Anonymous 110596
>be me, 25
>old shitty car breaks down
>dropped it off at repair shop earlier today
>"it'll take about 4 hours to repair"
>walk around near by restaurants to kill time
>feeling hungry so i order some chicken and rice
>Dine in is closed
>take food outside and go down the sidewalk
>sit on the curb to eat
>just minding my own business and eating
>group of frat guys in their early 20's walk right past me
>they suddenly all get quiet
>can't quite hear them whisper something under their breath
>as soon as they pass me they all burst out in laughter
>instantly feel red hot shame and embarrassment
>throw my food away in a dumpster and just walk home.
I’m still crying about it now even though it’s such a stupid thing to even get upset over
Anonymous 110597
You would be far better off if you don't care for what other people think, much less people you don't know and probably won't see again anytime soon. Seriously.
Let go of worrying about this and be significantly happier in your life.
Anonymous 110602
Sometimes I fantasize about having the freedom to just go walk around the shops and eat some chicken and rice on a curb. It must be so fun. I'm sorry those guys ruined it for you, they're just moids being dickheads. The sad thing is that their little jape was probably forgotten by them in a few minutes, but it'll stick with you for weeks. Idk what to say nona, I wish I got to have some chicken and rice lunch.
Anonymous 110604
I’m so sorry anon. Teenage and younger scrotes in general are awful pieces of shit. Don’t pay them any mind though, they likely won’t change since their fucked up behaviors aren’t called out by their hive mind friend groups. Whatever they said probably wasn’t even worth thinking about anyways.
Anonymous 110609
>>110596retarded soulless moids that should die
Anonymous 110654
>>110596You don't even know if they were talking about you, you sound mentally weak and not an adult
Anonymous 110657
>>110654They obviously were, stop gaslighting the femcel.
Anonymous 110658
Are you the Texas bernd who said you were posting on this site? Good bait lol
Anonymous 110659
>>110657they could be shit talking other people with a deep inner lore of their workplace or something, thinking people always talk about you is a symptom of needing to touch grass neetcels like OP become egocentric
Anonymous 110843
no one says this in real life
realistically it was something like "would with a bag on her head" or "would with the lights out"
Anonymous 110855
Screenshot 2024-03…

>>110596 don't overthink about it nona, fratboys are just losers who don't get anywhere in life and are just oblivious idiots.
Anonymous 110992
hah fratboys r trash i laugh my ass off at them all the time. don't sweat it nona
Anonymous 111153

They're laughing at you because you looked like a bum. Did you look like a bum Nona? Sometimes it helps to know.
Anonymous 111157
>>111153That cat has a strong bone structure and fine whiskers, it would definitely be a chad if it were human.
Anonymous 112642
>>110596Should've sat in front of them, looked at them picked your nose and flick it at them.
Fuck them