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Does my ex have CP on his computer? Anonymous 110555

>refused to use internet without VPN
>paid VPNs despite being broke
>uses VPN on top of VPNs
>major chimpout if i ever accessed his devices
>became violent if i ever accessed his devices
>password managers for everything
>obsessed with encryption
>deleted MY entire hard drive citing 'evidence against him' being on there, wouldn't elaborate
>objected to loli being outlawed
>minimized own cousin's molestation and sympathized more with her abuser

why else would someone be so protective of his digital footprint while also having a pedophiles mentality?

Anonymous 110556

nona yes wtf

Anonymous 110564

tip him lol I'm sure they can spy the devices or whatever

Anonymous 110565


get him out of your life

Anonymous 110566

first points could also mean he's a cheating piece of shit who hides everything from you to begin with but the last one cements him as a nonce. send an anonymous tip.
>deleted MY entire hard drive citing 'evidence against him' being on there, wouldn't elaborate
why did you let him access your devices whatsoever? were you living with him?

Anonymous 110569

he's not in my life, hasn't been for a year

Anonymous 110570

>why did you let him access your device

because i don't and never have had anything to hide, also he did it while i was out at work/asleep so i didn't even know about it

Anonymous 110571

He also did used to exchange sexual messages with a 17 year old during our relationship but because the age of consent in my state is 16 it's technically not illegal. When I found out about it he cried and asked 'Why is that wrong?'.

Man, I just don't know how I didn't come to this conclusion when it actually mattered, wish I'd saved myself years of heartbreak.

Anonymous 110572

the answer is yes. i'm sorry, nona.

Anonymous 110576

i'm sorry this happened to you nona. you have a right to your privacy too, much more than this piece of shit does. start using passwords and protect your devices if you're not doing so already, people prey on naivete.
adults sexting minors is always illegal, at least in the US. age of consent laws are for minors dating each other, not adults preying on kids. only a pedophile tries to justify his actions with statements like "well the age of consent over there is 16!"

Anonymous 110940

anon can work as a hacker and/or be a tech savant in general without storing CP

Anonymous 110950

He's a lolishitter, it's not a stretch to assume he collects material of real children. So many of them do.

Anonymous 110980


>minimized own cousin's molestation and sympathized more with her abuser
What the fuck?

It's not just pedophile mentality but he definitely has paranoid personality [disorder]. I also won't be surprised if he is a paranoid narcissist. Narcissists are emotionally stunted and they also see loli as a symbol of "freedom" or some shit that I see 4channers talk about.

Anonymous 110981

>When I found out about it he cried and asked 'Why is that wrong?'.
Definitely a narcissist.

Anonymous 110983

many do, many don't and avoid it
Some are weebs that are too deep in the rabbithole that simply would prefer the loli to real CP despite their pedo tendencies because they don't like flesh bodies visually.
Personally I would assume he doesn't have real CP (which isn't hard to track down for the cops) but has lots of loli encrypted since it has social consequences anyways.
And like other nona says it is seen as a libertarian/ancap symbol against government censorship and surveillance (not justifying them).
Anyways he's not your problem anymore, don't talk to him and change your passwords.

Anonymous 111010

/qa/ won

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