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How do I not let what moids say affect me emotionally? Anonymous 111137

I have stopped browsing various sites like 4chan because of the shit they say about women, especially Western women, it affected me emotionally.

Anonymous 111138

Don't listen to them. They are braindead people who don't understand how society works and what it means to respect someone or a group of people. Anything you've probably heard them say is definitely not true. Whatever they've said about women, actually says more about themselves.

Anonymous 111142

The only person who can allow their words to affect you is yourself. Why do you feel negatively about what they say, do you believe it to be honest and truthful? As they admit there; "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

Anonymous 111147

Think about how completely asinine every other opinion they hold is and then ask yourself "why would this one be the exception"? It's probably not a silver bullet, but I stopped browsing 4chan for basically that reason myself; nothing I had read on there in years had held any worth whatsoever.

Anonymous 111148

moids hate women, what's new

Anonymous 111152

4chan moids say those things because they are a bunch of sour grapes. none of them will ever know the touch of a woman outside of sexually abusing one. surround yourself with people who speak kindly and respectfully instead of doomscrolling through ragebait.
>t. someone who should follow this advice too

Anonymous 111911

Stop using those sites, I don’t get why anyone subjects themself to that nonsense. 4chan is a shell of what it use to be, just go in imageboards that are revolve around your particular interests to avoid the nonsensical bullshit.

Anonymous 115476


1. Study the enemy. Know their views, strengths, weaknesses.

2. Learn strong counter arguments. Even if you dont plan on engaging moids in debate, you can spread this amongst friends and family to do your part to fight against the enemy in the war against the female sex. Knowledge is power.

Once youre familiar with the usual moid retorts, their ideology, and moid psychology in general, it becomes easier to not be as affected by it. Not always possible, for example when they celebrate the death of a woman or girl, its normal to feel disgust, contempt, sadness for the victim, etc.

Realize how truly pathetic moids are. How pathetic that moids are emotionally controlled by their dicks, while women comparably have clarity of mind. How disgusting and lazy moids are that they avoid cleaning their surroundings or their butts, expecting a mommy bangmaid to do it for them. How entitled moids are that they want to conquer everything and everyone, expecting everyone to be okay with it. How petty and small minded they are, to be more concerned with endlessly modifying their vehicle, rather than curing cancer.

Realize that moids are all the same, that labels are just window dressing - left wing moids consider women to be public property, while right wing moids view women as private property. You think you find a decent one, but it ALWAYS comes out.

Once you know what gets under a moids' skin, such as the male suicide rate, male pattern baldness, muh male loneliness epidemic, or the tiny penis hand sign triggering Korean moids en masse - THEN you can take back control of the conversation, if you decide to engage, which might not always be advised. Yes, despite being edgelords, moids all have something that hurts their feelings.

On the one hand, moids love attention and need women to react to them to feel powerful. On the other hand, the audience reading moid stupidity against women should also read counter points to lessen the moids' chances at spreading ideas harmful to the female sex.

Moid psychology involves
- the drive for power,
- the need to debase or destroy a woman, physically, psychologically, emotionally, professionally, socially, etc. Via violence, deceit or manipulation, abusive words or actions, shaming, reputation ruining, etc.
- lust,
- and sadism
Often times these overlap. At their core, moids lack empathy and are satanic/psychopathic to varying degrees. Suggested reading: Why does he do that? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men, by Lundy Bancroft.

Learning strong counter arguments is key, as found in a thread on a different site if you type in a search engine, Official man hate thread. Remember, men project when they accuse women of things.

- Statistically, men are the cause of almost all violent crime, sexual deviance crimes, and wars being started. "They (women) voted for this" can be countered with "they (men) fought for this". Even the white feather campaign moids love to whine about was coordinated by a man.
- Moids are not loyal, with higher rates of cheating while married compared to women. Husbands divorce wives if wives get cancer, 6x higher than the reverse. Look up the PubMed study.
- Old male sperm contributes to higher autism rates in children, but all we hear is blaming women for delaying childbirth.
- The only reason men invented more than women, is that women were barred from schools and occupations which were deemed "mens spaces" for almost all of history. Yet womens spaces like changing rooms and bathrooms are being invaded by sex pest men, as "revenge" for daring to want rights to education and the workplace. While the supposedly non-sex pest men do nothing or cheer. Plus many women who contributed greatly to academic achievements and inventions, had their credit to go to a moid.
- Men go on about being protectors, berate women for not wanting families, yet moids are more likely than women to be family annihilators. Even in true crime video comment sections, so called regular men are making excuses blaming the woman victim for "pushing" him to do such barbaric acts. The moids that women know and trust are statistically often the ones that do horrible things to their gf/wife.

I could go on, but that's the gist of how to not be as affected emotionally by anti-woman moids. Theyre scum.

Anonymous 115492


Remember that most moids are retarded, anf Incel spergs are most redarded of all

Anonymous 115899

I read a post in 4chan where this guy was obsessed with this girl online. And she did a nip slip on stream once by accident, after that some guys said since she has dark nipples and not pink ones that she's trash and they're moving on from her.

They worshipped everything about her until they saw the color of her nipple, if that doesn't scream nicely enough to you then I don't know what does. No girl is ever perfect and 4chan men are forever making themselves lonely.

Anonymous 115917

That's just being them in the opposite direction. Humanity is flawed.

Anonymous 115918

Very relatable. Even though I know what they're saying is bs it still affects me and I know for sure that spending too much time on 4chan did influence my views at some point. Personally ai don't think that it's possible to be completely indifferent to it when spending too much time there (if you're not there only just to troll that is).
Just stop spending time on there, whenever you get the urge come here instead and surround yourself only by positive, women-respecting men both irl and online. The thinking-patterns of the incels on 4chan don't reflect the opinion most men irl have. Plus 4chan moids are literally the outcasts and you'd never want to catch the attention of a moid who subscribes to these types of views.

Anonymous 115919

This is so sad it's almost funny. Luckily they outed themselves and she can go on with her life even though the circumstances weren't ideal. Hope those guys keep staying bitter for ever, without ever realizing their failure is self inflicted, it's kinda funny to watch.

Anonymous 115926

True retardation, she isn't really saying anything shitty about men, she's just hashing out common studies anyone can Google. It's not evil to want to protect yourself from men who have caused so much pain historically. Women aren't out here committing targeted attacks against men. Most just want to be safe.

Ironic because they supposedly worship Asian women, yet hate brown nipples…make it make sense.

Anonymous 115955

And you think they don't have stats and studies against women? Keep yourself safe of course, but this stuff just poisons your mind.

Anonymous 115989

It's actually all true what you say.. Not going to explicitly say why, but you got it..
Tbh there is no escape, no fixing it. It's consubstantial to being born male.
We need mass nuclear annihilation.
At last! Peace on earth!

Anonymous 115990

>especially western women
something about this part of this post makes it feel like it was written by one of those weird wmaf fetishists who gets off on out-of-touch fantasies about white women seething over white men "preferring" (being able to get access to only) asian pussy

Anonymous 115992

ye as if white women cant get her pick of any race these days while white men are getting their shit pushed in not able to find a job, too busy jerking it while wasting away lmao

Anonymous 116010

I mean do the common arguments apply to you personally? Most hatred is directed towards stereotypes, if the stereotype doesn't apply to you then neither do the complaints about it.

Anonymous 116104

This advice is literally saving my life right now thank you.

Anonymous 116108

You have it backwards. Most stereotypes are directed towards hate. People hate first, then create stereotypes, to retroactively justify their hate.

Anonymous 116172

Why would you take anything on 4chan seriously? Genuine question.

Anonymous 116183

I bet there are ways to cope with it but avoiding those communities is a good idea too. These days I pretty much only use 4chan for a thread or two on /vg/ and occasionally checking in on 1-2 other boards, but other than that the site might aswell be dead to me
Not her, but even if you are aware it's not to be taken seriously, it does affect you over time, if you hear it over and over again.
Hell, I sometimes forget that the the consensus on social issues that I encounter online doesn't remotely represent what people in the real world think.
Anyways, here's a nice semi-related vid

Anonymous 116187

>Ironic because they supposedly worship Asian women, yet hate brown nipples…make it make sense.
Nipple bleaching is a thing in japan and 4chan is a weeb website. So there is some obscure logic to it

Anonymous 116334

which is based

Anonymous 116335

oh they do. But it's mostly misinformation. if they start the conversation with stats we have the ammunition to shut them up if that's the only input they take. Also don't forget to call them fags or anything to do with getting cucked, it makes them seethe.
Ideally you wouldn't get involved but that just makes it more bleak for people that don't know. We should have some opposing force to retardation.

Anonymous 116577

You need to understand that sites 4chan show the worse in the male population. While are majority of men are all sexists pos most of their misogyny is not as extreme as you see on sites like 4chan. Take a break from the internet.

Anonymous 116598

i browsed r9k for a year straight after being bullied by a couple normies i think i have to kill myself now but i dont want to die

Anonymous 116695

When they get angry and say those things, it's projection. If they were happy and winning, they wouldn't be saying those things online.

Anonymous 119809

You should not be taking the things people say online so seriously, especially the things people say on 4chan, and ESPECIALLY not the things men on 4chan say about women. These are the types of people to avoid.

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