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possible toxic trait? Anonymous 110601

context: I'm in a committed relationship with a guy I've known for about two years. We get along okay, no real red flags or anything, he cares a lot about me admires me, and I like him for how genuine he is. Even with his other friend groups and stuff, he doesn't have wild personality swings or anything, like he's trying to be a people pleaser, and I don't get the sense that he's like that with me, either, he's consistent in how he talks and what he talks with me about

However, that's not what I got in a relationship with him for. A few times when I've known him, he's been really desirous, like, shit you only read about in an NTR doujinshi with how possessive he's been and the depth of the kinks(that he knows we share). He also writes, and some of the (can you call it fanfiction if it's about the two of you? lol)stories he shows me are incredible. He treats me like his best friend and inspiration, but this side of him blows that all away, I'm a total fucking simp for this side of him(pic)

My question is, is it bad of me to like, goad him into showing that side more often? I feel like I could sign away the rest of my fucking life to this guy when he drops his human skin and just acts like this cunning ravishing animal
I sometimes do stuff like referring to him in third person, as if there's another person that takes over when he's like that, but I feel like this could backfire and give him impostor syndrome or something. We've both taken up the habit of writing lists for things we want to do with each other(kink stuff, date stuff) but his is really short, and he knows this, and he says "I wonder if my standards for what to put down are too high"

Is there a better way to tell him to be more forward with his desires with me? I guess this isn't an uncommon thing to feel like men are too guarded, but I'd really appreciate any advice

Anonymous 110610

he's a gooner and writes goonout roleplays with his online male friends, so no he's not that into you. letting him know you want him to be more open with you is counterproductive. coomers are disgusted by their partners, even more so when their partner expresses desire. if he's into NTR just find a sidepiece instead.
>t. been there, done that

Anonymous 112002

fucking this

Anonymous 112007

What's stopping you from adding your desires to your list?
In any case it sounds more like how you should control the urges and go with it slowly so it case it crashes at least it does gently.

Anonymous 112008

Istg sometimes yall speed running proving incels right

Anonymous 112009

Give details.
If reading his shit gets u horny, tell him that so he gets horny knowing that u like that shit. Pick something specific that u like and tell him (coyly?) that u would love to try it out.

Anonymous 112066

The biggest lie we've ever been told is that incels are wrong

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