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Methodical approaches to making friends Anonymous 111668

i've basically struggled with finding friends my entire life. pardon me because this post isn't going to be the most well written, but i thought there should be a thread for actually building a social life. imageboards and the internet are fun, but i am slowly coming to the point in my life that online social media isn't really fulfilling enough. i still think there's an important purpose to it, but i thought that people who have bad social skills or are not intuitively good at making friends should have a place to seek guidance or feedback.
anyways, here are my ideas and why i thought they'd be good. keep in mind i don't have friends yet, so any input or things to add are welcome:
> multiplayer gaming
if someone is into the same games as you, that gives you an opportunity to bond over a shared experience, utilizing both teamwork and competitive activity.
> the library/meet up/volunteering events
this could be good for ensuring theres shared interests between people, making it so you're likely to have shared values and things to talk about. it also is community-oriented, which could mean that there's a "broader purpose" to any potential friendships overall.
> conventions
this one im not too sure of since i dislike crowded places, but conventions good be a good way of finding like minded people.

any other thoughts or ideas?

Anonymous 111669

Those are pretty good, align with the put yourself out there mentality.

I would say that as everyone in general seems to feel more lonely and remote work broke even more some of those precious relationships with strangers, it might be worth paying up a presential course of something that interests you to meet kindred spirits.

It's like meet ups, but you will be going there for longer to bond and arguably make a good use of your time too as you learn something new.

I would also suggest trying to talk with your neighbors if you don't, even if it's forced and cold at the start building a rapport with people who already are close to you might go to good and unexpected ways. This one depends on where you live and all that though

Anonymous 111672

Not to derail your thread, but I've been alone so long that I'm completely unable to bond with others, no matter how much effort the other party puts in. They'll always feel like a stranger to me.

Anonymous 111823

I don’t really want friends. My experience has been that they will use you for entertainment even if at your expense, or they only keep in contact with you because they want something from you and aren’t interested in being a real friend. I’m content to be alone mostly, so it doesn’t bother me. I’d be open to friendship built on sharing ideas or experiences together, or having a kindred soul to share things with, but there are too many sociopaths and users for me to want to look for friends actively. If I happen to meet someone who is independent, functional, not a drug addict/poor/lazy/idiot, and we have some things in common or good discussions, I would be open to friendship. I’m content to focus on other things for now though.

Anonymous 111861

how do i enroll in a presential course? i always thought taking an in person class for something would be a great way to find new people but i'm unsure how to go about doing it and what's the most "popular" way. i see some workshops being offered by my local library but it seems to be for kids or elders.

Anonymous 111866

Depends on where you are but you can try asking in the library for other sort of events? Maybe they can guide you, being a cultural institution and all that.

And if not the meet up idea is fine too, if you go regularly you might achieve the same.

Anonymous 111896

yes lets autismify friend making

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