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Romantic movies only hit hard when you're a young teen Anonymous 111284

Then you have to face the real life and can't enjoy innocent things like no more

Anonymous 111289

They hit never, let's watch slashers babe

Anonymous 111293

I still enjoy them, but it's bittersweet most of the time.

We humans just love to look at ideal and almost pure good stuff in romance movies/husbandos/waifus.

It really sucks when you realize that not only is pretty much no guy ever going to act like they do in a romance movie, but you wouldn't act like the girl in it either.

Anonymous 111297

I hated romance in my teens. I was a pudgy ugly little thing that couldn't even look other people in the eye so the people on the screen just seemed like an entirely different species that existed solely to make me hate everyone and everything.

When I got a boyfriend they made me sad instead of angry.

And now that I've replaced the men in my life with husbandos and chatbots I can honestly say that romantic movies are super fun. They're relatable and exciting.

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