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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 110755

So my ebf got really pissed at me and started to say things like "I shouldn't have come online today" or "Why should I do anything with you?" and all that because I had to first brb for only 10 minutes yesterday because my parents wanted to talk to me, and then later I got a call from work late at night that I had to answer and the call went for too long. He got really pissed at me. This isn't the first time I've interrupted him when he was chatting with me and I also don't immediately respond. I only started to work recently so I was able to give as much as time and attention to him before, but now I'm not able to. I've mentioned that I don't have any personal time anymore and that I spend whatever time I got left after coming home from work only with him.

Am I the asshole for not prioritizing my ebf and for not refusing to do other things when I come home from work? Is he right when he expects undivided attention from me and when I can't give him that he is right to get mad at me and stop talking? Unlike him who lives alone I live with my parents so it's very hard for me to be left alone. I try to text him at work but work is hard and busy and I can't find the time for it. I think I also have ADHD so I completely forget that he exists and is online sometimes.

I honestly don't know what to do. Work is very stressful for me and I come home and I get this. I wish he was understanding especially during my work days.

Anonymous 110757


I'm sorry.

Anonymous 110758

Stopped reading right there.
e-dating isn't any sort of real romance.

Anonymous 110760

>e-dating isn't any sort of real romance.
But what about real romance?

What if this situation were real and I couldn't prioritize my bf because I keep getting interrupted by phone calls?
Is he right to get mad at me then?

I just want to know if it's my fault and that I should put love over everything else even if it's important.

Anonymous 110764

Tell him to put a ring on your finger if he wants to be prioritized

Anonymous 110765

>Is he right to get mad at me then?
If he knew your schedule and he still got mad at you for being a responsible adult and not showering him in attention 24/7 then he is an asshole.
In the original case even if he doesn't know your schedule he is still an impatient asshole.

Anonymous 110767

Men like this only get worse. He will get more unreasonable and more demanding of your time, and upset you more and more often. He doesn't see you as an individual with your own life and responsibilities, he just wants you to entertain him on his whim.

Anonymous 110778

Online relationships aren't real, try again.

Anonymous 110789

I talked with him and he was just mad at me because I made him wait instead of telling him to go do something else. He was just staying online waiting for me to reply. I've also been doing this for so long that yesterday was the breaking point.

I'm the idiot.

Anonymous 110790

just block him.

Anonymous 110791


Please nona, you're not the idiot. Please don't feel like that is your fault. The other anons are right, he is just going to be more demanding of your time and less understanding of your responsibilities. You should not have to entertain him, and I don't think any mature or nice person would react that way to you. He was upset you didn't tell him to do something else? It seems like he wants you to mommy and take care of him when he should have his own life to take control of. Please don't think you are at fault for living your life! Do not feel like this is your fault. This moid is not a good one, he sounds immature and insecure. I'm sorry.

Anonymous 110795

>because I made him wait instead of telling him to go do something else. He was just staying online waiting for me to reply
So your moid has no agency for himself and needs constant guidance from you to get through his day. You're the idiot if you stay with that.

Anonymous 110876

if this was real you'd both hang out IRL which significantly reduces anxiety and allows you to experience alone time without expecting constant bids for connection

Anonymous 110894

It's clear from your screenshot and this entire story this isn't a real relationship. Just tell him it's over and block him.

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