Anonymous 107861
>college 3rd year, same as bf
>been dating for over a year, love each other deeply
>since we're seniors next year, we want to rent a place together
>i keep dreaming abt it and share it with him
>he's excited too
>but i have hesitations
>it feels like a big step, and i'm not sure if i'm okay with not having a room of my own
>also he's my first relationship but he had many partners before, so i know he may be more chill with it
>i told him i have hesitations yesterday
>oh boy does he take it bad
>tells me i gave him false hope, i should've told him before if i didn't want it
>but i do want it
why doesn't he just get it? what can i tell him?
Anonymous 107892
First of all, that's not really how you want your partner to react when you tell them your worries. Just in general, it's a red flag. I'm assuming you're limited financially, but if you truly want to move in together and you can afford it, what's wrong with keeping a room to yourself? or even just having two rooms so that one someone feels like it, then can close the door and be alone for a little bit? I have never in my life seen a relationship that changed for the better after moving into a studio together. You couldn't pay me enough money to do that.