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Traumatized by an online coquette Anonymous 108714

I used to follow this girl online when I was in my middle and late teens, I was obsessed with her, her aesthetic and her overall vibe until at 17 she started dating a moid in his middle/late 30s and it started affecting my mind more and more. She posted a lot of content with him and she's into ddlg and all that stuff and calls him daddy, probably some of you know who I'm talking about and since Lana Del Rey herself followed her on instagram last year I feel even bigger resentment towards LDR. Cause I hate age gaps so much, I wanted purity and not old pedo moids involved in my girls world, I feel so greypilled(to not use the incel word) and I developed an obsession with the fact that men want to fuck teenage girls and lost all hope. And yes I'm retarded but I'm just so bitter, I used to fantasize about them all disappearing from life especially the ugly old moid pedoids.

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