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is there another woman Anonymous 107442

>bf and i together for almost 2 years
>bf is a porn addict so there were lots of trust issues
>bf ends things w me on the 19th of december
>says he wants to "grow and mature" and "live on his own" and "get a better job"
>he has nowhere to go, parents are staying with grandparents
>between the middle of december and now, bf visits spot in hometown he "sits in his car and thinks"
>spot is a literal house
>think nothing of it bc there is a bunch of trees by said house so maybe its a spot in the woods he likes
>now ex bf goes there two to three times in this time frame
>tonight, nye, comes
>ex bf says hes going to a concert in a big city about an hour away from where we live with some coworkers
>still have ex bf's location on
>he drives south, away from city which said concert is at
>drives to the special spot that is, again, someones house
>is there for a few minutes, leaves
>proceeds to drive to city for concert

gyns, is there another woman? there is no feasible way this man can lie to me about this. why drive the opposite direction of where you should be going if not to pick someone up? he cant say its a coworker because he said that spot is just somewhere he sits and thinks. his words. he couldnt of just stopped there for a few minutes to do something random because he stopped at a gas station a few minutes down that same road. i have to live with this man for another four months because his retarded ass didnt have a backup plan for moving out. ive sobbed over this man for the last two weeks.

Yes, i am crazy

Anonymous 107443

i should also mention just how much psychological damage this moid has put me through, his onlyfans/porn addiction almost got us broken up twice. whenever he would tell me about his interactions with other women, he would always fumble. he would be chatting with some female friends in snapchat and then tell me it was some other female friend with a different name. id call him out in it and hed say "oh i forgot i was talking to her." he hung out with a female coworker that had feelings for him AT HER APARTMENT ALONE, and then he "forgot" the details of how he met up with her and ended up at her place. when he was using onlyfans in the middle of our relationship, his catalogue of e-whores included TWO WOMEN he went to highschool with.

i cried with this moid twice after he broke up with me. we hugged, cried, had sex, talked about getting back together at some point, said we still love eachother, and then he completely shut me out. i know im stupid for even letting this man into my life as deep as he has been, but if he is seeing some other woman on top of everything, i will be mentally damaged for the rest of my life

Anonymous 107444

Sorry nona but i have to say why do men. Why did you get involved with him

Anonymous 107445

Stop wasting your time thinking about some scrote you need to move on from, girl. There's no point. You should be done with him. Don't give him any space in your head. You shouldn't care if he goes to a brothel, goons to onlyfans or sleeps with other women anymore.
You're done, get it?

>breakup sex


Anonymous 107446


i got involved with him because he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. i didnt find out about his porn addiction or anything like that until much later on. i was ignorant to the signs, however thinking back on it, that he probably had one. like they all seem to be, he was sweet when i met him, and then their true colors show

Anonymous 107447

i know, i regret it. i have schizo levels of OCD so hes rlly all i think about at the moment

Anonymous 107448

Well, he's cheating behind you, and he's a porn addict. You can even make a moid quit alcohol by putting him in a room and locking him up, but it still can't make him stop being a coomer because his dick is with him till he dies.
What are you going to do now?

Anonymous 107477

He wasn't even cheating lmao. Or was POTENTIALLY cheating for like 3-5 days (OP is hella confusing) before breaking up with her.

Anonymous 107481

>he hung out with a female coworker that had feelings for him AT HER APARTMENT ALONE, and then he "forgot" the details of how he met up with her and ended up at her place.
to me this almost definitely seems like cheating
i'm sorry OP but you just need to completely leave him behind - no more break up sex!!!

Anonymous 107483

It definitely does. Sorry, I kinda missed the second post here.

Anonymous 107484


update gyns: he was seeing another woman for the end duration of our relationship. i confronted him when he got back to the apartment and he at first tried to lie, and then i called him out on it again when he had half of his stuff packed up, and then he admitted it. he said that "nothing happened" between them but we all know this is a lie. he is a heartless, disgusting moid who will not change

Anonymous 107497

women always want men to change as if they aren't in their default state before that change, I just noticed that, this is why dating is for pickmes lol… They all are cruel like this and it will always be seen as your problem and not a problem with men…

Anonymous 107501


I don't get it either. Why like someone if you want them to change?
I don't exactly remember what study it was, but it was about how moids need novelty and how they get bored of their partners and lose their sexual interest towards them with time. It was a graph of sorts.

My sister's husband once told her to her face that he became "impotent" since he made her pregnant and lost his attraction towards her, has cheated on her, openly flirts with other women in front of her, but she still wishes affection from him. When she confronted him, he kept shifting the blame and accused her for not spending time with him, and that's why he had to cheat. She fights with him every day and complains about his toxic behaviors, but he conveniently dissociates and forgets that it ever happened.

If you don't like it, why not just leave?
And if you can't leave, like my sister because of kids and other reasons, then why not just accept that you have a shitty card that you got dealt with and focus on things that matter?

Have fun trying to change a narcissist.

Anonymous 107516

she should castrate her kid(s) and find another man tbh

Anonymous 107521


>Castrate her kids


Anonymous 107527


i should have never tried to change him, if i could go back and tell myself it wouldnt work i would. i have trouble not blaming myself because i have horribly low self esteem, and i let this moid do whatever he wanted because i dont like myself. i keep wanting to find validation in the good memories i have with him, yet, in the end, this is how i was left.
i kept telling myself i didnt want to leave because all my self worth came from the attention/affection this moid gave me, and he left, i would have nothing. and now that that time has come, its hard to not feel that way, even tho he did what he did. i cannot stress enough that this isnt healthy for me tho, and i wouldnt want anyone else to tear themself up inside about some man like i am.

Anonymous 107529

bruh the past two guys I've dated don't watch porn and porn never really used to bother me much (though I will say having had sex with porn users and with guys who don't watch porn, it's way better with the latter). idk how old you are but most guys above 25 know at this point that porn is bad for them and stop watching it on those grounds, unless theyre absolute man children.

Anonymous 107530

>most guys above 25 know at this point that porn is bad for them

Anonymous 107540

im 25 and he is 26, we met when he was 25 and i was 24.

Anonymous 107549

i'm so sorry hun. He doesn't deserve you at all

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