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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Guy Anonymous 111513

For a year now I have had a crush on someone online, I have been with him for approximately 2 years and I have felt very alone because I don't know how to properly deal with this problem. First problem It's just that I'm younger than him and that puts me at extreme disadvantages, He can find a girl, although he has told me that he is not interested, I still think that does not guarantee anything. I have to constantly take care of everything I do because my mother has me hanging with a strapWhen she was young, she suffered a lot because of men and I didn't think I was capable enough.Apart from the fact that he got very upset when he found one of my writings about what I was thinking at that time and I was very afraid.If someone asks, I have seen his face, and of course in the image search engine so as not to be scammed by a Pinterest image. I feel like he is the brother I will never have but that thought seems worrying to me. and it gives me chills.

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