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retroactive jealousy Anonymous 108036

what's your experience? how to cope with it?

Anonymous 118187

>how to cope with it?
god i wish i fucking knew

Anonymous 118191


Just don't get a non-virgin bf to begin with.

Anonymous 118193

It’s hard when you’re not a teenager anymore and most men your age have lost their virginity already

Anonymous 118194


This is actually based. Either a virgin bf or he only had 1 gf but a long time ago

It's a little awkward with virgin men but it's hot knowing you're the only woman he's seen naked irl and you get to mold his sexuality however you like

Find a bf who is willing to do anything you find hot but you not wanting to do stuff he finds hot isn't a dealbreaker to him

Anonymous 118200

but it's more than him having ahd sex. just to imaginining my bf said i love you to other girls makes me seethe

Anonymous 118222

Never give up.

Anonymous 118225

My bf is a khhv while also being cute and just my type(thank god) I met him when he was 19 though if we ever break up I’ll probably never date again tbh

Anonymous 118236

Get on my level lmao

My bf has had a decade+ long relationship before me. It's like dating a divorcee. They split years before I met him but it still gets to me sometimes because I don't know how to live up to that

Anonymous 118240

>Go be a cuckquean like me lmao

Anonymous 118245

Better than 35 year old sluts

Anonymous 118246

If a moid is a virgin that is a red flag. There's a reason other women didn't want him. Imagine there was a product at the store that no one wanted to buy? Would you buy it?

Anonymous 118247

If a moid is a slut that is a red flag. There's a reason other women didn't keep him. Imagine there was a product at the store that every one wanted to return? Would you buy it?

Anonymous 118248

I don’t care if no one else wanted him all that matters is that I do it’s probably better that way anyway instead of having a bf that women flock to

Anonymous 118253

What if it's not that women didn't want him, but that he didn't want other women, because he was waiting for his true love?

Anonymous 118266

We're in our 30s, if he hasn't had a girlfriend by then, he's useless and you should run.

Anonymous 118268

Anonymous 118276

I'm not teaching a grown man to be a partner. I firmly believe they have to have lost a relationship first to know what's at stake and to keep them from getting entirely complacent. First love is a lesson learnt.

Anonymous 118280


You on the left

Anonymous 118290

you're nuts

Anonymous 118292


nuts are great

Anonymous 118293

What if they had a relationship before but didn't had sex?

And sex isn't really rocket science either, when you're with a new partner you will need to learn what we both like anyway.

Would rather be with a man who is a virgin because of his values, or that just had 1 partner. It really depends of how that man is and behaves.

I had a relationship with a manwhore and I won't ever accept such putrid thing ever again.

Anonymous 118312


if you know you know

Anonymous 118323

Get over it and grow up.

I've known all my life girls like you were fucking liars. Making my life harde than it needed to be. You were conartists and full of shit. Jealous about everything and making nice girls lives hell. I became a complete bitch because of girls like you. But all i wanted to do was enjoy my life away from moids and have nothing whatsoever to do with them. Its a curse though, men gravitate towards me because im easygoing and dgaf..and somehow becoming a bitch and having an attitude just made it worse. But all i want is for them to bother you and not me. Maybe if you calmed the f down and learned to chill you could take the burden away.

Please learn how lmao

Anonymous 118332


u what?

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