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why women deserve …

Anonymous 108962

Your average moid (including your bf) thinks this is what all women think. But I can't stop lurking on 4chan. Anybody similiarily addicted to rage inducing stuff?

Anonymous 108964

fuck of back to 4chan

Anonymous 108969

please go away

Anonymous 108974

why bother paying attention to literalwho losers
better go read wikipedia or something

Anonymous 108985

Who gives a fuck what the abortions in 4chan think?
Strike you illiterate baboon

Anonymous 108987

That's what everyone who cheats thinks, both women and moids. That's why they cheat. They wouldn't be doing it if they genuinely felt that they were in the wrong. There has to be some sociopathic cope involved.

Anonymous 108989

Anonymous 109005

>There has to be some sociopathic cope involved.
I don't know. Just read r/adultery, most of them have tunnel vision. Everything is awesome until they get caught and then they whine and lament. Most of the time there is no justification except "it felt good", so my guess is they never learned to deal with frustration, delayed gratification or effort (in effect, children disguised as adults).

Anonymous 109007

>Everything is awesome until they get caught and then they whine and lament.
It's called "crocodile tears". Painting themselves as the victim is the first thing that comes to mind of any abuser who got caught.

Anonymous 109011

This is true though? Scrotes are awful people and if a woman cheats on one you can bet 99% of the time he did something to deserve it.

Anonymous 109013

Nice stats you got there, may I know where they are from so I can make equally well grounded points to my fellow miners without them thinking I make my conclusions the very way moids think we do.

Anonymous 109015

Scrotes are responsible for 99% of all global rape and murder. They're lucky any women still even let them be in the same room as them. if they'll do that without remorse you really think they wouldn't do all kinds of horrible things to the women they date? You think they would ever feel bad about cheating?

Anonymous 109017

Considering the quality of your thought process, wouldn't it be better and say 100% and be done with it. So that it stays coherent.

Also, the thread is not about creating the rage inducing, but merely being addicted to it.

Although I give it to you, op's pic makes just as much sens as your post, congratulations.

Anonymous 109018

Anonymous 109024

Scrotes can not control their urges. Women can. This is why women cheat way less often and are much more harder on other women who do, whereas moids celebrate and brag about it. With that in mind, I can't for the life of me concoct a scenario where someone (even a woman) cheating would be in the right, unless they have already effectively ended the relationship and the dumb moid still thinks he has any right to complain about who she sleeps with, in which case it's not really cheating anyway.

Anonymous 109026

Some people find it a great way to end a relationship, yay

Anonymous 109028

It's not cheating if you've already mentally ended the relationship yourself.
It's not our fault if emotionally braindead scrotes can't recognize the obvious signs that their ex-girlfriend has already moved on and need to literally be told out loud like a child that it's over and they no longer get to monopolize our sexuality.

Anonymous 109029

I think that is all kinds of unfair unless you are afraid of a physical retaliation

Anonymous 109030

Dumb take but ok

Anonymous 109038

Sorry, nona, but I think you're the mentally stunted one if you can't simply say "we're done".

Anonymous 109045


It is one thing to stoop to moids level. You do you, I guess.
But it quite another to formulate such a cope to justify objectively bad behaviour.
The older I get the less I feel I relate to people who cannot take responsibility for their own action.

Anonymous 109053


Is that really over the top decency to inform in a clear manner you former partner you do not want to pursue the relationship?

This all reads like an awkward cope to give yourself good conscience.

Can someone enlighten me here? I can't relate at all.

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