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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


how do i make online friends? Anonymous 109006

ive been NEET for so long that i can’t even desire to make in person friends. where can i find (preferably girls) like me that need online friends?

Anonymous 109010

Go on Stan Twitter, learn the lingo, spam the gifs and reaction images they use and viola

Anonymous 109019

Best bet is honestly cyberstalking people you went to school with and figuring out who is still local. I've tried the bumble bff shit and it is just that – shit.

Anonymous 109034

Forums aren't dead yet. Join a forum for a female-dominated hobby, I met a girl who I email with pretty often.

Anonymous 118494

>female dominated hobby
what kinds of hobbies would that be?

Anonymous 118523


Anonymous 118524

Gardening, cooking and art

Anonymous 118527

crocheting stuffed animals sounds neat.

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