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Anonymous 109669

nonas in third world countries and misogynistic patriarchal societies how do you navigate through the daily struggles of living in a such society without becoming extremely depressed and suicidal?
as soon as I started to understand the world around me as it is in my early teenage years and how women are looked down upon, objectified for their bodies, abused in my family and around me it took a huge toll on my mental health especially after I started getting sexually harassed and cat called whenever I went outside, so I isolated myself from the external world as a coping mechanism and I became chronically online which didn't help as I continued to delve more into feminism and how badly this world is fucked for us women. I've tried to speak about it to my mom and my friends but it I always end up feeling like the crazy one because nobody seems to understand what I'm talking about even if the endless struggles are very much real yet they're all brainwashed by our culture and religion to think that men are not the problem.
I'm just wondering if you're dealing with this too what are your coping mechanisms and how do you go on about your day hearing misogynistic and sexist shit from men and women all the time?

Anonymous 109721


Anonymous 109790

Not to make light of your suffering, but this is the kind of bullshit that used to keep me awake when I was 14 when i didn’t have real problems. Then i realized that i had the privilege of a wonderful supportive family, and being from the most “progressive” nafroid cuntree (despite being backward in everything else), and that i wasn’t actually oppressed i was just severely insecure. Also i never felt like society (the microcosm i existed in which was school at the time) deliberately discriminated against me because im a girl. I was constantly told by my teachers that i was intelligent and my math tutors were always validating my performance. If anything it was in the west where i was finally exposed to the whole “stem is for boys, humanities are for the little quantitatively challenged girls”. That shit wouldn’t fly in my cunt with the way girls are pummeling boys in every single education level.

Anyways, not that my experience is representative of the general public’s, but you can’t expect people to grow up in an environment and not to adapt/make the oppression work for them even if it is systemic. My favorite “make le patriarchy work for you” is to relegate whatever moid in my vicinity to carrying my luggage/groceries. Idk man. Everyone adapts honestly. And our society at a whole is changing as well.

Anonymous 109816

you are actually delusional if you think that we have it better here, or your parents were probably very rich so you went to a good school where most of your teachers and classmates had a good upbringing and moral compass compared to the average sexist violent moid. In your case you were very lucky from the start to have a good support system and a little bubble which allowed you to not not deal with the daily shit a girl in our societies would deal with, like getting forced by your own family to wear the hijab or niqab, not being allowed to go out whenever you want, getting groped and sexually assaulted in public transportation, not being able to have full autonomy over your own body etc. I would gladly trade this with getting told by a random person every other day that I can't pursue a stem major, it's laughable that you think that it's even comparable.
I'm happy that your experience is different but please have the decency in you to acknowledge that it's not the majority's.

Anonymous 109818


I specified that i am from a nafri shithole that is the least conservative/most degenerate nafri shithole? Wearing the hijab was actually banned in most establishments in the mid 2000’s on account of the islamic brotherhood’s terror attacks in the late 90s. My parents were middle class. Med school graduates in each province are 73% female to male, circa last year. Engineering schools across all specialties have a balanced female to male ratio. The ratio is even more skewed in younger generations (in favor of female children outperforming male ones in standardized tests in the 4th, 6th, 9th grade). The abortion debate was settled in the 1970s.
My shithole is a poor shithole. The saving grace was the deep rooted belief in education as the only viable precursor to social mobility. And therefore, the forceful literacy movement swept over both males and females. And now the current economic crisis makes it so noone is at liberty even to entertain a bigoted stifling of women’s rights by restraining them from seeking higher education or pursuing employment. Also, grown fucking elephantine men don’t have the courage to walk the streets here after 7pm. But again, im not looking for additional points to pile on my imaginary oppression.

Furtherfucking more, all of these perceived hurdles to your personal emancipation are fucking moot when you have your own income. It’s a globalized tiny village we fucking live in. Down the filthy immigrant pill and move. The west welcomes self hating brownoids.

Anonymous 109819

‌I don't care about whatever shit hole you come from and what's the political scene like regarding women's rights is there. I don't live there. I don't give a fuck. but it's still definitely way worse than any western country than you would like to admit, the fact that your country had issues with terrorism and Islamic brotherhood alone shows that you are still far behind than everyone else. What I care about and what I would like to know is how to deal and cope with the things I've stated above in my own country and the environment I currently live in, if you can't provide any insight or helpful advice because you can't relate to it then that's fine but don't come to me preaching about how great you've had it and how I've made all this stuff up when you've probably never gone through any of the shit I said ,and that alone gives you zero credibility to talk about the matter.
If you haven't got the memo yet, I wouldn't be ranting about it here if I was financially independent or/and able to change my situation and calm down with all the name calling you're just projecting atp

Anonymous 109830

most open minded and least stereotype-thinking online westoid

Anonymous 109837

westoid? I'm from a nafri country myself

Anonymous 109849

Advice which i provided. Advice which you blithely overlooked because you were too busy seething about muh oppression. You ignore the problem until you have the ability to leave. Simple as. You adapt. You feel powerless now, but you wait until you have real problems lmao

Anonymous 109866

that's an insignificant head covering whats so bad about wearing clothes in public?

Anonymous 109874

Tbh i'd stick out like a sore thumb if i didn't wear it

Anonymous 109877

are you a twitter libtard that thinks that hijab is empowering and an actual choice made by muslim women? because it's inherently oppressive to the core. It literally became mandatory in Islam to differentiate between free muslim women and enslaved non muslim women.

how is that insignificant and not unsettling to you?

Anonymous 109895

NTN. Plenty of fully grown women wear it of their own volition. It’s a belief system that they claim as theirs and they wish to honor it and commit to it. For instance, if you identified as a furry you probably would dredge up the audacity to flounder around in a fursuit. People dress to align with what they identify as.
>inb4 some are forced into it
Indeed some are forced into it. When they’re young and pliant and stupid and powerless to resist. But humans grow and change and get stronger, and those who choose to wear it wholeheartedly do it and assume the consequences and those who take it off do so and assume the consequences. So why project the experience of a margin of the population as the general denominator?

Anonymous 109949

Please understand that its just clothes, everyone is forced to wear clothes in public, headscarves are no different except that other cultures don't wear them.
This, so much this.

Anonymous 109951

Anonymous 109963

I'm so sorry nona, life gets very heavy when we start to rationalize our condition in this world. For example, I haven't found a way to deal with it, and it's horrible. The shithole where I live is quite violent, misogynistic and with female hyper sexualization spread like a disease wherever you look; the feminist debate has been completely mishandled in recent years, to the point that almost no one takes it seriously. I did the same thing as you: I isolated myself from the world, using the internet as an escape. Currently I focus only on work and studies, exercise, the few things I still enjoy. I kind of live with a horse blinder on my face and I'm starting to become a completely indifferent person, having little or no hope.

Anonymous 110262

Its a painful experience indeed

Anonymous 111204

I never had a choice but to see the truth of men of my race and culture. I was molested at 4 years old by a family member. The entire family sided with him and from 1992 to 2002 I was forced to live with him. I never let this fucker near me again, he only had one time to show me his true nature. My parents separated and there was peace but then my mother let him move back in with her in 2007. I moved out for the first time from 2007 to 2008, then my mother's father died, my sister had a miscarriage and my mother got deathly ill. I stayed until 2018 and then I left on my own. All that time, I stood my ground, protected myself, and never let any of my family cross my boundaries ever again. I always spoke the truth, even if nobody agreed, even if I was the only one who cared, because that's how I've always lived bc I've always seen men for exactly who they are. Thanks to the internet, the news is spreading and communities are being created. You may have to be the first one to start one in your area. You may have to be the first one to speak up. But other women see the world and see men just like you do and they have friends, communities, hobbies, and they get shit done. I wish you the best. I've elevated myself in society, start business and make money so I'm financially independent. I also take care of my health when I can and travel alone often. This is why you need money. Money is also protection.

Anonymous 111567

"some" arent forced into it, its most women who wear the hijab. Do you think Iranian or Afganistan women being forced to wear hijab so they dont get beaten in public choose this? Most islamic countries force women (by law or socially) to wear the hijab. Also even if some women choose to wear it bc its a part of their beliefs, the belief itself is misogynistic so it is still bad. According to islam wpmen have to be covered head to toe at the bare minimum to pray which is a representation of how women's bodies are inherently seen as sexual which results in men thinking theyre entitled to us which results im all the rape. Hijabs even if its a women's choice are bad because they are an implication of the oppressive system that made them necessary. Women cannot reclaim hijabs.

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