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Why are normies like this Anonymous 111375

How you go from being married with children to meeting a 20 years younger girl one day and dating her 2 weeks later and already fucking her then getting a divorce months later. How do you go from meeting a moid then becoming a homewrecker weeks later after pretending to care if he is married or not. It's so shitty to do it to another woman. And how you can fuck a literal stranger… Hypersexuality? Pickmism?

Anonymous 111376

homewrecker sluts are stupid and think the married scrote actually loves them more than he loves his wife (spoiler: he loves neither). scrotes think they are owed fresh brand new pussy daily for existing as male. recipe for disaster.

Anonymous 111378>>111380>>111383>>111398

if i were married and my husband did this to me i think i'd leave the kids with him so he doesn't get to enjoy abandoning me and his gf leaves him while i run off to an island somewhere

Anonymous 111380>>111382

interesting perspective. because I always see women being like "oh I'd definitely take the kids with me"

Anonymous 111382

lol fuck that

Anonymous 111383>>111384

Not sure about this. The way i see it, there's at least 4 scenarios:

Scenario A: You take the kids with you
A1. You try to make the kids hate the dad for abandoning you all for some random woman. it works and the kids grow up to hate their dad and the dad either cares or he doesn't.

A2. The kids don't give a shit and love the dad more because he left them so they're desperate for his attention. they also warm up to the stepmom and the only one left seething is you because everyone loves dad. the dad either cares or he doesn't.

Scenario B: you ditch the kids with dad
B1. The dad, stepmom, and kids become a happy family and they never even think of you. You either never come back so you don't know or care about this or you do come back eventually but will learn that your kids hate you and want nothing to do with you.

B2. Kids get stuck with dad. The mistress either stays and has a family or she leaves him. The kids hate the dad for being a shit parent (unless he does a 180) but probably also hate you too for leaving them with him. If the mistress stays maybe the kids hate her and the dad while missing/hating you for leaving.

I think I would leave but only if there were a way for me to not pay child support. I also think it depends on how old the kids I'm leaving are.

Anonymous 111384

You've framed everything in terms of who the kids hate. If you're running off, why give a shit? They're his problem now. Especially if you have young kids. You think some useless moid who runs off having affairs is gonna start changing diapers or taking them to school everyday while managing all the household chores and finances? It's stupid to first let yourself get cheated on by some shitty moid and then to let him throw all the fall-out to you. He can take the burden and be miserable. The way I see it there is one scenario:
1. The dad who expected to have fun with his new mistress now has to take on all of the shit you no longer manage. He tries to shift responsibility to the whore (let's be real, they all do) and she nopes out leaving him sexless and stuck. You run off to Maui and forget about him, his kids, and whores. You are now a free woman.

Anonymous 111395

First toddler kids from first wife he left with her then rum away with a 10 years younger porny bimbo then second wife's kid he got to stay with him after he left her for 20 years younger pickme who seems really proud of herself

Anonymous 111398

In an ideal world the stepmom wouldn't try to murder your children or make their lives hell. But dumping the kids on him is the only way scrotes can learn not to cheat, and the kids grow up less fucked up if they only have their father as opposed to only their mother.

Anonymous 111407

This happened to my great aunt. She was infertile though and that’s why he left her. But he would go on business trips for ten years with her all the while he had a secret family with a younger woman who had his child.
He still stuck with my great aunt because she made big bucks and she’d give him an allowance which he spent on his 2nd family

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