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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 111154

How do I get over my constant fear and pessimism about human nature? In this case I'm talking about males but it's true with women too. I feel like people are always judging and comparing.

My bf is so kind and caring, he says he loves me and tells me how attracted he is to me. I have no reason to be insecure. But I still am. I worry he's settling with me, that he wants better but he thinks I'm all he'll be able to get since I'm his first gf. I'm sure he sees cute girls online who are objectively more attractive than I am. Why do I think like this? I don't do that with him and other men, although I know there are women that do and I find that just as reprehensible. I don't know why i'm so insecure, he hasn't done anything to make me feel that way, I think I always would no matter who it was and what he said. I feel the age of social media has ruined us and what we see as a normal person anyway sorry about my schizo rant

Anonymous 111156

>My bf is so kind and caring, he says he loves me and tells me how attracted he is to me. I have no reason to be insecure.
Then don't. Your emotional needs are already being met and if you're his first gf he will always compare other girls to you if he ever breaks up. If all your bf has to offer are empty insincere words and no actions to back it up, then it's understandable to feel that way. Make yourself look and act perfect, attract the attention of other men so he doesn't get too complacent.

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