Bullying and body dysmorphia Anonymous 110205
There don't seem to be many threads about eating disorders and I wanted to know if there were more nonas with similar experiences.
First of all I am going to clarify that I am not pro-ana, I wish I could eat normally but I have had anorexia since I left high school. During school my "friends" used to call me fat (actually at that time I was a little fat and I wore glasses and my face was childish) but it still hurts me, they also used to call me ugly and autistic for being shy. I used to skip gym classes a lot because I was afraid of receiving comments, one time I was running like everyone else but when I finished, one of them came up to me to tell me that I sweat like a pig.
Other times at lunchtime some boys made pig noises as they passed and looked at me.
I wish I could leave that behind, but even though I am underweight now, my intentions to continue losing weight increase along with the fact that I no longer look in the mirror often and I hate seeing myself in photos.
Anonymous 119891
I can't stop eating fast food. It makes me feel like shit, gain weight, and it doesn't even taste good. idk how to stop
Anonymous 119919
>>110205so real. I've been binging/purging since I was like ten. can't even remember when I last felt comfortable in my body. even when you're a healthy weight the thoughts never stop