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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


What would your dream job be if money/time didn’t matter? Anonymous 108339

I’ve always wanted to own an arcade-restaurant kind of establishment like Dave and busters. I don’t have the money, skills, or confidence to do something like start my own business. I still think about it all the time though. On top of that everything is just too damn expensive these days to do whatever you want as a job

Anonymous 108340


I wish I could become a shaman.

Anonymous 108722

Teacher (private hippie teacher) or nanny. Fuck working with adults

Anonymous 108729

Art restoration

Anonymous 108740

You can easily just escape into the northern wilderness and eat mushrooms to attain mystical magical powers (and death!)

Anonymous 108748

professional party guest

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