106741

my ideal partner:
- amazing cook
- loves cleaning
- good father
- handsome
- cute
- glorious silver hair
- forever 25
- is a spirit
- can turn into a cute fluffy fox
Anonymous 106742
>>106741Good taste, I loved Gugure. I'm sad the manga ended and S2 never.
Anonymous 106743
>>106742yeah it's so relaxing to watch, but imo it would have been 10 times better without that dog pedo man. He just annoyed me all the time
I haven't read the manga but now that I know there is one I definitely will, thanks for mentioning it Anonymous 106744
>>106741>>106741why does he look like a less hot inuyasha?
Anonymous 106745
>>106729… I have never met a woman before that wants a certain dick size with 3 inches of lee way.
Anonymous 106746
>>106745the amount of tiny dicks i have encountered is pretty shitty, maybe its bad luck but 2 of my exes had like 3 skinny dicks that didn't feel right at all to me and only 1 ex with a decent 6 size dick
i guess its personal perference in the end though
Anonymous 106747
>>106726My ideal partner is a real person, so I won't post it here.
Just someone I deeply pair-bonded with, I'm a CSA survivor so I want to reclaim my sexuality with someone I deeply love, not some rando, which is why I'm so picky about casual dating.
Anonymous 106749

>>106741Cheap copy of Kamisama Hajimemashita. Tomoe is the OG fox demon
Anonymous 106750
>>106749It's been years since I watched this but I remember thinking the snake guy was better
Anonymous 106752
>>106751I thought he had a cuter personality. Tomoe wasn't bad either though.
Anonymous 106753
I don't even care. As long as they're stable, not a junkie, morally stable and not a commie of fascist I'm ok.
Anonymous 106755

misunderstood grumpy bad boy who only falls in love with me and has tons of money so we can travel. Haven't played this game in forever since voltage kept updating the fkin apps, but I played most of his chapters/seasons. Don't care about the "problematic" aspects of the game, let me live my dumb bitch fantasy.
Anonymous 106756
>my age
>biologically female
>green eyes
>red or blonde hair
>loves music as much as I do
>is different enough from me that we compliment each other, I don't want to date myself
>has her own friends and her own interests,
Anonymous 106758

>>106757Come to think of it when I was writing the stuff I wanted I was thinking of 2D boys the entire time really. 3D can't compare.
Anonymous 106759

BOTW Link is my ideal bf and you cannot convince me otherwise. I force him to climb mountains in the game so that I can hear him grunt. I don't care if I get shit for it. HE IS MY IDEAL!
Anonymous 106760

>Bear mode
>Scruffy and hirsute
>Cute, round eyes
>Honest and straightforward
>Understanding or at least willing to be
>Has hobbies and passions
>someone who can have silly conversations with me and just go with the flow
>Someone who will be happy to see me improve as a person
>Is willing to create a business with me
>Cuddly <3
>Willing to wear matching outfits with me
>Is willing to hike/walk around with me
>Works out/willing to work out
>Bonus points if he powerlifts
Anonymous 106761
>biological woman, my age or a little older
>same height, give or take 3 inches
>also a plant lady
>has a soft look (feminine I think I mean?)
>doesn't have to be intelligent but at least willing to absorb the world around her
>long brown or dirty blonde hair
Guys I just want to be a lesbian in the woods with my lesbian girlfriend and grow our own vegetables with a cat and a dog
Anonymous 106762

>tfw I am not attracted to human males anymore
Anonymous 106763

I want to marry Obi. There is no one more ideal.
Anonymous 106764

>bear/big (chubby/muscular build and at least 5'7)
>brown/dark-brown/black hair
>patient and caring
>intellectual (on the same wavelength with interest in philosphy/linguistics/history)
>the same level of spirituality as me or moreso (either oriental or eastern orthodox christian)
>funny but not in a painful or overbearing sense
>extremely cute mannerisms
>2-10 year age gap
>good father
>accepts me for who i am and despite me and my family's flaws loves us regardless <3
>not smelly/uses strong cologne
Anonymous 106765

I just want a Kpop-looking guy of the cute kind who submits to me.
Anonymous 106766
my bf <3
>big and muscular, barrel-chested, hairy
>works in the trades, doing manual labor all day
>loves gym
>plays guitar
>pretty dumb, didn’t finish school
>but capable of understanding complex concepts
>loves to rest his head on my lap while I explain literature or philosophy to him and listens and asks me questions
>loves me more than anything
>blocks any girl he sees posting thirst traps on social media, doesn’t really use social media much to begin with
>nice singing voice and pretty face
>likes to cuddle
>in touch with his emotions, almost a crybaby
>never angry
Anonymous 106767
>>106765Same and same. I have a huge caregiver/sadism dichotomy, and kpop boys hit that sweet spot.
Anonymous 106768
will just post my crush cuz hes perfect
>kinda long messy black hair
>skinny but wide shoulders
>big cock(had a boner while talking to me once)
>good at math and science
>light brown skin
>huge veiny hands
>plays a load of sports
>never had gf, hopefully a virgin too
>nice too me
I love him so much but he probably sees me as the ugly girl that needs his sympathy
Anonymous 106769

Nerd/geeky looking guy with glasses, like Lain's dad. Ideally lanky.
It's too bad that so many of these guys IRL are narcissistic. They will constantly try to prove or show off how smart they are and will often be so socially stunted they will become a creep towards women, troon out, and/or commit a serious crime at worst. Sigma nerds are hot, but beta ones are bottom of the barrel.
Anonymous 106770
Saskia de Brauw.jp…

I'm heterosexual but have been sufficiently informed about XY so here I am.
my ideal mate
>ultra butch/masc female
>so masculine that people will initially read her as male
>not into gender delusion but has top surgery without anything further (hormones would harm her body)
>in good health
>stone, service top that enjoys a pillow princess
>gentle and kind to me, apathetic or hateful toward the world
>highly (over)protective of me
>possessive, clingy and obsessed about me without being abusive
>much taller than I, optimally 6'+/182+ cm but that is obviously extremely rare so let's say 5'8"+/172+ cm
>muscular, either leanly muscled or rugged/tough in beefy way
>pale skin, the paler the better
>black or dark brunette hair
>heavy and thick eyebrows
>body hair on the lighter side
>green or green-hazel eyes with little to no brown in them (instead of brown go with grey or yellow)
>reserved, not a people type, serious
>provider for me, wealthy (enough)
>wants to take care of me and likes to
>looks like she can kill someone
>can kill someone, would be willing and able to do so (plus enjoy it)
>is understanding of how I got wired growing up and appreciates what I am now
would vaguely resemble pic related but even less delicate in appearance.
Anonymous 106771
I'm writing this as a thought experiment to compare to my husband.
>man, in the range of 2 year age gap
>Doesn't mind my weeb stuff such as spending money 1-3 times a year on imports and lets me play J-Pop in the car when I drive and all that. If he likes the music without liking the girl group members too much then even better.
>Generally just doesn't judge my interests like most people I meet do.
>If he likes moid shit like Warhammer let it not be the weirder and/or more expensive side of it.
>Not a World War II buff because of videogames.
>Likes to read.
>Taller than me by a couple inches, blond with blue eyes, has Germanic blood cuz Germans are hott.
>Body hair, beard no longer than ~inch.
>Makes a decent salary so I can be a homemaker (it's my calling I don't really care at this point if people shit on me over it).
>Wants to live in a flyover in a small town.
>Doesn't anger easily or act passive aggressive, generally calm and reflective.
>Funny without being repetitive.
>Strong with a desire to protect the family and would punch a mofo.
>Would sooner seppuku than cheat. I despise cheaters, would never tolerate it and would murder my husband and his whore in Minecraft if he betrayed me.
>No female friends outside of meeting other couples, has no personal DMs with other women (I just don't think it works.)
Guess it's good I married my man. He could stand work on his jokes sometimes though.
Anonymous 106772

>>106768If he doesn't like you then why did he have a boner while talking to you? Also I don't think guys give sympathy to ugly girls, so he may like you!
Anyway here's my crush:
>tall >longish wavy brown hair (he keeps it tied up for work)>actual perfect golden ratio face>muscular and lean>tanned>but his ears, nose, fingers, cheeks, are flushed with color (pink hues)>painfully shy>large eyes>thick, shapely brows>gentle, quiet voice>floofy eyelashes>cute shapely pink lips>moves gracefully>seems virginal>silentI think he plays a sport, I don't know which one, but my guess is football. I hope he doesn't play video games and it'd be nice if he read sometimes. He probably likes the outdoors. I wonder if he has any pets…
Anonymous 106773

>thin/lean/muscular/normal weight
>cute face
>around my height, shorter or a little bit taller
>shaves or has no facial hair
>wears tobacco vanille
>romantic, loves romance and everything to do with it, even corny stuff
>likes exploring weird places as a couple, doing fun activities in places that aren't crowded
>not nonchalant
>plays paladin/holy knight
>has to like anime
>gentle towards animals
>loves cuddles and being physically affectionate
>needs to be by himself sometimes
Anonymous 106774
>>106773>has no facial hairIs this possible?
Anonymous 106775
>>106774Uhh I meant like… no beard, no moustache, clean-shaven.
Anonymous 106776

>has long-term goals in life
>owns real estate
Anonymous 106777
>>106775Oh. I thought you meant he didn't grow facial hair to begin with.
Anonymous 106778

>blue or green eyes
>no facial hair
>pale skin
>don't really care about height but should not be shorter than me
>Nose should be small and not hooked
>good looking fingers.
>beautiful, healthy long legs
>healthy, white teeth
>should not be "woke"
>no female friends
>loves to cuddle
>likes to read books
>likes watching movies with me and eating snacks^^
>never lies to me
>does not smoke,drink,watch porn,party or do other degenerate stuff
>no addictions
>never used tinder,bumble etc. we met at library or church.
>wants to marry me
>should give me lot of children
Anonymous 106779
>Doesn't smoke
>Doesn't drink
>Does not do drugs
>Works a decent job and tries his best
Have been told my standards are too "high." lol its fucking over.
Anonymous 106780
>>106770Umm. That's eerily me… Down to being exactly 182cm tall. But sadly I am taken by a little scruffy man
Anonymous 106781
>>106780really? I feel amused at the universe so thoroughly managing to generally mismatch desires and delivered outcomes. if he does not make you happy you should shatter his pelvis.
I do have a masc mate at the moment but waiting for her to become more what I like. weirdly enough though she is pretty damn close to my list.
now I am curious - what is
your ideal mate? regardless if the scruffy one fulfills you or not. and no, this is not a come-on.
Anonymous 106782
>>106779if your list is too high for standards it is indeed over for mating with males. they're pathetic.
Anonymous 106783
>>106779I think you can find this; it may not be easy, but this isn't impossible at all.
Anonymous 106784
>>106781I'm a brain boner type of person, I'll go far from an "ideal" if the vibe is right.
That said however…
>Shorter than me>Playfully bratty and open-minded>Intense eyes that observe everything around them.>Cheeky smile, chortles more than "thihihi'ing">Strong and dense hair>Clever in a very adult way, not necessarily stuffy, just knows who they are and does well within their field of interest.>Not "goofer/pig" looking, well defined features.Making lists are always fun. Scruffy meets a lot of them except he's a bit immature for his age due to mental abuse. I deal with it tho, it's nice to see him growing out of it.
Anonymous 106785
>>106782>>106783Yeah, I hope I do find a husband who isn't a complete drug addict but oh well. I would rather be alone than poorly accompanied. IVF or adoption is always an option IF I want a family. Idk why scrotes try to pressure women into lowering their standards by saying their bio clock is ticking… Won't make anyone more willing to take them.
Anonymous 106786
>>106726Absolutely nobody. I don't want to clean up after a stupid ugly moid.
Anonymous 106787
>>106786What if he were an intelligent pretty moid who cleaned up after you?
Anonymous 106788
>>106787I wouldn't trust it there's gotta be some caveat. Whats the whole story???
Anonymous 106789
>>106784I love seeing the varied tastes ITT. women are so much more nuanced on the whole.
Anonymous 106790
>>106788He disappears when you wake up
Anonymous 106791

>European, French Canadian or South American
>whatever appearance, just not extremely obese or unhygienic
>not a degenerate, no deranged fetishes, no porn consumption or desire for anything other than a monogamous vanilla relationship
>kind, caring and polite, maybe a bit shy and sensitive on the inside
>strong interests and passions, ideally a mix of some we share and some we don't
>likes nature and gardening, would walk around remote places just looking at plants and bugs with me
>likes working with his hands and creating things, would do all sorts of DIY projects with me
>likes cooking and is good at it
>leftist (not the woke idpol type)
>completely disconnected from all the drama and bullshit out there, just wants to live a happy life in a homestead far away from it all
>tfw no male tradwife bf
Anonymous 106792
Screen Shot 2023-0…

Devision of labor benefits both parties.
Anonymous 106793
>>106790Thos is what I'm saying. It's not worth it to be in a relationship unless it vastly improves your life.
Anonymous 106794
>>99786I have a bf exactly like this and it’s a comfy life.
Anonymous 106796

my current bf …. tall, tanned, beautiful long hair, built body, beard, intelligent, philosophical, forward thinking, caring, thoughtful, passionate, obsessed with me <3
I can’t wait to have his children one day, we have bought a house and renovating it together.
Anonymous 106797
>>106796samefagging but he’s a massive nerd and doesn’t do social media let alone give me reasons to distrust him. I love his family (very important factor for me!) and despite going through his phone, he just doesn’t talk to anyone.
Plus the sex is amazing, though the longer the relationship the more same-same it gets so we actively work on keeping it spicy. he’s always bringing me home little gifts and knows exactly how I’m feeling <3 I couldn’t ask for anything better. I hope all you Nonas are able to experience this at some point.
Anonymous 106799
This is a bf bragging thread
>handsome sleek black hair
>puts up with all my bullshit
>feel like I have been with him forever, he understands me deeply
>wants whats best for me, supports me and adores me
>wants children but is open to anything I want in terms of goals
>very sensative and loving, has a huge heart for children and animals
Anonymous 106800
>>106772He already had a boner before i started the conversation, i was trying to get him to stand up so i could see it a bit better also hes nice too everyone even creepy incel looking guys, i guess hes just a very compassionate person but i know he doesn't think of me like that because hes super religious muslim
Anonymous 106802
>>106800Why did he have one then? Was he being sexually teased by a group?
>super religious muslimIt's getting worse to me
Anonymous 106803
>Tall, pale, slender
>Short hair with those fluffy, middle-part bangs
>Cute smile
>Simple, honest, and pure
>Enjoys being of service
>Becomes easily overwhelmed and anxious (needs me for guidance)
>Good at physical tasks, but struggles with anything that requires too much thinking
>Looks up to me
>Comforts me when I'm lonely, anxious, or sad by giving me hugs and telling me not to worry and that he'll take care of me (even if I'm mostly taking care of him)
>Completely loyal and devoted like a doggie
I know there aren't actually men who exist like this. I essentially created an OC representation of a male I think I could actually love. I imagine he gets to work a comfy job like at a bookstore, while I bring in the big bucks. He always worries about my stress and my mental health because I work so hard, so he does whatever he can to make me happy and comfortable at home (besides the cooking). Whenever we go out in public, I have to hold onto his arm so he doesn't get lost or overwhelmed.
Anonymous 106804
>>106802i'm not that nona, but sometimes guys just get boners for no particular reason.
Anonymous 106805
my idea gf <3
>interested in art and or talented at it
>lots of inside jokes
>introverted, like me
>stays on call with me for hours and hours, nd we even have sleepovers on calls
>always understands my mental health
>watches movies with me for hours on end
>helps me find new music, as we both like music alot
>open to teaching me about her culture cause i find different cultures very interesting
>send eachother asmr slime tiktoks all day
>can handle my infodumps
>must like undertale and deltarune
>funny, cant ever fail to make me laugh
>troll together on roblox alot
>into fashion and we always have cute outfits that we send together
>pretty, libra rising ofc shes pretty
>my ex
Anonymous 106806
>>106802>its just getting worse to meIm a somewhat religious Christian so its not completely contrary to my beliefs but id change my lifestyle a bit just to be with him
>>106801ummmmmmmmm, no comment
Anonymous 106807
>>106804I thought only middle school boys got boners for no reason, because hormones or something. Heh, in my middle school a boy taped down his dick because he was ashamed of his boner and he had to go to the hospital.
Anonymous 106808
>>106807>in my middle school a boy taped down his dick because he was ashamed of his bonertopkek, as every moid should
Anonymous 106809

Let's do it. The right boyfriend for ME:
Physical appearance
>around six feet tall
>pale, or warm beige skin tone.
>he can have a "five o'clock shadow", but it better be neat
>face needs to be masculine, but not ridiculous like those black/white/gray chad picture memes
>needs to be athletic. a little rather slim, but muscular
>needs to have good fighting skills, like can beat up anyone
>hair is at least shoulder length, brown colored or black
>his eyes need to look sleepy, but not unhealthy (if that makes sense)
>any eye color is fine, but gray or green eyes make me tingle
>lips shouldn't be hella thin, but they shouldn't be plump either
>he can have body hair, but that shit better be groomed
>dick needs to be on the large side, but not ridiculously huge
>of course, his teeth can have some flaws but they can't be jacked up and must be clean
>more on the quiet side. more of a listener, less of a talker
>socially independent regarding friendships. capable of making and having friends, but wouldn't suffer or die without them.
>independent in getting any shit done, rarely asks for help because he always figures out decent solutions
>high intellect, but he's not "in your face" about it. he simply has a really good brain, and casually communicates his thoughts when necessary.
>capable of fully understanding any subject if you give him a week
>is gifted at understanding any STEM subject, but has a passion for art and cooking because he understands the beauty in topics that aren't just science
>went through a lot in his life, so has wisdom about personal issues and is emotionally intelligent with others
>has a sense of humor and knows the right thing to say that'll make you laugh
>doesn't give a damn about what people think or say about him
>obsessed with me, but controls the obsession to not become a full-on psycho. 99.9% of his attraction is to me in both body and mind, even when I'm doing gross stuff like picking my nose. he would kill any attackers that try to hurt me.
>loves me the most, but still isn't afraid to point out what bad choices I make and helps me fix those bad decisions
>would not let people talk senseless shit about me behind my back, and would take up for me even when I'm not there
>repulsed by the idea of our love ending, because he's eternally obsessed with me and is determined to help me reach my peak form in life.
I would also like it if he was bilingual.
Anonymous 106810
>>106807>he was ashamed of his bonerkinda hot
Anonymous 106811
My ideal boyfriend is:
>taller than me,at least 5'9".
>long hair.
>broad shoulders,has a tummy (i like chubby boys)
>Thick legs
>big arms,hands
>like oversized dark clothes.
>No piercings or tattoos.
>Black eyes and brown hair.
>Pale skin.
>Smells good,always clean.
>Don't walk barefoot.
>Soft skin.
>Masculine face.
In personality:
>Smart,likes to investigate and read books.
>Mansplain sometimes because likes to explain like a teacher.
>talk about films,weird music and art.
>Low self steem but hides it .
>Just show his sweet side to me.
>Doesn't act like a clown, he's more serious.
>Speak slowly and calm.
>Doesn't talk about other girls and doesn't like casual sex.
>Only likes to receive physical affection from me.
>Romantic on the inside.
>Perverted and horny but only with me.
>Very dominant and intimidating in bed.Likes to get called daddy and master.
>He likes a calm life, without parties.
>Expressionless, pensive look
Anonymous 106813

ok so basically i just want a mincheol jin
Anonymous 106814
I'm not going to get my "ideal" so I don't see any point daydreaming about it to be honest. It's a total waste of time.
In before accusations of doomerism. I'm more positive than most people here, I'm just not delusional enough to think a 6'4 wealthy EE PhD will want me. Happy on my own for now anyway.
Anonymous 106815

I am not exactly particular about appearance, but since we are talking ideal, I would like a guy who looks like Paul Dano…
As for personality, I'd like him to be someone who is passionate about the arts. Whether its music, film or anything else. One of those. I want him to be smarter than me in general. And I'd want him to be decently extroverted so he can harmonize with my introverted-ness. Like the yin to my yang. I would love for him to be nerdy like me too. Maybe we can go to comic conventions together, or play video games together. And if not, then I would like him to accept my weird hobbies and interests, and to maybe find it endearing or amusing.
I want his love language to be physical touch and acts of service. And I'd want him to be good with kids, so we can start a family together. I want him to love me and to let me love him.
I would also like him to be a bit dominant- or maybe more than just a bit- and I would want him to make decisions for me. I would let him be my whole world if it meant I would be loved in return.
Anonymous 106816
>>106815Why do you want an annoying featureless blob
Anonymous 106817

>>106816He does have defining features, my favorite being his nose. In what way is he annoying? He's just gained weight as he's gotten older, there is nothing wrong with that. I will die on this hill.
Anonymous 106818
>>106817I don't know if he is annoying but your description of what you want makes him seem annoying, like being dominant and wanting physical touch and acts of service. Also he would be the yang to your yin, not the other way around, silly. Also I am sorry but he is blobular! He hardly has a nose.
Anonymous 106820
>>106818Okay, then I do understand that. I’m retarded and I don’t talk to people much. So the way I type things is strange.
>>106819Fuck you guys, you don’t get it.
Anonymous 106821
>>106820I wish for you to get a better looking man than that Dano guy. Best of luck.
Anonymous 106822
>>106821Do I say thank you…? I hope you get a super duper sexy man or whatever it is that you want
Anonymous 106823
>>106726None. Living with a moid would annoybthe hell out of me eventually. I don't want to be mommy to a grown man for anything, and I sure as hell don't want to be a mommy-mommy to children.
Anonymous 106824
>>106823You don't have to be any of those just because you're with a moid.
Anonymous 106825

>at least 2 inches shorter than me
>black hair
>a little tomboyish
>hourglass body, a little chubby
>kind of awkward and a loser but has friends
>good at art
>will ramble to me about her interests as she falls asleep in my arms
>bonus points if these interests are otherwise a little cringe
>likes inside jokes
>clean in general
>can debate for hours
>confident, stubborn and sticks to her values but not easily offended
>laid back
>switch or bottom
>lets me buy her nice things
>horny degenerate all the time because me too
Anonymous 106826
>>106825Okay, now reading this back after I typed it, it kinda sounds like a moid wrote it
Anonymous 106827
>passionate about the same interests as me, the exact same level of sperg-iness about them
>secure in his own company, doesn't obsess over getting a girlfriend or freak out if I don't give him enough attention
>bony and frail, anorexically skinny. weaker than me.
>kind of an unspoken power dynamic but doesn't fetishize it or try to fight for dominance
>dressed and styled like the tumblr fantasy of a gamer boy. somewhat formal or really baggy clothing, longish shaggy hair
>stupider than he looks, well-meaningly naive
>had a similar life and childhood. got over himself but understands and relates to me.
>"asexually" low libido, doesn't initiate sex
>truly loves and admires me
Anonymous 106828

>older office lady, like late 30s or more has big saggy titties and nice smelling pits
>work orientated
>affectionate and kind
>slightly possessive and clingy
>smart and well read, maybe likes horror movies and the occasional video game
>has her own hobbies and interests
>dommy I want to be forced to eat her out
>well off financially
>likes exercise and a bit of weight training, that's when she could
>has a great laugh and smile
>likes nature
>likes my cooking
>light teasing of me Im stupid and easily hurt
>maybe has a moid pet
I want her to be real but I know I am unworthy.
Anonymous 106829

When it comes to women it's too hard because I love everything about them and every fifth woman I meet is my ideal partner, but when it comes to men I'm incredibly picky.
>Taller than me but not too tall, between 175-180cm.
> Lean Ottermode but without crossing the line to skinny, I will not acept any other body type.
>A beautiful face I can stare for hours, androgynous and pretty.
>No facial hair, not even a stubble or a shadow, this completely disgusts me.
>No chest, belly or back hair.
>Leg hair must not be too dense.
>Good hygiene, this is obligatory.
>Not dumb, ideally smart but not more than me.
>Will listen to me talk and will let me take the lead.
>And by this I don't mean a pussyboy that will get walked all over, he must know when to put his foot down.
>Not sexist in any way.
Now, if all those attributes are completed then I don't care about personality, wherever a bubbly outgoing guy or a quiet intellectual I don't care.
The thing is, men like I described really don't exist so at this point I call myself a lesbian for convenience.
Anonymous 106831

I'm quite attracted to extroverted men despite being a very introverted woman and I'll never understand why. I probably wouldn't be able to live with this kind of person at all or share their lifestyle. I'm extremely reclusive and asocial, not to mention easily jealous, so someone that would want to constantly go out and meet others would exhaust and annoy me. Although I like people who are goofy/carefree and joke around alot, and you find that in extroverts so maybe that is why I am drawn to them.
Anonymous 106832

I don't think I have one and only type I would like, a various combinations of qualities could be equally attractive, but it's interesting to give it a thought, let's see
handsome for my taste, a face I would like to see often and to swoon over it
well-read, intelligent
humanities major, preferably history
quick-witted, wordplay with me to the moon
can be chill and lowkey goofy, not afraid to look stupid, but not a clown also
rational, logical, sarcastic
atheist, mocks anything "spiritual" and "deep"
loves both "high" and "low" art and
not in a snobish or "campy" way: say, able to enjoy both nouvelle vauge and hammer b-movies
extroverted, easy going, sociable, but secretly is very arrogant and judgy
somewhat screwy, eccentric - playful nature
likes to go out (with me) - partying and hiking, not an indoor type
cat person, not a dog person
doesn't have mental illnesses
not a snob, but likes highbrow things - in a casual way
nerd about music I like and other, plays drums or bass or piano
doesn't play videogames ever, doesn't watch anime or premium tv flavour of the week, but nerdy of some nieche subjects
likes to argue for fun (say, adopting for a while abstracts he may not believe just for the discussion) and not for proving his right
not angry at me ever, diplomatic way of dealing with conflicts, okay if a bit grumpy, grouchy
relatively wealthy, has a job that doesn't take a lot of his time
not a sex weirdo, casual sex and porn is not an option, because he thinks it's for degenerate
obsessed with me, of course, not a prude in sex with me
honest with me, but can be strategically fake with others
loves fashion, stylish in a preppy/vintage way
likes to cook
tidy, hates mess
tallish, confident with his body
fit and slender or okay if a little bit of a chubster
wears glasses (!)
wears accessoires, like rings and ear piercing
preferably bleached hair or (natural) ginger, black is fine too though
hazel or green eyes, sleek defined dark eyebrows
prominent beautiful nose
thinish lips, cheeky smile, nice teeth, cute natural pointy fangs
sees when it's okay to touch me and when it's a big mistake
understanding of my antics
loves me
of course that's not a chance it could be a real person, but that's a perfect-perfect portrait I came up with right now
Anonymous 106833
My ideal partner only exists in my head, unfortunately… I doubt that they exist in real life.
Anonymous 106834

>Loving and affectionate, likes romance
>Looks cute/handsome
>Calm, secure and patient
>Kind and gentle to me and to other people/creatures
>Shares same beliefs as me (Christianity) and wants to wait for marriage
>Doesn't watch porn and doesn't follow and ogle at random women on social media
>Likes similar things as me (vidya, anime, TV)
>Taller than me, +170cm is good enough since I'm very short myself
>Fit or thin without being too skelly
>Nice hair, not balding
>Has a nice job and makes good money
Anonymous 106835
>Jewish/Arab/Latino/Southern Europeans
>tanned skin
>dark hair that curls, dark eyes
>at least 5'10"
>nerdy interests
>spends time with me
>enjoys cuddling
>personable, gets along with
>into fitness bit not super muscly
>not super egotistical because that's my job
>non-judgemental, open-minded (not necessarily political, but in a laid-back sort of way)
>kind to everyone, especially women (regardless of whether or not he finds them "attractive")
>enjoys banter
Anonymous 106836

>wicked sense of humor
>well mannered
>mysterious, hard to read
>extremely intelligent
>true to herself, a bit quirky
>not submissive
>tries to hide her hot temper
>good self control
>speaks her mind but is respectful
>isnt a coomer
more stuff
>similar to mine (internet stuff, travelling, psychology etc)
>but has her own things she can show me
>might need glasses at times
>quite feminine voice
>can do my nails, does her own at times too
>doesnt need me or anyone, but has that aura that makes you want to protect her
>is curious and open to try new things
>long, silky black hair w bangs preferably
>on the shorter side
>pale skin
>small waist, overall delicate frame
>big butt lol
>cat shaped eyes
>doll faced
>something like a mature himekaji
>doesnt dress inappropriately for the context (like idk high heels to the beach thats awkward)
i realize how troony this post sounds lmao but its ideal so i went all out
Anonymous 106837
big nose. not fat or invalid or something. everything else is negotiable
Anonymous 106838
>>106731you have described a moid i know with 90% accuracy and that is terrifying
Anonymous 106839
black hair glasses autism like me, scrawny, huge cranium and also a shut in like me. we would game together and watch anime live in a one room studio apartment with neon lights and adopt 5 hamsters 2 bunnies 1 cat and maybe a snake (cornsnake) my mum hates them. also tons of greenary ofc also he needs to be dumber than me or i'll get turned off. i hate it when guys are too smart because i feel insecure and not good enough. also no manlets (given)
Anonymous 106841
he looks like my first love (unreciprocated) and only love lmao HAHA
Anonymous 106842
>>106774Of course this is possible. Some moids have no hair at all on their whole body. A dream of mine which does not exist where I live sadly.
Anonymous 106843
>curly black or brown hair
>straight faintly yellow teeth, not dark yellow or blinding white teeth
>likes the music I like
>not a misogynist
>likes anime
>lean but not fat OR fit
>likes wearing colorful clothes
>sleepy eyes
>lets me peg him
>doesn't whine about sex all the time
>doesn't yell at me
>financially and emotionally stable
>knows how to whistle
Anonymous 106844
>Tall, pale, and skinny (xqc build)
>Straight, dark brown hair. Not super long, but enough to play with.
>Doesn't smile very often
>Empty stare
>Dresses comfy, like in a hoodie and cargo pants
>Wears glasses but only when he's at home
>Soft-spoken and introverted
>Likes to spend a lot of time alone
>Doesn't care if people like him
>Dislikes many things but likes me…. Can rant about society with me
>Has comfy hobbies like watching movies, playing videogames, or hiking
>Has no social media presence but is aware of the same corners of the internet as I am
>Dry, sarcastic sense of humor
>Not super physically affectionate (but willing to give headpats and receive backhugs on occasion)
>Will actually listen to me when I feel depressed and anxious. Will be open in telling me that I matter to him and that he appreciates me.
And there you have it.
Anonymous 106845
>Wears glasses
>Is taller than me. (I’m 5’1 so he wouldn’t even have to be like 6 feet or anything.)
>Thin, not necessarily a skelly though.
>Has long hair that’s well-kept.
>Is the kind, sensitive type who can comfort me.
>Likes animals.
>Good listener
>Nerdy in general
>Has a nice nose. (I’m especially partial to aquiline noses.)
>Is passionate about his interests.
>Maybe more on the extroverted side. Easy to talk to. (I’m more on the introverted side so one of us would have to be the social one.)
>Good fashion sense. Any sort of style would be okay as long as he looks put together.
Anonymous 106846
>>106728god I envy you so much
how long have you been together? are you sure it's not just honeymoon phase concealing his bad sides
Anonymous 106847
>>106809>>106844I know someone who is almost exactly these, only he's a pale prettyboy and not one for obsession. Also a polyglot. Good luck ever wooing him, though.
Anonymous 106848
>>106844Actually dated a guy like this and we broke up because I couldn't deal with how unemotional he was and didn't give me enough attention&affection. Didn't feel loved or needed. It really fucked with my mental health and I felt like I wasn't in a relationship therefore might as well just be alone so I ended things with him. I find it fascinating how ''one's trash is another's gold'' here. I wonder what's the appeal of guys like these?
Anonymous 106849
>>106848I dunno. I don’t think I have an intense need for love or affection. I just want companionship with someone cute. Someone who will listen to me talk and have fun, interesting conversations together. I don’t like flirting or being very affectionate so I guess my ideal guy wouldn’t be that way either. I imagine it’d be like having a cat. You do your own thing most of the day and every once in a while spend some nice, relaxing time together. And if these are my preferences then why would I even want to be in a relationship in the first place? I don’t know. I’ve never been in a relationship so it’s not a big priority to me, but something like that would be nice I suppose.
And of course I wouldn’t want someone completely emotionless. I’m a pretty blank person myself but not because I don’t feel emotions or repress them. I’d just like someone to match my energy. That actually brings me out of my shell more. And I’m not opposed to all affection. Some headpats and backhugs are fine. And I’d imagine we’d have the types of conversations where we’d be open about how much we like each other/value each other (and at least from friendship experience that’s more meaningful to me than anything else).
Anonymous 106850

>cute, androgynous face, preferably asian or asian heritage (but born/brought up in the same country as me for relatability)
>same age as me or ~2 years either way
>pale skin, or a little bit tanned
>black or dark brown messy hair that I can stroke and ruffle
>wears glasses all the time and doesn't want to switch to contacts
>shorter than average, 170cm at the most but the smaller the better (I'm 140cm so I don't want a mountain over me) and doesn't have a complex over it
>tries to be fashionable and cares about his appearance, especially making an effort when we're out on dates
>must be clean shaven, no facial hair (body hair is fine but preferably minimal)
>thin with but with a little bit of muscle, a little bit of chub is fine but not overweight
>must have grown up with the internet as much as me so I can relate a lot better and he gets my jokes about ancient memes
>must be as much of an otaku as me, with mostly the same interests (anime/manga/games/computers/genres of music), mostly ties into the above point
>wants to go to japan with me and learn/is learning the language
>picks up on my nonverbal communications and is considerate and patient of my autism
>is shy and prone to blushing/flustering when I tease him, but can also make me blush in equal measure
>can also switch gears and protecc me if the situation calls for it
>compliments me regularly, makes me feel like I'm good enough and notices when I've put in an effort with my appearance
>completely devoted and loyal to only me, other female friends are fine as long as I'm 100% sure he doesn't see them that way ("why would I care about other girls when I have you" etc)
>has a stable job and wants to live together with a goal of marriage
>understands that I've given up on life and doesn't push me to do something with it other than being a housewife
>can cook for me and wants to teach me how to cook so I can do it in return
>enjoys a lot of clingy physical affection and we're possessive of each other
>likes long, sloppy kisses as much as me
>is a switch in bed, we can both take the lead in equal measure
>is fine with me not wanting to do fellatio
>is a coomer but only for hentai and isn't interested in 3dpd porn, might have one or two weird fetishes but wants to be loving vanilla with me
>doesn't care about modern politics, doesn't feel the need to be left or right wing etc
Chance of me actually finding a guy like this that I get along with? Slim to none. But all I can do is dream…
Anonymous 106851
>>106849Thanks for the response, I understand now and I can definitely get behind with this. You sound like you have pretty secure attachment style, could be avoidant but I'm no psychologist and especially can't make any real assesment based on 2 posts. I'm admittedly pretty anxious attachment style because of my childhood (had distant and emotionally unavailable parents) and that's probably why the relationship I had failed. I perceived his personality as emotionally unavailable and it triggered my childhoood traumas I guess. I've since worked on to be more securely attached although I still wouldn't date a person like that again, I do want my ideal guy to be romantic and affectionate because thats what I am and I kinda want to be given back what I give. I also want a guy I really feel connected to, like a soulmate type of thing. Otherwise I feel like I'm wasting my time and investment and like it'd be easier&better to just be alone. I feel like this because in my pov relationships can take work, investment and cost some peace of mind which I value a lot, so to me the person to be worth these things have to be exceptional in many ways.
Your vision of a relationship sounds really nice, cozy and healthy and I hope you'll find what you're looking for!
Anonymous 106852
>>106726absolutely none,fuck being a domestic slave to someone who is always going to half-ass everything domestic / child rearing related and then badger you for sex or try to control you. Fuck it 10 times to hell
Anonymous 106853
>>106726Fuck relationships and fuck people who fucking badger you into stupid relationships if you're a woman.
Anonymous 106854
>>106851I appreciate the genuine response! I admit that I do think I’m kind of avoidant (partially why I’ve never been in a relationship), so you aren’t wrong there. I think it’s admirable that you can recognize your attachment style and are actively trying to work on it. And if you wouldn’t want to date someone like that again, I totally get it! You deserve someone who will provide enough affection and make you feel loved. Some people might not be able to provide that and that isn’t on you. Personally it sounds like you have a pretty healthy, self-aware way of looking at things so I wish you the best! I hope you find someone who is romantic and affectionate. And I think it’s fun to see how people have different preferences. It makes you think that there is someone out there for everyone (at least hypothetically).
Anonymous 106855
My ideal partner is someone who leaves me the hell alone when I don't want to be bothered and doesn't pester me for physical or emotional intimacy and become angry or manipulative when I'm not fulfilling some "need" of theirs. Basically someone who's present when I emerge and doesn't ask for anything other than my retarded company. Whatever happens during our time together depends on whatever both of us agree to do because we both want it at the same time and there's no pressure to want anything, ever.
Anonymous 106856

>Loves me
>Looks like Yasuo
>Good sized dick
>Good at fucking and making me cum
That's all. Don't give a fuck about anything else in a man.
Anonymous 106857
>>106855Regardless if its frienship or romance, but especially romance, you will need to make sacrifices. Its a trade off and if you are too selfish for that prepare to be forever alone.
Anonymous 106858
my bf
>fit athletic lifter but still has healthy body fat for cuddling and carries me to bed if i pass out at night cuddling watching tv
>golden retriever personality but super serious as well
>writes poetry as a hobby which got him a 2 year scholarship hes so good!
>high iq and autistic enough to be completely honest and hyper focuses on developing more houseskills (he wants to be a househusband lol)
>can rail me for over half an hour regularly and loves eating pussy (7.5in girthy cock :3)
>great with children as he raised his 5 younger siblings in poverty
>loves his momma
>cool sand/copper eyes and adorable smile, oh and beautiful freckles
>plays piano
>likes to check my all my birthmarks and nibbles on me
>was a 2000's emo boytoy so he has killer casual goth/alt style
>loves metal and adores my appreciation for classic rock
>loves to actually give me actual massages and baby me whenever i feel down
I love him
Anonymous 106859
>>106857I don't mind being forever alone, that's why my ideal partner is what it is.
Anonymous 106860
>>106857not if she finds someone with similar views
Anonymous 106861
>>106857If that anon is asking for too much, I guess I'll just kill myself.
Anonymous 106862
>>106854That is exceedingly exceedingly hard to find. Especially now, with pornsickness where boys grow up on screens and internet entitled to pornified sex and vulgarity in amazing new ways.
Not to mention it is impossible to find someone who will do the same amount of housework/ childrearing you do at home, while you BOTH still have to work.
Ontop of that hth can you stand females being expected to be hot while men are ugly?????? No thanks all I just described is not reciprocity by a long shot. This is not the required 'give and take' it's bullshit. You have to
dig deeper longer.. wasting half your life away to find someone that doesnt take advantage. But then you're telling me /I/ should be ashamed at the prospect of skipping all of it and being alone? And then you want to actually blame me for preferring it?
Most of the women I know in relationships have some nightmare thing they put up with. Doing double at home ontop of working. Being single is being blessed af if you are a woman to not have to put up with all the hell you will inevitably end up trapped with.
Anonymous 106863
My husband:
>We met at work and he married me, no prenup, within 2 1/2 years
>He’s a yuppie so we house hunted in a rich people part of the state
>He bought us a house, still put me on the title and deed
>Had me resign from my career when we started dating to eventually become a stay at home wife, haven’t worked a day since I was 27, he’s always put money in my account
>I’m pregnant now, he’s hoping for a girl, and he takes care of me while he works from home
>Again, a yuppie, so he’s hygienic
>I would say the trade-off is that he’s an awful cook and can’t separate whites, but that’s okay, because I just do it when I can, no pressure
>He’s genuinely funny without scrotey humor
>He’s medium height, perfect for my gremlin self, with auburn hair, hazel eyes and freckles for days, I’m obsessed
>We play vidya together, watch movies, cuddle, joke, go out, and he gives me plenty of space to just be me
Moral of the story: Don’t lower your standards. Just understand no one is perfect. If you can’t cope with that - stay alone. No shame in it, it’s just not fair to drag others down.
Anonymous 106864
>>106863>hazel eyes and freckles for daysbased, nice one nona
Anonymous 106865
>>106863It's also stupid and unfair to be a SAHM/W. That is a shit existence. It is the pinnacle of settling because you're out of your mind to agree to give up control your own finances. You might as well consider yourself scammed out of your own high income for promises. You cannot easily get a good career going again after youve been out of the game forever. To rely on some moid to not screw you over in the long run is insane. 50% of marriages end in divorce and 2/3rds of those are initiated by women.
Anonymous 106866
>>10686598% of humanity is not in control of their finances and are literal slaves.
Anonymous 106867

>>106726tall smart asian guy with glasses. Doesn’t watch porn and doesn’t support trannies
Anonymous 106868
>>106867Why asian? Seems slightly racist.
Anonymous 106869
>>106868Please shut up. It's okay to be attracted to phenotypes.
Anonymous 106870
>>230830>>106869Alright, it's not racist. But tell me what phenotypes you're attracted to.
Anonymous 106872
>>106868People only complain about racism when its non-white men being fawned over. Go figure.
No nona. It's not racist at all to like and be attracted to Asian men! Don't know where you got that idea.
Anonymous 106873
>>106867Based picrel. Asian men enjoyers are gangster af.
Anonymous 106874
>>106865Lol you are delusional as well if you think an average person is able to get high income. It's better to foster connections with people/building family so that they support and care for you. Having caring, loyal family is a much better and happier path for survival and life in general.
Anonymous 106875
>>106863>We play vidya together, watch movies, cuddle, joke, go out, and he gives me plenty of space to just be mereminds me of a moid i know who quit playing vidya games altogether for years because he wanted to save them to play them with his future wife when he gets married.
Anonymous 106876
>>106867>>230830>>106869>>106872>>106873I suspect these "asian men enjoyers" are secretly ricecels.
Anonymous 106877
>>106874>>106874>delusional if you think an average person is able to get high income so its not delusional, as a SAHM, to rely on a moid who on average wont have a high income either?
im sure fostering connections and loyalty will bring magically pay off the mortgage on the house your children will grow up in
Anonymous 106878
>>106877A moid isn't the only person you can rely on if you're a socially functional human and I never said you have to buy a house or have multiple children kek.
Anonymous 106879
>>106876Hahah I had the same thought. But I do think that Kpop and Kdramas have had an effect as well.
Anonymous 106880
>>106876I doesn't make one any type of enjoyer to point out how dumb it is to call attraction racist. Wtf.
Anonymous 106881
>>106880I thought it was the same nona
Anonymous 106882
>>106866But not maintaining your career advancement in your life time is like flushing it down the toilet ONTOP of getting screwed over by inflation, underwater banks, ai destroying jobs. It's like getting double, triple and quadruple fucked
Anonymous 106883
>>106874Lmao until the illusion fades, you're desperately unhappy, getting cheated on, abused, get no help from "family" and trapped with no way out and no money, no savings. And what if he threatens your life if he suspects you might leave?? What if he isolates you and financially manipulates you ??? Its stupid as hell to rely on moids to not be gaping assholes.
Anonymous 106884

>>106868I just like the way they look, it would be racist if i liked them because of stereotypes. Would you call me racist if i said I wanted a white man?
>>106873ty nona.
Anonymous 106885
Damn, It's always tall. I have always worked to be a great partner to my lover but there is some things I cannot change
Anonymous 106886
>>106884I think it's racist when yellow-fever scrotes lust after asian women. Why wouldn't it be racist if the sexes were reversed?
Anonymous 106887
>>106886The difference is that moids with yellow fever are usually pedophile sexpats, do you see women flying abroad to exploit asian children?
Anonymous 106888
>>106887So women are less pedophilic, but that doesn't translate into being less racist.
Anonymous 106889
>>106888only westerners think liking asian men is racist, your brain is corrupted with idpol.
Anonymous 106890
>>106886A balding, decrepit white man traveling to SEA to buy a poor woman to be his subservient sex slave is different from a woman finding mutual attraction with someone of a different race. Broadly applying the term 'racism' to both of these situations as if they are comparable is not only inaccurate, but often itself comes from the prejudiced idea that women could not genuinely love someone of a different background.
Anonymous 106893
I'm literally so braindead and lonely that I've created a pretend bf in my mind who I think about whenever I'm feeling lonely:
Looks-wise, he has brown hair (like Jerma's hair but darker), blue eyes, and wears glasses. Pale and thin. We'd be the same weight but he'd be a few inches taller than me. Actually now that I think about it, this description kind of sounds like Liquid Chris… Usually I just imagine him in comfy clothes, like a t-shirt, sweatpants, and hooded jacket. I imagine that because he is skinny, he gets cold easily and doesn't usually show a lot of skin (which is good because I hate how men look in shorts). Personality-wise he is an autist who doesn't make eye contact when we talk and mumbles all the time. We communicate online frequently and rant about our problems, society, and also sometimes watch movies together or I watch him play games in the background while I'm reading or doing shit around my apartment. He likes horror movies and hiking just like me and watches anime, but is embarrassed about it and has only seen anime that's come out pre-2012. I encourage him in all his endeavors and he sometimes tells me that I am the only person who seems to understand him. He doesn't care about getting married or having kids and our only goal is to move somewhere close to nature where we can live our lives independently together.
Please tell me I'm not the only person who is sad enough to have done this. I don't have the desire to date someone unless it was someone I really liked. But I haven't been attracted to any of the men I know or have met. Even if I like them as people, I just don't feel any sense of endearment toward them. So sometimes I feel so lonely, not because I don't have a boyfriend, but because I wonder if there is anyone out there who I'd have the capacity to love. Hence, I created this figment of my imagination just to have an idea of a person I could love, even if they don't exist. And, I'd rather be single and fixate on somebody who isn't real than in a relationship with a moid I feel nothing for.
Anonymous 106894
My kind, gentle and caring fwb tbh
He has the kindest heart and is always very understanding and he's always a lot of fun to spend time with
Anonymous 106895
>doesn't use the internet often, most definitely not a 4channer or redditor or terminally online in any shape or form>not mentally ill/is normie (nothing against mentally ill girlies, it's the scrotes I don't trust)>not porn addicted>TRUE and HONEST>faithful and loyal>shorter but same height is kind of cute too because kissing range>skinny and lanklet>activates my mommy instincts, likes gentle femdom but doesn't expect me to be a bangmaid handmaiden mommy who does everything, is a hard worker>not effeminate but not masculine either, would be boyish instead>goofy, dumb, and cute>good heart, good person, a total goody-two-shoes, is able to forgive and accept me for being retarded and bad things>simple guy, I don't like intelligent types they are way too snobby for me. Humble guys are the best. Simple heart and motivations are easiest to understand I dislike tricky and deceitful moids>cute laugh and smiles a lot in contrast to me who has a natural deadpan and resting bitch face>virgin>doesn't smoke or drink or do drugs>no violent or rapey scrote nonsense>not a misogynist>not attractive or ugly in the face department, preferably plain because I don't want people looking at us and I hate the idea of us treating each other as trophies or comparing ourselves to other people>doesn't care about appearances beyond looking clean and well kept>doesn't pay attention to other people much like me, we live in our own little world together>high libido, many secks>likes kids and animals, wants to adopt kids with me>would like it if he had something he was really passionate about and was into and would just talk to me all day about it and sperg about it, I would love to see him get excited and and his eyes light up when he does>childlike but mature in the right ways. He is a drooling retard just like me and we will get up to all sorts of silly shenanigans together but we treat each other with respect in serious matters>family type of guy, cares a lot about his family>cuddling and roughhousingIf such a perfect being existed he would be an anime boy not a real moid and I wouldn't deserve him anyway, he would be too good for me but it's ok I already made him into my own wish fulfillment character. Although I hate the thought of being a pickme handmaiden, I would honestly be a total handmaiden and whiteknight for such a perfect moid if he existed I would spoil and simp for him endlessly uoohhhhhhh TToTT. I would never find such a good moid but daydreaming and sperging about it with others already makes me very happy so it's ok.
>>106727>>106784based, so cute
>>106893it's ok I am similar I invented my own husbando and I draw him religiously. I can't date someone like through an app, I can only be attracted to someone through an emotional bond. I really don't like the idea of having to flirt with someone or talking with someone with the ulterior motive of dating when I don't even know them it feels gross to me. I really feel you, I do.
Anonymous 106896

>loves me and doesnt think scars r gross or weird
>accompanies me to do fun/dumb things, and i would for her
>preferably taller than me and not rly butch but dont rly care
>mentally ill but like we heal together and understand eachother no big drama type things you know
>wont play mind games or manipulate me
>patient and guides me thru stuff bc im inexperienced in life in general
>doesn't just like me because we have similar interests like actual deeper connection
Anonymous 106897
>>106893i usually imagine things too because i don't see myself dating either nona. different reasons, but i think alot of people have their imaginary ideal types.
Anonymous 106898
no partner here, just checking if I'm banned
Anonymous 106899

>same age maybe slightly older
>Same sense of humour
>Has their own life and friends
>isn't tiring to be around
>Relaxes me and we can help each other when need be
>is submissive and lets me dominate him/her
>calls me mummy
Anonymous 106900
my ideal partner is my bf <3
>shota looks
>same height or shorter
>skinnier than me
>no facial hair (god i hate facial hair)
>pretty hands and feet
>dark hair
>baggy clothing/hoodies that make him look smol
>virgin but is a total slut for me
>sweet, thoughtful, sensitive
>cries during sad movies with me
>likes anime and videogames
>wants to get married and have babies with me
Anonymous 106901
>>106895My sister. I wish I could draw well so I could drawn him too. I’d love to see pictures of what your own drawings if you feel comfortable sharing them
Anonymous 106902
>>106901I have this one
https://files.catbox.moe/x3c565.png but I do have more I like. I couldn't upload the file directly so I had to use catbox
>I wish I could draw well so I could drawn him too.You could try learning but I can see why not since it takes a lot of effort. Have you tried writing?
Anonymous 106904
>>106840Thank you :)
I hope I can find a guy like this irl
Anonymous 106905
>>106902Ayrt he's so cute! He looks like he grew up in a post-apocalyptic desert wasteland or something like that. Really cool design! I actually haven't tried writing anything, but maybe I could give it a shot to let my feelings out. I have a lot of scenarios imagined in my head, but I think if I were to try to write it out it'd sound like cringey fanfic lol.
Anonymous 106906
>>106903>>106905Thank you!
>I have a lot of scenarios imagined in my head, but I think if I were to try to write it out it'd sound like cringey fanfic lol.It's ok, life is short let it be cringe. You can always edit and tweak parts you don't like later on or you can just keep it to yourself and not show anyone. I understand what you mean though sometimes it is embarrassing to make wish fulfillment stuff I too try not to overindulge in it and focus more on the technical parts. And sorry if I'm derailing the thread.
Anonymous 106907
>>106906That's true. I guess it would be nice to get my thoughts on paper. I already have a playlist of songs I listen to when I think about him, but usually my daydreams just involve 'oh if [insert name here] was here right now, what would he be doing and what would he say?' I think I'll have to think a bit about how to turn that into a story. How do you come up with ideas of what to write about?
Anonymous 106908

>> 5'7 >> a lil bit chubby or dad bod >> brown eyes>> curly brown hair>> soft hands>> beard or clean shaved>> no tattoos but a few piercings>> glasses>> virgin , no fetishes , doesnt watch porn>> loyal>> sarcastic but sweet>> plays bass guitar/drums>> will play minecraft & roblox and will go on walks with me>> nerdy >> honest abt his feelings>> wants to wait until marriage for sex>> likes rock music>> smokes cigarettes but doesn't casually drink>> patient >> likes physical affection>> understands me :3 Anonymous 106912
>>106907>How do you come up with ideas of what to write about?I usually just get inspired from things I already like in the real world or fiction. Most of my stories exist beyond my husbandos and focus more on worldbuilding, story, and lore, the husbandos only make up a small part of the greater scheme of things so their interactions are affected by the world around them, and even then most of my male characters I don't consider husbandos. So for me the story and world is what exists first and then all the characters and scenarios follow after, but I know for some it's the other way around where they have everything done following the character. To give love to my husbandos I fixate more on giving them a satisfying story from start to end with decent character development. It's a way of endearment akin to watching them grow or being a caregiver for them. I think approach varies from person to person as I know some people enjoy writing more romantic and sexual scenarios revolving around their husbandos but personally it makes me flustered and embarrassed to do that. I think it's good to just force yourself to get started, do it instead of just overthinking it. Once you get something down you'll already start to generate more ideas and revisions naturally.
retarded husbando sketches:
https://files.catbox.moe/dnhbkx.jpg Anonymous 106913
> might have one or two weird fetishes but wants to be loving vanilla with meWhat if he is into cuckoldry/gangbang/threesome?
Anonymous 106914
>>106900You said your ideal is your bf, so that means you really have someone like this with all these traits in your life right now?
Anonymous 106915
>>106900Stacies have all the luck, reeee
Anonymous 106916
It’s okay. I have an ldr bf now. I don’t know what he looks like yet except he sends me dick pics nearly every day, but he’s coming to visit me in 3 months so hopefully it all works out and we live happily ever after.
Anonymous 106917
>>106916Don't you think it's risky? You don't even know what he looks like
Anonymous 106918
>>106917He’s not fat and we’re the same age plus he’s azn. I’m not picky about looks beyond that anyways. I like his personality. Unfortunately he’s not a virgin, but I forgive him.
Anonymous 106919
>>106918>aznWhy did you spell it like this?
>he's not a virginUnforgivable.
Anonymous 106920
>>106919I did resent him a little bit for it, but all men are whores anyway so the best you can do is find one willing to commit and leave his whorish ways behind. He never mentions other women to me and is very devoted to me, otherwise I’d be less willing to accept it.
Anonymous 106921
>>106920>very devoted to meHow devoted can he be if he's never sent you a picture of himself? Maybe you're being a bit blindsided by yellow fever.
Anonymous 106922
>>106921Well, I’m not going to detail everything here. I think he is just insecure about his appearance, but I’ll see him soon anyway. He has already started planning to move to my country and wants us to get married.
Anonymous 106923

>emo or alternative sense of style
>taller than me
>pretty boy looks
>can drive because i cant
>long hair or fringe
>quiet but a little more outgoing than me
>has atleast one creative hobby (playing instruments would be cool)
>strong interest in music, will listen to music with me and share songs
>likes to play video games and watch anime but not like in a greasy funko pop weird way
>doesnt get mad at me for being shy and quiet or make jokes about it
>gives me compliments even when i didnt ask
>respects his mother and other girls
>likes to cuddle and give hugs alot
>romantic and sappy at times
>will give me gifts
>likes animals
>will go on walks with me/likes the outdoors
>a bit submissive at times
>tfw realising i just want sebastian stardew valley
sadly real alternative men dont exist anymore, majority now do it for womens attention and not because they genuinely like the music and fashion
Anonymous 106924
Why are you so triggered by a woman talking about alt boys? did she hit a nerve? Are you triggered because you're a REAL alt boy and this STUP9D BITCH is probably just a POSER!!1!
You're pathetic, subhuman, gross, you spend your days lurking a website made for women looking for things to make you angry, you will never do something meaningful with your life, your mother is disappointed by you, get a hobbie ffs.
Anonymous 106925
>>106924lol now im curious to what the moid said, didnt check in time
Anonymous 106926
>>106925nta, but she's replying to >>252513, don't know why it didn't register
Anonymous 106927
>>106895that actually sounds really sweet, it kinda lifts a weight from my heart to know that not everyone is amoral
Anonymous 106928
>>106927You misinterpreted the post, that’s her ideal bf. He isn’t real. Actual men are far more amoral, so you can go back to feeling disheartened or whatever.
Anonymous 106930
My bf
>runway model
>cooks, cleans, does laundry, independently
>gorgeous eyes and face
>skinny twink body
>also has eupd (like me)
>obsessed with me
>works full time (happy to wfh while raising future baby)
>has friends
>not addicted to porn
>doesn't smoke weed
>always nice to me
>cuddly and clingy
>undying devotion to me, promises to love me forever and ever
Anonymous 106932
>pretty boy looks
>167cm to 172cm
>introverted but not socially retarded
>some kind of art as a hobby
>nerdy about some historical period
>good hygiene
>no facial hair
>easygoing and kind
>prefers cats
Anonymous 106933
>>106930>also has [bpd] like [you]this does not sound ideal…
Anonymous 106935

>blue/green/hazel eyes, blonde, white
(I actually tend to prefer Asian men physically, but I have yet to meet one that isn't racist towards white people in some fashion, and I've dated quite a few… So, now I'm just aiming to have children similar looking to me.)
>5'6" to 5'10", but it's not a hard requirement
>reasonably attractive
>wants 3 kids
>is willing to leave me alone at least 50% of the time
>doesn't demand or antagonzie me over sex
>likes to be both dominant and submissive in bed
>not into anal, extreme sadism, "free use," pedophilia (including loli), or zoophilia
>OK with money
>has at least a half-way decent career, being rich is not a requirement
>is willing to clean up after themselves/split chores
>doesn't mind me talking about "heavy" subjects frequently
>has the ability to be introspective
>friendly towards all pets: dogs, cats, birds… flat out saying he hates xyz animal is a red flag
>talks about his mother in a friendly fashion
>has lived on his own at least once
>if he wears glasses that's a huge, huge plus (sorry to my future children, I know my fetish is irrational)
>being into video games is a big minus, but I can overlook it if everything else is good
Anonymous 106936
>around my height (5'7), an inch taller or shorter isn't bad
>not aggressive
>calm, chill and relaxed
>isn't offended by my old and bad self harm scars
>likes to be in nature, take long walks, forage, hunt
>low sex drive, like me, but I want someone to cuddle/makeout with, I just have PTSD
>is cool with occasional drug use, like shrooms, maybe acid if we're feeling freaky
>more extroverted than I am, but not an attention whore
>race doesn't matter, I just don't want someone with a complex about it
>wants to move out of the city and build a cob house, raise goats and chickens
>travel partner
>not super ambitious, just wants to live a relaxing life were we make money off our preferred passions
>terf or at least sympathetic to why the trans rights movement is a bust
I'll probably end up alone in life, but if I got my wish, I'd be so happy with a woman. I've been with both, both my gfs of the past became tifs, and my boyfriends were lackluster sloths. I'm not a bag of cherries right now in my life, but I'm working on myself, so who knows.
Anonymous 106937
> female
> my age or a little older
> preferably taller
> black/dark brown hair
> tattoos and/or piercings
> masculine
> loves literature like me
> is also a radfem
> has quite an alternative style
> same humour as me
> similar music taste so I can suggest songs for her to listen to
> reassures me
> takes on a more dominant role
> loves nature
> loves to cuddle but is respectful of the fact I hate pda & will respect my boundaries
Anonymous 106938
>Loves me
>Wears baggy clothes
>Introverted and quiet but not shy
>Can hold an intellectual conversation
>Medium length brown hair
>Blue or green eyes
>Deep voice
>Doesn't have to be handsome but at least cute
>6' so I can look up at him
>Cuddles with me all day
>Similar sense of humor, can laugh at dumb stuff
>Wants 3 kids and will live in the countryside with me
>Big dick if possible and uncircumcised
Haha thanks I'm going to go and cry now
Anonymous 106939

My ideal wife. (hey god, its me once again asking you..)
- taller than me
- +10 years older than me
- black or brown long hair
- hazel or brown eyes
- Bulgarian / French / Latina
- takes care of herself, knows how to dress
- Does not have many friends but the ones she have are close, mature and are like family
- Really smart but does not treat people bad because of it
-Into Art, fashion, movies and books
- Likes to drink wine and is okay with doing weed alone with me sometimes
- Does not like to parties but it's okay with going sometimes to the club and she knows how to dance
- loves to talk and she is funny
- different cultures, proud of her culture or religion but not the crazy type
- feminist or a radfem
- open to political conversation and it is okay with others point of views
In the relationship:
- likes to cuddle, to give little kisses, loves to do PDA
- loves to read my poems and look at my art in ''secrecy''
- teases me a lot in public with little touching here and there
- TEASES ME A LOT, period.
- call me ''good girl'' ''sweet girl'' ''my sweet thing'' ''my love''
- sweet and soft sex but also rough and disgusting sex
- starts to play video games just to play with me
- wants kids or already have a kid, i don't care if she has a kid if i'm sure that her and her ex is mature about it. also, i don't care if she is a solo mom either. i like kids but i want to have one with her, to adopt or in vitro fertilization.
- is obsessed with me and loves that i'm obsessed with her
- A goddess. i would kill for her and i would die without her and she would do the same for me.
Anonymous 106940
>>106939Whats gods opinion on being gay?
Anonymous 106942

I'm a lesbian, nona. Did I say something wrong? Are you mad at me?
Anonymous 106943
She must have high self-esteem, be intelligent, and very compassionate. Absolutely no sexism or bigotry of any kind, including against trans. I don't really mind how she looks.
Anonymous 106944
Can someone explain the lengthy bf physical requirements vs ideal gf ones? Are lesbians less picky?
Anonymous 106948
>>106944Shhh you'll attract the incels
Anonymous 106949
>tall and lanky
>goofy but intelligent
>independent, loner
>personable, but not obnoxious
>full time job, can support himself
>nice smile
>artist or other creative perferrably
Anonymous 106953

>taller than me (5'5")
>Older than me (21) but younger than 30
>Kind, pretty, low-key twink-y boy
>No facial hair, minimal body hair, none of that alpha male shit
>Moans/whimpers in bed
>Actually smart/educated
>Likes toxic competitive vidya
>No fragile masculinity complex. No anger issues. No depression
Anonymous 106954
>>106726>6'2"+>vegan>teetotaler>into meditation>cat person>good at writing>has a stable, moderately lucrative but not time consuming job
>has at minimum a masters degree
>has non-divorced, well-educated parents
>is a moral realist and objectivist>is willing to disagree and to stick by his principles
>refuses to lie
>has either a sister or no siblings
>can be critical of his parents (or anyone) where appropriate>likes spending time together>sexually vanilla>mesomorphic >no porn>either not religious or follows some dharmic religion>anxiously attached>clingy, maybe some jealousy issues>smiles a lot>ENxx mbti>big eyes>hairy>funny>long and veiny hands and feet
>either straight or sharply arched eyebrows>no piercings/tattoos>likes a24 movies
>likes 60s-70s folk and prog rock>likes nature and going on walks, not super into working out/gym stuff>likes gardening>not a gamer
>wears birkenstocks and glasses>well read (no scifi or fantasy)>straight teeth>low sex drive>premature ejaculator >long and thin dick>wants kids (and actively structures his life around achieving this goal)>doesn't go 50/50 (not because of any thought-out principle but just naturally without being asked)>doesn't repress negative emotions but doesn't chimp out either>likes to longpost>terf>same age as me>finds bjork annoying>has dabbled in psychedelics but doesn't anymore>>106895based porn-free teetotaler
Anonymous 106956
>>106954Are you okay, sis? Is there something you'd like to vent about?
Anonymous 106958
>>106957The fact that she wants him to be a hippie aesthetically but wants him to behave romantically/sexually like a 'trad bro'
The disconnect is very oddly specific, hinting at something deeper going on
Anonymous 112645
>>106923This is my bf except he's (very) into art instead of music, and he doesn't have piercings.
I really lucked out. They exist, nona.
Anonymous 112646
>>106726Gorgeous, Rich, Mentally healthy, monogamous and compatible romantically with me.
tall order, I know
Anonymous 112648
>cute face, at least to me
>good taste in music
>cooler than me, but not pretentious
>taller than me but doesn't make a big deal about it
>loves me more than I love him
>broad horizon, not patronizing
>good career, make decent money. im not a gold digger but hey let's be real here
>being introvert is a bonus
Anonymous 112700
>post yr ideal partner
I have a boyfriend, hes far from anything I'd consider ideal, but I guess what counts is he puts up with my shit and I can talk to him unlike anyone else
I tried to imagine an "ideal", but sadly I couldnt even get started because every time I tried to ascribe a trait to him, I just felt unworthy.
I was reminded of my ex who left me, how much I admired him, but how we couldnt connect and I never felt worthy so I squandered our relationship
Now I am in a shitty mood
Anonymous 112703
>>112700nona you made me realize that connection and someone who puts up with your shit is very important
but still I want a bf w cute face kek
Anonymous 112704

> doesnt use me for sex (bare minimum)
> same humor as me
> long hair
> taller than me (or the same height)
> shares interests w me
> doesnt think im weird for liking kpop
> ambitious and has a plan for his future
> loves urban exploring and takes me to cool abandoned places for dates
> switch
> doesnt want kids, but is good with them
> can cook
> affectionate and treats me like a princess
> leftist
> never mistreated a girl before
> academically educated
> has girls as friends but no girl-bestfriend
> knows niche internet culture
> communicative around problems
> plays games with me
> but also likes spending time outside
> nerd, so we can exchange knowledge and info dump
> similar music taste to mine, but also shows me new music
> kind to everyone
> keeps himself and his house clean
> gives me back massages please
> well dressed
> very talkative but doesnt mind comfortable silence
> has a pretty laugh
> no mental issues
probably left some things out. he isnt real anyway
Anonymous 112709
>>112704There's no one on Earth like this.
Anonymous 112710
>around same age as me
>doesnt go outside to meet people
>no big life goals
>doesnt judge
>a girl
Anonymous 112713

>>112709i know thats why i cant see myself in a relationship ever. lost all hope
Anonymous 112714
>>112704> doesnt think im weird for liking kpopya blew it
Anonymous 112751
>>112714i swear im normal about it yall… i just think that girl groups music and dancing is fun…
Anonymous 112963
>>106856So a guy with a pony tail and abs who fucks like a rabbit?
Me thinks you should go to coachella or another hipster place like burning man
Anonymous 112966
Ideal bf
>drives me everywhere wherever I go
>will drop everything he’s doing to become my personal Uber Eats driver
>pays for everything
>buys me anything I want
>cooks and cleans for me
>doesn’t pressure me into having sex
>I call the shots for sexy time (I have low libido which is once a month, fat chance I’m ever going to meet a moid who wants sex once a month…)
>smarter than me
>lets me NEET off him (paypig bf)
I know, I’m pathetic and don’t deserve any love. I want to be lazy and play vidya all day everyday and have a slave moid who waits on me hand and foot. This is what moids are made for if they want any love from a woman
Anonymous 112971

>>112966>Be my chauffeur and housekeeper>But also intelligent Anonymous 112997
>taller than 1.65
>strong features, nice smile
>very smart without being autistic, confident without being an asshole, likes to argue but also knows how to listen
>doesn't watch anime or play video games or consume any bullshit media in an exaggerated manner
>likes reading, condescending intellectually
>likes making retarded memes and sending them to me
>has both a realistic side and an artistic side
>has friends
>has sexual experience, confident but not in an icky way
>has an apartment, a good job or studies; constantly improving
>likes something specific about me (short girls/long hair/girls who read/bake/whatever)
>is a bit older than me, can guide me in annoying grown up stuff like taxes and rent
Apparently I am the basicest bitch
Anonymous 113000

>>112700The most overlooked quality.
But acknowledging it would equate to be self-aware of one's own flaws, which seems to be, at this point of the thread a subject carefully avoided.
Mine doesn't fit most of these idealistic descriptions but he beats to the punch any other moid that I met all considered.
Some of you should stay clear of mirrors, they might do a number on you.
Anonymous 113002

>I want a moid that looks like this
>I want him to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe slightly longer hair, very fluffy.
>Height: 6’6”-6’8” I like my men giant
>2-3 years younger than me
>Broad shoulders. Athletic build. Muscular but not bulky, very lean.
> Asexual/Demi-sexual. Only sexually attracted to me. Also a virgin
>Very chill and laid back. Funny. Loves me a lot and pays for everything happily. Treats me like a little princess. More assertive and decisive than I am, very much the dominant one in the relationship,
>Sex should be amazing
Anonymous 113024
Bwaaaah let's try again after several years and 3 partners:
>shorter than me (negotiable)
>acts "cute"
>interested in fashion and personal aesthetics in some way
>not overly athletic but will accompany me on hikes
>creative in some way
>likes music
>reflective and self-aware
>not religious…..
>overly attached to me, a bit possessive (I know this is toxic and I'm working on not being into it)
>attracted to me
>skinny if male, a bit chubby if female
>somewhat socially capable but it doesn't come naturally (like me)
>not white and also doesn't prefer white people (too common, hurts my feelings)
>LOVES the attention I give and thrives on it
>Okay with never having mouth kisses (negotiable)
>allows me to take the lead in the relationship but also has own opinions and communicates them
>has a deep sadness (this is also unhealthy and I'm working on it)
>has negative and bad traits that they are working on, is a safe place for me to share my ugliest flaws too
From my experience this is what is important to me. I've found it a couple of times but with problems for each. It's a shame.
Anonymous 113773
>>106727Need to know where to meet subby guys so badly
Anonymous 113940
>>113773just interact with men in a way that shows no deference and they'll pop up but it's not worth. any man that identifies as submissive is a deranged sex pest
Anonymous 113949
>>113940>*any man who's willing to take the initiative but also identifies as submissive is a deranged sex pestBeing aggressively """submissive""" is an obvious red flag. REAL submissive men exist, but any decent man with submissive desires is going to shy about it.
Anonymous 114176
>>112997> I am the basicest bitchthe basic bitch bf is a 180cm+, thin and with hair
Anonymous 114178
>>113949>REAL submissive men existWell, where are they?
Anonymous 114184
>>114178submissive and cute?
try your local highschool
half of millenial men are submissive/subservient
Anonymous 114185
>>114184>millennial>local high schoolnona are you a time traveler or something? i dont think millennials are in high school unless they work there.
Anonymous 114326
>Romantic, writes me poems and shit
>Passionate about something artistic like writing or painting
>Doesn't see me as a sex object, prefers to just talk and cuddle
>Calm, can be social when he needs to be
>Actually listens to me instead of nodding like a retard
>Works but doesn't make it his identity
>Doesn't care about social status
>Good with money
>Cares about his family
>Can read my mind and acts accordingly
Mostly the last one.
Anonymous 114331
>>114326i had a guy like this once, almost exactly. he turned out to be a loser predator and was just really good at hiding it (or maybe i was too stupid to notice first). turned me lesbo kek
Anonymous 114339
>>114331Oh my god anon lol, do you want to share any details? Happy you're out of there.
Anonymous 114341
>>114339basically i found out he pretended to be a girl to get nudes from a lesbian. i knew he used to pretend to be a girl online to troll dudes, but this was too far.
Anonymous 114342

>>114340here are some, theyre very cheesy now that i look back on them but ive also noticed the manipulative undertones they have.
*i lay at your feet like a pathetic dog, begging for you to love me the way that i love you. i will follow you around, leash or no leash. youre my world, and ill do anything to be in yours.
i lick your face and your hands, and i jump up at you from the ground. sometimes i want to bite, i love you so much that i want to bite you and cut you open and look inside of you and still love you anyway, but i cannot do this. the only redeemable sadist is a guilty, pathetic, groveling one.
i love you even when im whimpering and pleading for you to not make me leave. im breathing my last breaths, and im crying and begging you not to go through with this, not to put me down. im about to leave and you wont even tell me i did well while i was alive, and i love you regardless.*
*melodic humming
and your hand on my thigh
i know youll grow tired of this
one day you wont care for me
and your knuckles will be red and bruised
rather than soft and pretty on my skin
but i will love you even after
and ill sleep in the same bed as you
even when i shouldnt*
pic attached is one of his paintings, he said it was a portrait of me lol… i never understood this guy.
Anonymous 114343
>>114342The painting is pretty cool, but those poems are fucking awful. I can't believe he'd actually think those would be good enough to share with you kek
Anonymous 114344

>>114342Holy shit this dude needs to get shoved in a locker. The bit about him being a dog is especially weird… how did you not laugh in his face?
I’ve also had an ex write shitty “poetry” and send it to me. I definitely understand how that turned u homo
Anonymous 114348
>>114342Good riddance kek, what a freak. The painting is sick though but if it's supposed to be a portrait of you how does he even see you?
Anonymous 114350
>2-4 years older than me
>hugs and cuddles me to sleep
Anonymous 114425
>shorter than 5'8 i always been the ugly giraffe in my classroom and later in my workplace so it just feels right
>thin, likes to exercise and long walks
>dosent watch anime or at least dosent force me to watch it with her
>likes crafting/art as a recreational activity, not competitive about art
>dose shout nor raise her voice when excited or upset about something, i dont know why but i have a deep fear instills within me when somebody raises their voice no matter the contex, i know its dumb i just can not control it for whatever reason
>dosen't have a superiority or inferiority complex about her ethnicity/race or towards other ethnicities/races
>dosent force me to wear her makeup nor force me to get into makeup
>big boobs and hips
>visibale rib cage
>long hair
>collects plushies and takes care of them
>isnt obsessed with squishmallows likes other plushies as well
>dosent mind a person whose cuddly
>dosent mind if i dont always participate ina activity she likes
>not a whore
>dosent smoke, drink nor do drugs, i dont mind weed as long as it isnt excessive
>dosent gossip, or if she dose it is for curiosity sake not being nasty to other person
Anonymous 114903
>nice shoulders
>nice smile
>passionate about life
>emotionally receptive
>persevering and strong
>puts our relationship first
>thick pp
Anonymous 114911

An AI similar to the one from the movie Her. 99% of the time I just want to be a alone, but occasionally I would like some companionship.
Anonymous 114996
>>114911Idk why the creepstache turns me on so much
Anonymous 115030
Male, doesn’t ignore me, not mean to me, preferably not broke and buys me things sometimes, plays video games with me, doesn’t watch porn or look at naked girls online, has basic hygiene
That’s it (impossible)
Anonymous 115139
>shorter than me/a smol guy
>lets me take care of him like a kid
>reasonable sized pp just not too small but thatd be fine too
>blond hair
>mostly skinny but some chub is okay
>white guy
yeah thats about it hehe
Anonymous 115146
Genuinely curious if men who truly do not watch porn exist (even before meeting you)
Anonymous 115147
>>115146Probably some former porn addicts who went no-fap
Anonymous 115151
dafuq did I just read
>lost anti-porn conviction bc porn is normal for other moids
>only other possible way to avoid porn is constantly getting laid but he did not need the nut
>sees moral downfall because weebs start having more than one waifu
>gets homo on nofap
>believes he is a converted redpiller
Anonymous 115159
>not too overweight
>at least a mild interest in outdoors stuff/animals
>an appearence that isn't absolutely obnoxious
>no autism
>can cook
>vibes with my humor
>willing to move innawoods wit me and plant a big ass garden
>someone I can be open and honest with
Anonymous 115161

why are you all so focused on the physical… not getting into heaven that way
Anonymous 115381

Nerdy, awkward, filthy rich, well connected.
Ideally he would also want twenty kids.
Anonymous 115402
Basically looks like my husbando
>The manlet of manlets
>Long blond hair
>Pretty boy face
>Toned twink body + very lickable tummy
>Slightly below average dick
And the other stuff which is also pretty important
>Has some emotional intelligence
>High libido as well
>Can tolerate or match my passion
>Sweet enough he gives me diabetes
Tempted to find a dude who more or less meets what I'm looking for physically but I've been adviced by others to not do that and to instead just let a relationship blossom organically. Would it be too demanding to specifically look for someone that more or less meets what I described physically while in my search for commmitment and a serious relationship?
Anonymous 115405
>>115402>Slightly below average dick. . . Why?
Anonymous 115407
>>106726for a bf: comes from a good upper middle class family, has similar values to mine, taller + on the thinner side, has good hygiene + fashion sense, is kind, is preferably white (esp greek), is autistic, has similar interests + personality to me
for gf: almost anyone
Anonymous 115410
>>115405I'd rather have something I can actually get in me and my mouth without getting a new type of pain every time I try, besides, smaller dicks have always looked more aesthetically pleasing to me.
Anonymous 115415
>>115407>woman: anything goes>man: classist, racist and sexist requirements Anonymous 115420
>>115415>having preferences is classist, racist and sexistI take it you are dating a broke morbidly obese man with down's syndrome?
Anonymous 115421
>>115410>>115405I can relate. If you are built small, there is no way to fully enjoy a normal penis. My mouth is sore from stretching after every blowjob and I still can't stop my teeth from scraping on the guy's skin, it's awful. I barfed on a scrote's penis once because he wanted to try deepthroating and he was too big.
Anonymous 115423
>>115420Racist, classist and sexist preferences*
Anonymous 115440

matches my freak (literally she has to be as deranged strange and off-putting as me)
Anonymous 115441

>>115421Hey, I thought I was the only one, glad to know I'm not.
>barfed on a scrote's penis once because he wanted to try deepthroating and he was too big.My condolences, and this is one of the reasons why I fear that my possible future partner has an above average dick. I just don't think I'd be able to please him due to my physical limitations.
Wouldn't be able to blow him because my jaw can only open so wide, my teeth
WILL scrape him, and he can activate my gag reflex instantly. PIV would also suck because he would reach the end of my vagina, still not be able to go all the way in and it'd just hurt me like hell on earth and not even feel good.
Anonymous 116368
1. Rich. Most important trait. Without money, life can't happen. Let's me spend the money how I wish and we never have to worry about it running out. Either from trust fund or career skills. More attractive if he's got a great high powered career that's steady and going to bigger heights. Will let me stay at home without ever pressuring me to get my own career.
2. Personality. Second most important thing for me (very closely behind money). Soft yandere lite, is obsessive and detail orientated around me. Love language is acts of service. Would drop everything to run to me whenever I want. Kind to everyone, not jealous or insecure, just always has me as his center in his life but fills it and interacts with others perfectly fine. Is a natural leader but without being overbearing or arrogant.
3. Attractive. I prefer translucent pale skin with thick veins in select places. Hairless, thin but slightly muscley but not too much. Has a non annoying voice or accent. Clean cut look, not overly masc.
This is just a bunch of wishlists really, nice bit of self indulgent fantasy. Dream boyfriend, not realistic one. I hope someone else can see their desires within mine.
Anonymous 116373
I got him:
>Attractive (pretty face, slim build with a little muscle tone)
>No major addictions
>Low body count
>Good job (that he actually enjoys)
>Active social life
>Good fashion sense
>Thick dick
>Is utterly and hopelessly devoted to me
Anonymous 116381
>>116368>Without money, life can't happen. Let's me spend the money how I wish and we never have to worry about it running outI'm curious as to what you consider rich and how you would spend within that limit.
Anonymous 116401
My ideal boyfriend is a 400 year old Jewish wizard named Gargamel (I am delusional)
Anonymous 116677
>>116401No way one of my friends posts on CC
Anonymous 116784

>can give me citizenship for any of my desired countries
>under 35
Unironically, where can I find one? Most people want to come to my country, but I'm sick of it. It's cold and boring here.
Anonymous 116938
Won't initiate sex and would be completely fine without it. Would still gladly participate if I ever want some.
Anonymous 116997
>>116978They might, they might not, but that is my ideal. I was in a relationship with a man who wouldn't initiate, but the sex was just PIV until he came and that's it. He had no interest in my orgasm. Nowadays he even gives oral, from what I hear. So maybe he fits the bill now.
Anonymous 117004
>5’5 to 5’9
>broad shoulders with big traps
>thick neck
>big muscles
>weak or short jawline
>small pointy nose
>wide face
>blue eyes
>small feet and hands (I think they’re cute)
>high sex drive and sexually open-minded
>physically affectionate
>buys shit for me
>loves me ig
Anonymous 117005

>>117004Adding more.
>thick thighs>butt chin>boyish charmPicrel fits most of my physical preferences
Anonymous 117010
My bf
>fucks like a God
>superior intelligence
>good with people
>fully domesticated
>is just like me in every way
Doesn't get much better than this
Anonymous 117017
>>117010Nice fan fiction, what fictional character did you base it off of?
Anonymous 117018
>>117017The fact you think I'm lying only strengthens my belief that I am extremely lucky. I am omitting his downsides, I admit.
Anonymous 117020
Screenshot 2024-09…

>>117017>>117019You nonas are giving the same vibe as those munchies and plebbitors who got triggered by that random woman tweeting about how much she loves her husband kek.
https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/woman-backlash-for-coffee-husband-tweet Anonymous 117021
>>117020Funny article. I've never seen a 6'5 man in real life though. Do men at that height actually exist?
Anonymous 117022
Ehh he is like 6'4.987 or something like that I am just rounding up. They exist but they're not super rare in my country.
Anonymous 117026
We're all dating the same imaginary nigga
I'm not frumpy my BMI is 18 fck you
Anonymous 117027
To be fair, 6'5ft is rare in America but common in Europe. Godlike men can be seen anywhere over there. If she's one of those fat frumpy tiktok girls that attention whores about imageboards but asian I could imagine her getting a 6'5ft Eurochad through yellow fever alone.
Anonymous 117028
>>117027I'm a woman posting this before you permaban me.
Anonymous 117030
>>117017>>117023>>117024>>117027>>117029this is the ideal partner thread you retards
Anonymous 117032
apologies i didn't see that post. continue roasting the fatty asian
Anonymous 117033
It's funny that you believe a real woman is larping about having a 6'5 bf and it isn't a tranny trying to feel dainty.
>Only 6ft gigahons are bold enough to post on a female imageboard
>Suddenly half of posters have a 6'5ft boyfriend
You're naive kek.
Anonymous 117034
>>117033nta but i think they're mostly just underaged. i was larping like this when i was 14 lol
Anonymous 117035
>>117033>Im 5'7" and I want a towering bf to make me feel small.I wish I was 5'4"
Anonymous 117036
>>117034ive seen actual trannies from /tttt/ admit to pretending they have insanely tall bfs here but i agree its probably mostly genuine underage nonas
Anonymous 117044
I really want a guy totally obsessed over me.
It's my number one fantasy. But I know a guy like that isn't real, at least not for me.
Anonymous 117045
>>117044I've had multiple guys get super obsessed with me and I found it annoying every time
Anonymous 117046
>>117045I get told that from my friends but since I have never get it I don't know what that is like, but I'd probably also hate it.
Anonymous 117050
We're three different anons.
Anonymous 117071
>>117044I was the same way before my last relationship, and tbh it was wonderful to feel like I was not only fully accepted in mind/body, but celebrated. Don't be like my dumb ass and kid yourself into thinking his obsession will prevent him from hurting you tho. Dude cheated on me multiple times before I finally left because he "wanted to feel as adored by other people as much as he adores me".
Anonymous 117091
>>117071There's always a catch, isn't there?
Anonymous 117124
>androgynous, bifauxnen esque
>no weird fetishes
>flexible way of thinking
>incredibly deep connection like we are the only two who will ever understand each other
>cat person
>artist in some way, writing, musician, traditional art etc
>no bpd
>no other major mental health issues
>autism ok (but not worse than mine)
Anonymous 117129
>>106726> tall> deep thundering voice> empathetic caring loving affectionate> Worships me and devoted to me only> high iq> well-read and welll-bred ;) > good manners and polite> ridiculously handsome, robust pretty boy archetype > good ethics and morals > upper class > big hands and feet > gorgeous wavy hair, will never go bald > big round tight ass and biceps and pecs> healthy lifestyle > emotionally mature, stable, wise> ambitious Anonymous 117132
>like we are the only two who will ever understand each other
I can’t understand for the life of me why a person would WANT something like this. Likely, the person who you end up having this with will be the exact opposite kind of person you’re expecting. But once you have it, it won’t go away and you’ll live with it whether or not the relationship works out.
I have this connection with some I can’t, and never will be able to have for various reasons. You carry that with you, like a big pit in your stomach, every time you think about it.
I seriously don’t suggest it, rather if you can try form meaningful connections and relationships with friends and family before you enter into a relationship. If you only get it from a relationship it will be brutal.
Anonymous 117150
>>117132I added that because I'm a hikkikomori. I've never felt a single connection to any living thing so I think it'll feel really really really good. I hope that answers it and you can fix whatevers going on in your life
Anonymous 118688

my ideal bf looks like he plays animal crossing and qt pixel games
also he is not so beta he is scared of tumblr men
Anonymous 118799

>>117150I never go out either, and when I meet men I am so shy I don't usually let them pursue. I don't know whats wrong with me. I go to therapy but its not making up for lost time and I just want to go back and find a guy at my stage of existance. I am afraid of being manipulated but don't want an old man. I wish I was a slut in high school.
Anonymous 119156
For men:
>Bald. Maybe no eyebrows either
>Kind hearted
>A little bit above my height
>Traditional in a way where he'll open doors for me and buy me flowers and provide (I still want to work though) but won't try to own me
>Would be willing to kill for me while also understanding I'd rather he just be peaceful
For women:
>Have a cute sense of style
>Sweet and kindhearted
>Will let me take care of her
>Will go on cute dates with me
>A bit smaller than I am
>Shy, easily embarrassed type
>Would let me do lewd things while not necessarily caring if we actually have sex
>Must like sweets so I can bake for her
Anonymous 119668

i made this ideal bf thing for /soc/ a few months ago but it didn't really go anywhere. 4chan is completely hopeless for finding a good bf now. i had to censor some bits because they broke CC rules
Anonymous 119704
>>119668>doesn’t watch porn>not a tranime lover>not a faggotThere isn’t a single scrote on 4chan that meets these standards. Also you should consider looking for a therapist instead of a bf.
Anonymous 119709
>>119668> shaved head> into metalThat one is going to be a bit hard to shop for.
Anonymous 119721
>>106727After many years and a couple of failed loves I found this guy, give or take. He is more outgoing than I expected to love (and I found out I'm surprisingly extroverted myself, so it works!) but he's small, cute, and wants to be my househusband. I really assumed I'd never find a man like this.
There are some complications as we are both troubled people, but it is a real goal we have to end up together for life. Anything is possible.
Anonymous 119727

Yeah, I was in a totally different part of my life then. 1 month into university, no friends, KHHV, no social skills…
This is my post to remind anons who are in the place I was that it doesn't have to be forever.
>>119725Bumble! Just out of my last relationship I was considering dating around (not sleeping around, just meeting new people and maybe kissing a few…on some level I was hoping to expand "my type") but within two days of using apps for the first time I met him and deleted them kek.
Our life paths also overlapped in weird ways, he shared a class with me years ago when we were both pining after different people for example. There were other odd things, but this was the perfect time I think.
Anonymous 119829
> Smart, tall, hilarious
> Thin
> Huge catlike eyes
> Short black hair that curls a bit
> Mixed race with White
> Glasses
> Autistic but not more than me
> Deeply creative
> Has some specific talent (preferably creative) that he's incredibly good at
> Handles himself well socially but isn't particularly outgoing
> Lots and lots of hugs and kisses
> Fun and passionate in bed
> Virgin
> Is a boobs man
Anonymous 119831
>>119829> VirginIf you find a guy like this it's most likely that you will be his 7th or something
Anonymous 119832

> half black
> lifts weights and is muscular, ideally bear mode, but built fat is OK too
> reads a lot
> university degree
> does not like hip hop or rap
> draws or plays an instrument
> knows multiple languages
> optimal hygiene
> does not drink alcohol
> knows how to cook
> introverted, but not socially awkward
> doesn't have autism or adhd
> makes me feel safe
> dominates me hard and does rapeplay with me but respects the safeword and other boundaries we agree on
> also lets me take control when I want
Anonymous 119837
>>119831ideally i'd be the first of seven and he'd forget about doing the other six
Anonymous 119854
It's unironically a young benedictine monk I met when I was in France, I have no idea if I'll meet him again or not but he was an amazingly sweet snd kind person (like most real christians). I'm not a christian so I have no idea what this is about.
Anonymous 119857
>>113773>>113949>>114178Submissive men that aren't very fetishistic about it are naturally hard to find due to being, obviously, submissive. They're shy, probably don't go out unless it's with friends, probably don't use dating apps.
Really, the only time to get a submissive man is when you're in school.