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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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How do I form relationships with people? Anonymous 109139

I am a very autistic young woman (18) freshly out of highschool and have been really successiful making friends and dating, but now that school is over I have no idea of how would i make friends out of that ambient or even find a reationship after breaking up with my ex, I don't want to use apps to find new people bout how do normal people find eachother in normal adult life???????

any advice for thir poor 18 yo trying to have a social life???:/

Anonymous 109140


>freshly out of highschool and have been really successiful making friends and dating
What happened to the friends you made at highschool?
Just focus on maintaining them instead of trying to find new ones and working from zero.

Anonymous 109142

>>109140 i still talk to them and they are my best friends but im in a new city so…

Anonymous 117107

man or woman next to a pic of a cockroach in bed. Wtf does that even mean?

Anonymous 117110

Anonymous 117117

reference to franz kafka's book the metamorphosis

Anonymous 117118

guy fells into depression and self hatred he equates himself being turned into an insect, undesirable and unwanted by all, useless, less than human, not worthy of life, due to inner feelings. All the while others around him see him with no difference in appearance because its all internal. Basically a pathetic attempt by moid at sympathy for his existence

Anonymous 117120

You did not understand the book at all. Gregor didn't "hallucinate" into being turned into insect, he really turned into one. The central joke of the story is that nobody reacts to this magical transformation rationally. Rather than begin horrified or confused about becoming a giant insect, Gregor's first thoughts are that he'll be late for his job. His family do see the transformation. They act as if there's "no difference in appearance" because that's the joke. They're more annoyed that he can't work a job than they are concerned about the magical transformation. It's a satire of abusive parents.

Anonymous 117122

Generally wherever you become a regular at, you become friends with the other regulars. It's easier at school or a job, where you're forced to be a regular, but it can also work with local hang-out areas like bars or bookshops

Anonymous 117125

Throw salami at them op

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